I don't mean to sound like a faggot, but I'm pretty curious to know where you guys allign politically...

I don't mean to sound like a faggot, but I'm pretty curious to know where you guys allign politically. So I have a few questions.

>Are you left wing or right wing?
>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?
>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?
>How do you feel about immigration?
>How do you feel about abortion?
>How do you feel about demographics?
>What political system do you think would work best?
>What would a perfect society look like to you?
>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?
>Views on police, the troops, etc.?
>And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?

I thought this would make for an interesting discussion.


>How do you feel
Everyone on this board is well aware that feelings in Politics are irrelevant. Ask us what we think.

>Are you left wing or right wing?

None, politics are useless and for feeble minded people.

>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?

Meh, I guess libertarian

>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?

I consider myself a nihilist, but meh

>How do you feel about immigration?

As long as you're here legally, I don't care.

>How do you feel about abortion?

Less people? Yes please, we don't need more useless sheep.

>How do you feel about demographics?

I don't care.

>What political system do you think would work best?

Any works as long as we don't have some retarded loud mouth in office.

>What would a perfect society look like to you?

Smarter people, less foaming-mouth assclowns.

>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?

Meh, they're trying to change things for the better, good for them i guess

>Views on police, the troops, etc.?

Professions that only brainless meatheads can pursue

>And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?

I live Canada, I couldnt care less about the US



Gee I wonder who could be behind this post.

le 200IQ

>Are you left wing or right wing?

>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?
Very libertarian

>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?
Slightly traditionalist leaning

>How do you feel about immigration?
S h u t T h e B o r d e r s
>How do you feel about abortion?
Fine for a 1 and a half/2 months into the pregnancy

>How do you feel about demographics?

>What political system do you think would work best?
National Libertarianism

>What would a perfect society look like to you?
To tired to write out a proper description

>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?
We are on/pol/ isn't this obvious?

>Views on police, the troops, etc.?
Good guys. We don't have enough of 'em

>And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?
Sweden. This should be self-explanitory

This is my result from a test I did a few months back.
I would consider myself slightly more right wing than left wing.
I like both ideas of liberitarians and authoritarians but if I was able to chose I'd live under a strong competant authoritarian leader that wielded most of the power.
I consider myself more of a traditionalist.
Immigration should be restricted so that it doesn't threaten our national identity, wellfare or safty.
Abortion should only be available in the very early stages of pregnancy.
I can't know for sure but I would want to say Nationalsocialism
I think the social justice movement must be crushed and removed from our society, it breeds degeneracy and decays whatever state they reside in.
My views on police and troops are nothing but positive, I think they are doing a great job and should be commended for it.

What worries me most in Sweden right now is the insane immigration policy and terrible integration. Also the media propaganda with their stronghold on the swedish people and most importantly the PC culture that plagues us as of right now.
Maybe you don't notice it as much from the outside but luckily there is far more backlash against all this than ever before, it's not too late.

Anti liberal ethnonationalist.
culturally relevant traditionalist
no immigration, abortion should be avoided.
countries should be homogenous, very small ethnic group allowed to exist within borders.feminism is divide and conquer, blm and antifa should be jailed.
police and troops are good if the edifice of a society is good.
Demographics and rotten pro-marxist culture worry me the most.
ideal future would be a traditional homogenous sustainable culture that reveres nature and the nation, but isnt chauvinistic.
borders closed, and a good mix of personal freedom and collectivism.
too much prosperity should be avoided to keep the population keen and not lazy.

>Are you left wing or right wing?
>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?
I have some sympathies for libertarianism and a system based around it could work, but I'm more of an authoritarian myself.
>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?
>How do you feel about immigration?
Fine if they do it legally and they have to go back if they disrespect our laws or culture.
>How do you feel about abortion?
Against it.
>How do you feel about demographics?
We're in deep shit right now.
>What political system do you think would work best?
There is no "ultimate" political system, especially on a world-wide scale. Constitutional Monarchy with a Constitution based on the US, would be the most ideal one, Authoritarian Capitalism would be the realistic one.
>What would a perfect society look like to you?
Christian Utopia, but a perfect society is not achievable in this world, we should strive to get the very best and not compromise on moral issues though.
>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?
Feminism and Antifa are absolute cancer, BLM is somewhat understandable but they are just useful idiots who are shooting themselves in their legs.
>Views on police, the troops, etc.?
Both are underfunded here, but haven't had any negative experience with either. We either have to strenghten our army or start teaching our civilians how to shoot though.
>And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?
US: you are still a kike puppet, Hungary: young people are mostly degenerates lacking any morality, our demographics are a disaster and the EU looks more and more terrifying.

>right wing
>immigration only for culturally close countries
>Abortion should be a crime and women who does that should be sterilized.
>It depends on the country. The best political system for Brazil would be the return of the parliamentary monarchy which was the best period we ever had but right now the people is retarded and we would need to educate an entire generation first. A millitary goverment like the one we had in 1964 would do the job, but focusing on the literacy and education and expelling the commies and the jew media from that environment.
>A perfect society would be with educated and nationalist people preserving their culture (and race).
>Social justice movements are cancer and they all should be arrested for disturbing the social order.
>Police and army are our friends
> in a scale of 0-10, my hope for Brazil would be -3 but I will still fight for this shithole.

>links pic of rick
>acting so cool
>humanity so cancer
>no care what so ever

Wow u so cool

>Are you left wing or right wing?
>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?
Somewhere inbetween
>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?
>How do you feel about immigration?
Legal is fine but illegal aliens need to be deported asap.
>How do you feel about abortion?
If the baby is going to be born perfectly healthy it should be put up for adoption rather than aborted. Although I guess they can abort if they want as long as I(the taxpayer) am not paying for it.
>How do you feel about demographics?
Only important if you live in a Democracy or Republic. If you do that means it literally means everything.
>What political system do you think would work best?
>What would a perfect society look like to you?
Everyone gets along with the same religion and race.
>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?
Feminism is cancerous and extremely harmful to society as a whole. Black lives matter is stupid. Antifa is a terrorist organization similar to ISIS.
>Views on police, the troops, etc.?
Most police are good but there a few corrupt ones who need to be taken down. Troops are fine.
>And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?
The illegal alien problem with them sucking up the welfare and taking the jobs of the uneducated. I have personally seen them ruin the lives of dozens of people in my community.

>Are you left wing or right wing?
probably right

>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?
libertarian, not to an extreme but quite a bit

>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?
literally right in the center on this. i believe in balancing those two out. traditions make for strong values that enable sustainable progress.

>How do you feel about immigration?
can work if controlled STRICTLY. for a bad example see europe today.

>How do you feel about abortion?
allow it. the world is overpopulated anyways without retards reproducing en masse.

>How do you feel about demographics?
specification needed

>What political system do you think would work best?
its not the system, its the people running it. democracy can work fine, so can a dictatorship. there is a reason why it was an emergency mechanism in ancient rome. the problem is finding the right person for the job.

>What would a perfect society look like to you?
government-wise: ensure an absolute minimum of support structure/welfare state so that everyone can have a worthwhile existence, other than that, keep the gov as small as possible.
people-wise: educate your population. i think digital media allows us to reform education to a more individualistic system, catering to everyones strengths at their own pace. sadly that reform is still far away.

>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?
degeneracy born from decadence.

>Views on police, the troops, etc.?
necessary. id like to see some of the US military budget go into properly training their police officers though.

>And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?
honestly your political structure. you have a two party system where both are really the same and people vote out of habit with no regard to policy. the media is heavily partisan. choice is an illusion. people disregard reality. we have similar problems over here in germany.

>Are you left wing or right wing?
right wing
>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?
>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?
>How do you feel about immigration?
>How do you feel about abortion?
less degenerate babies = win
>How do you feel about demographics?
doesn't matter
>What political system do you think would work best?
>What would a perfect society look like to you?
unrestricted free trade without a government
>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?
modern feminism just screeches about nonexistent problems (muh wage gap), BLM fails to realize most blacks kill each other rather than by police, and antifa are fascist communists
>Views on police, the troops, etc.?
police are necessary, military is a waste of tax money
>And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?
excessive regulation causing monopolies

>Don't care where from as long as skilled
>Don't care
>Don't care
>Liberal Democracy
>Hypothetical, society will never be perfect.
>Don't care
>It's one big business
>Mass surveillance


>>How do you feel about abortion?
>Less people? Yes please, we don't need more useless sheep.
t. useless sheep who does not know the difference between "less" and "fewer"

>Are you left wing or right wing?
>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?
Just a mix, really.
>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?
>How do you feel about immigration?
Against mass immigration. Small-scale immigration is fine as long as the people learn the language, doesn't racemix and no forcing their culture upon the country.
>How do you feel about abortion?
Against it, unless the woman has been raped etc.
>How do you feel about demographics?
>What political system do you think would work best?
The hardest question I get, no answer.
>What would a perfect society look like to you?
One culture, one people, low poverty, strong police/military, fair laws and freedom.
>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?
Unnecessary groups that nag about problems that doesn't exist.

>Views on police, the troops, etc.?
Huge respect for police and veterans, something needed to uphold law and order within a country.
>And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?
Currently terrified of my people becoming a miniority in my own country.

t.I watched an episode of jew cuck fantasty realm


>left or right wing
"Right" wing I guess, I believe in voluntary economies which could include left-wing ideas in theory.
>libertarian or authoritarian
Governments are largely inefficient in providing goods and enforcing social ideas, so libertarian.
Not necessary, honestly it's usually a bad thing in the long run. Small doses are tolerable if in check with population demographics (i.e. if 3% of nation is of X descent, then a maximum of 3% of immigrants can be X). This applies for all nationalities/ethnicities.
Necessary in the case of known birth defects.
The more homogenous the better, this applies for all races.
>political system
as minimized as possible, with strong anti-corporatist policies and border protections.
>perfect society
For me? One where you can do what you want as long as it does not hurt anyone (including the society).
>social justice movements
Sometimes well-meaning, always failures.
>police, the troops
Cautious but usually supportive. No more foreign wars and militarized police.
>worries about the US
It will become even more owned by the banks and valid identities will be replaced by one devious form of collectivism or another.

Rate me out of ten?

It's basic grammar, the leaf has no excuse. However, an Irishman like you likely has no grasp of the English language which is especially pathetic.
>jew cuck fantasy realm
I only watched it for Stannis, the man that is still alive in those long-winded books.

Here I go

>Are you left wing or right wing?
Left wing

>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?
Libertarian all the way.

>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?

>How do you feel about immigration?
Massive uncontrollable immigration to another country is an issue, I do admit, but they all have causes that can easily be uprooted.
We can stop the Syrian Refugee Crisis by ending the Syrian War.

>How do you feel about abortion?
Hey man I really don't give a shit what you do with your child.

>How do you feel about demographics?
I think I understand what you're saying- imho the only demographic that matters in the long run is class. Idpol is dumb.

>What political system do you think would work best?
I'm a libertarian socialist, so I'm biased to that. Any anti-authoritarian socialist system is nice, though.

>What would a perfect society look like to you?
A libertarian socialist one. I would have once said a communist society but I don't think so anymore.

>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?
BLM and actual decent feminist movements has been infiltrated by liberals, corrupting them. Antifa is pretty okay but they may be on the losing side of a three way war (one that the nazis are losing too)

>Views on police, the troops, etc.?
Police need reformation and policing within the ranks. I've heard that police society is cancerous and snitching on someone is like the worst thing you can do- this isn't a good attitude, the police should NOT be above the law.
Troops are foot soldiers for imperialism. Anything resembling an army should be completely in self-defense and in the form of a militia.

> >And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?
Capitalism is falling apart in the U.S. and it's heading towards the biggest crash in recent times. It's already started- this explains the rise of extreme left + right ideologies. It's happening quick.

>Are you left wing or right wing?
I'm more centrist if anything. I agree with certain policies from both sides of the spectrum.

>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?
Libertarian. Fuck yeah.

>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?
Modernist, but I support some traditional values.

>How do you feel about immigration?
So long as the people immigrating hold similar values as me, I'm fine with them coming in.

>How do you feel about abortion?
I support it in some cases, but I don't in others. However, it is your DUTY to abort a child with major birth defects.

>How do you feel about demographics?
If the people hold the same values as I do, then they have the right to stay. The problem is that the majority of blacks for an example want a more authoritarian government, because most of them lack intelligence.

>What political system do you think would work best?
Libertarian capitalism.

>What would a perfect society look like to you?
A society that supports libertarian values while also wanting scientific progress.

>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?
They are the greatest obstacle to a libertarian society. They must be pacified fast.

>Views on police, the troops, etc.?
I generally view the police positively, as its not them who restrict people's rights, but the government who do so. Same with the troops. It's not the troops' fault that they have to fight wars for oil, but the government's.

>And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?
I fear that we are progressing to a Weimar Republic situation where Communists and Fascists kill each other on the streets. I fear that we have forgotten the idea of liberty.

>Are you left wing or right wing?
>Are you more libertarian or authoritarian?
Pretty libertarian, though I understand that some people can be pretty disgusting when left to their own devices.
>Would you consider yourself more of a traditionalist or a modernist?
>How do you feel about immigration?
Only let in people who understand the culture and are willing to work.
>How do you feel about abortion?
Strongly against it.
>How do you feel about demographics?
>What political system do you think would work best?
Constitutional republic
>What would a perfect society look like to you?
I don't have all the answers, but things would be better if people realized that wealth and pleasure aren't all that important.
>Views on social justice movements (feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.)?
"social justice" is a pretty broad subject, but the 3 movements you listed are very mislead.
>Views on police, the troops, etc.?
Necessary for maintaining peace.
>And what worries you the most about the state of the U.S. right now (or whichever country you live in)?
People around here just aren't thinking straight.

Eww, you like Antifa?