Shut the fuck up, mohammed

>shut the fuck up, mohammed

>dumb yuropoor are you jealous that you dont have weapons? haha

Looks Finnish.

where'd ya get this here picher a' me, ya fuckin' LEAF????

100% anglo-germanic ancestry itt

this is 100% a legit thread


literally every single racist ive seen or heard in life has been the ugliest mong-looking fucker, its obviously not a coincidence

Yeah you can’t lead with this bait my friend the mutts won’t respond to this now

They know they get BTFO if they try and compete with educated countries in the EU and of course Canada


That's what I thought

amerimutts are not human

>the left doesn't how to me-

>tfw when amerimutts have always been real

That's why this meme ain't forced

I can't stop noticing let 56% face irl

Someone wake me up from this nightmare

W-were white!

In scientific circles its called "Haplogroup N"

Literally completely foreign to all of europe.


That looks like a Russian


Wtf is admirable about Canada.

Ur dad



its the you just know face, same with mexicans and canadians, they arent pure.

I work at a party business and all I see are mutts. Wake me up, user, please I want to go back to Ireland.

Lmao this is really an american face


I'm surprised this image isn't as popular. I enjoy it very much

With Finns, you Win!


>das rite