Eastern Europe = Shithole

Doesn't European Europe essentially debunk Sup Forums's 'all white all right' theory? I mean objective facts surrounding these nations:

>GDP per capita (i.e. average income) lower than that of many Sub-Saharan African nations. SSA nations like Gabon, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Botswana, and Angola have higher GDP per capita than EE nations like Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Albania
>EE nations like Moldova, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria have a life expectancy lower than that of mestizo and black nations like Costa Rica, Bahamas, Jamaica, Mexico, Chile, and more
>EE nations like Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia are more dangerous than Black African nations like Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Sierra Leone


I mean isn't 'muh whiteness' pretty much null & void when you're living in squalid 3rd world-tier conditions worse than some Black and Mestizo nations in many aspects?

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>1 post by this ID
fuck off.

While the West has had over 70 years to accumulate private capital since WWII, Eastern Europe only has had 25 years. You also have to take into account the economic aid the Western Europe received almost immediately after the war through the Marshal plan from America. Eastern Europe only started getting reasonable amounts of aid relevant to the real economy after 2004, when it joined the EU and other international organizations.

I would say we've done pretty well, given our situation in the post-Industrial world, where there already are established centers of manufacturing in the West and Asia, so there wasn't anything like the post-War manufacture boom here like in the West.

90% of factories during the Soviet occupation were for the Soviet defense industry that had little to no effect on consumer living standards and the real economy. After the collapse of the USSR all of these factories became obsolete, and with already established manufacturing centers in the West they wouldn't be able to compete anyway, even if they were converted to produce consumer products.

For more on this please read deepbaltic.com/2017/06/20/gatis-krumins-soviet-investment-baltics-latvia/

I also want to say that not all of Eastern Europe is bad. Some nations in EE seem quite beautiful (e.g. Croatia and Albania) and cities like Odessa and Varna seem very beautiful as well.

However it's not going to change the fact that EE is a collection of developing nations worse than many non-whites.

>collectivising anything

I wonder how well off we would be without Russia's interference...

>After a heavy night of drinking paint thinner, Boris wakes up naked, disoriented and covered in vomit inside someone else's bathtub

You made them that way. You and your Jew run government...

I wonder how Russia would be without European interference. You faggots have nothing better to do than start wars with it. Now you objectively are getting destroyed by mass migration.

>I wonder how Russia would be without European interference.
Not very well, if not for the Baltic German nobility and Peter The Great's attempts to make Russia more European, I doubt they would even have literacy now.

>map about the literacy levels

You'd be exterminated thanks to the Germans. A waste of resources and lives protecting the ungrateful baltniggers.

>inb4 le 56% face from the butthurt belt

You're contradicting your own point with that image. Since it's dated after the "illuminated" influence of the German "nobility"...

If anyone was backwards it Europe, when you faggots stopped bathing following forced Christianization and extermination of European culture and its replacement with a Jewish religion.

You hate Russians because they defeated the Khazar Jews; that's why ya'll ass sore...



Redpill: Listen up suppurate twat. You lefstist have no knowledge of history or politics whatsoever.

Ukraine: robbed by Russia, ruled by kikes.
Albania: NOT WHITE and I mean it. Check what they look like, ignorant.
Moldova: messed up by wars, raids. Recovering.
Southern neighbours dont make it easy for such tiny country.
Serbia: ridden with sand-mountain niggers (georgians, chechens) and other muslim trash.
Also had long period of wars. Country is still in ruins from that wars, so recovering.

Eastern Europe may be poor but its way safer to live there than a diversified west

t. alberto barbosa

I get it, you're some edgy naysayer just trying to offend peoples nationalist feelings online, because you stand for nothing and don't have an identity yourself.

Well, you shoulnd't fall for Judeo-Russian memes like Generalplan Ost and claim we were saved from some German genocide, while the Russian's were the ones genociding us.

Russia started this shit in 1940, before the war with the Germans. So to claim it was Nazi payback would be wrong.



pick one

Ukraine is Russia faggot. But Russia is generous, they will let Poland and whoever else have a piece. Because who cares, soon enough, all under the sun will be Russia.

Posting that image only proves OP's point. Everything in that picture was built by Venetians, not Eastern European scum. Why didn't you post pictures of a Croatian built city in Croatia? Looks like a typical Eastern European shithole

post more jew propaganda faggot.

>I mean isn't 'muh whiteness' pretty much null & void when you're living in squalid 3rd world-tier

hi nigga, how is your ghetto today?

>be Slav
>live in the worst possible piece of land on the planet
>raided 24/7 for millennia by vikings from the north, mongols from the east and Ottomans from the south
>almost get wiped out entirely on several occasions
>spent 500 years in a permanent state of war with Ottomans, just trying to stay alive
>followed immediately by foreign occupation, and then a century of bolshevik communism
>meanwhile the west sitting comfortably on their asses, advancing in science and technology and calling us subhumans
>still manage to preserve our culture, heritage and ethnic makeup
>end up conquering all of east Europe and most of the Asian continent
>today ~40% of European landmass belongs to Slavs
>the largest country in the world belongs to Slavs
And then a western soyboy shows up on Sup Forums and tells me how shitty our countries are.
But a hundred years from now, our people and our countries will still exist, as shitty as they might be, and yours won't.
>mfw a westcuck tells me Slavs are subhumans
History will decide.

Jewish communism is a meme in the context of WW2. Stalin purged all Jews from high positions in 1937. Most of the crimes against European peoples were done after 1937, during and after WW2.

Dude, your "country" has always been little more than colonization land for the Germans and Russians. Germans were building impressive cities in your swamp lands for themselves. I mean I get it, I would be butthurt too if I was born into a failure of a nation that most Americans don't even know exists. If the Germans or Russians finished the job when they had the chance little would change in the world. Go munch on your potato baltnigger.

I hate this place guys...

relax dude, is just another Sup Forums shitpost by a shithead

They were prosperous in commie times.

Pale of Settlement. The world's biggest population of jews for centuries. Poverty and suffering is what expect you if you don't get rid of your jews.

Can confirm eastern europe sucks.

>Dude, your "country" has always been little more than colonization land for the Germans and Russians.
Germans, Swedes, Poles and Russians have claimed ownership of this land for 800 years. But our language, culture and identity only became threatened after WW2, we got through it.

Its pretty autistic to judge a territory by lines on historic maps, they never reflect the actual populations and ethnicities that remain dominating regardless under which flag they exist.

The historic boarders of Terra Mariana (Latvia & Estonia) have not changed for almost 800 years. Can any other territory and peoples claim the same longevity?


red pilling intensifies
woah croat boi chill, just fuck them lol

How about saying something about IQ ?



serbia stronk


Life is better here than in the SJW-crazed West, m8. There's more to life than money.

>Southern Slavs

>built by Venetians,
2.2/10, you tried.

>you tried
So did the Italians who built your coastal cities.
The only people who didn't try are subhuman Croats

nobody cares about your opinion kike

>things that never happened

Eastern Europe is proof that nobody is safe from Communism. It has nothing to do with race.

We're not "white". Get your fucking facts straight.

Also why'd you include intentional homicide rate? We're pretty fucking low there.

And also you're lumping in completely different regions for no reason whatsoever. That's like me lumping in USA with Canada, Mexico and shit for a statistic. The Balkans are different from central Europe, which is different from Russia and its surrounding lands.

>I also want to say that not all of Eastern Europe is bad. Some nations in EE seem quite beautiful (e.g. Croatia and Albania) and cities like Odessa and Varna seem very beautiful as well.

You're positively fucking retarded, Albania is the biggest shithole in the whole place. Varna is a beautiful city, sure, but Sofia is the rich part of our country and everything else (including Varna) is half that.

You're basing your shit off zero knowledge.

>that EE is a collection

It's not.

niggers of europe. open borders was a mistake. Eastern europeans rob our homes and just drive a few miles over the border and dissapear.

It's a simplification.

And you establish companies with unlimited capital from your banks on your rates, drive out the local business and then pay us minimum wages while raking in record profit and swapping profits, losses and tax with your home country until you pay 0 tax here, effectively robbing us of significantly more.

Your point being?

Russia has always had a problem with open sea access. Still think it is really sad they where taken over by commies. They had so much potential.

Slavs are badass as fuck, literally prove that evolution does pick out the strongest to survive.

I have no doubt that even if Western civilization falls, the Slavs will rise from the ashes, squat over the corpses of the E*ros who called them subhuman and rebuild Europa to her former glory.


LOL literally african shithole in the middle of europe

east europe is far better then any non western country

>1 post by this ID
fuck off.

They're about the equivalent of South America or the Middle East. The Middle East is in the middle of 5 different wars. The only region that Eastern Europe can confidently be on top of is Sub-Saharan Africa.

Eastern Asia is far better IMO.

Pay your debnts.

Shut up kike

>Eastern Asia is far better IMO.

It's always fun to watch Americans confidently comment on shit they have no idea of

>Still think it is really sad they where taken over by commies. They had so much potential.
agreed, all the good parts about Russia were there before the commies

what a surprise, grigor dimitrov over here doesn't like capitalism. then blames semi-capitalist countries on his own shithole's failures. when has bulgaria or eastern europe ever been a leader at anything? why so few entrepreneurs, such a lack of ambition coming from the balkans... must be because of everyone else! that type of faggot thinking doesn't get you anywhere

slavs would "rebuild" it into Russia. a dystopian landscape full of drunks and nihilism