It's Thanksgiving today. What are you thankful for, Sup Forums?
It's Thanksgiving today. What are you thankful for, Sup Forums?
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Not a single fucking thing.
Not even your Japanese animes?
Alcohol and the concept of masturbation.
I invented those.
Thanksgiving was a month ago.
Canadafag pls
This topic doesn't feel like anime.
As if the mod knows about that.
Girls with dicks.
I'm thankful for Papi
I don't know, I'm not American. We don't even have turkeys here normally.
But I guess I am thankful for J.C.Staff and their great taste in picking theme song singers for their shows. Shana and Index had really good songs made for them.
What is even Thanksgiving about.
Thanksgiving is haram
Buttfucking the Indians
I'm thankful for not being American and not having to celebrate Thanksgiving.
I'm thankful for living in a shit country and getting cucked by it again. One of these days I'll kill myself.
>celebrating thanksgiving
are you americans or something lmao
I'm thankful I'm not an amerifat.
I wish I was American.
>Burgerland festivals
Are you me?
Which country user?
I am thankful for my waifu.
I'm thankful for our hardworking moderators and janitors.
That i'm not at work.
Fucking crybabies
Fucking yuropoors
You don't like alcohol and masturbating?
Fucking sissy faggot