overwhelming urges to be a sissy, cross dress, be a homo, bottom/sub, do BDSM etc

> overwhelming urges to be a sissy, cross dress, be a homo, bottom/sub, do BDSM etc
> disgusted with myself
> want to kill all the gays and then an hero
Why. The human body is not meant for these things, but I still have these urges. Did I get brainwashed at university? Is there something in the water? Are some people just born gay?

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Stop being a porn addict. Exhaust yourself with physical activity to get over it initially.

I think it's called "being a Canadian."

You're a beta male, user

Go for it! We live in the greatest country in the world! PRaise Allah!


Lift weights. Consume animal fat.

Eat raw onions.

At least one per day.

Maybe it's a protective mechanism against woman rape; look Swedish male.

Quit being such a defeatist. Sissies are the ultimate defeatists, it's like defeatism personified.

Also stop watching porn. That's literally it.

You just want to live life on easy mode as a """"""""""""woman""""""""""".


I don't watch porn. I've tried to cut out all the various -Jews, but it still doesn't seem to help.
> no sugar
> no alcohol
> no porn
> nofap
> no fast food
> no mattress (sleep on the floor)
> no TV
> no social media
> no vidya
> take vitamin supplements everyday
> try to take coldish showers
I just browse Sup Forums and try to read philosophy and go to mass and work stare out the window. I've tried lifting, but I'm a 5'9 manlet and have more or less resigned myself to being a beta male. My dad is a beta-ish male, but my brother is a chad. I have a few friends I talk to, but I'm not a social magnet by any means. I seem to be part of the 80% of guys that girls more or less ignore, and it feels incredibly degrading to try to contort myself into something I'm not.

ffs, I just want to be left alone with my books.

Feed the right Wolf by staying celibate, and giving up on porn.

Quit internet for a month or 3 retard

this is the latest subversive jew pedo synagogue of satan one liner to distract from closeted pedos and jew faggots. get the fuck over it, satanic frog bitch

>muh divine pussies!
>muh "religions" headed by females! which is completely unbiblical!


I’m in a similar boat as you, OP. I think many people have shameful fantasies like that - it is probably a symptom of how weird and deviant our society is, especially when it comes to sex. I find that my sexuality becomes more perverted, the more I indulge it by fapping. Maybe try taking a break until you begin to find normal women attractive?

Also, try to think of your fetish as something separate from you that does not define you. Like some kind of brain worm that resides in your head. That way, you can distance yourself from it and hate yourself less for having it.

Give up porn for a month then see how you feel

Just fuck guys and get it out of your system its fine goy I'm gay and my aids isnt even detectable

>no mattress
What autistic retard from pol told you sleeping on a mattress is a bad idea?

>stop watching porn
>stop watching televised jew
>stop browsing 4chinz
>stop using social media
>eat healthy, no processed shit
>don't fap, only sex. if you can't, fap once a week
>meditate, balance your sexual center, clear your mind of all perversion
>aim for higher ideals instead of petty hedonism

Yup. Quit internet and Ffs get a mattress. And if you're gay, you're gay. You're allowed to be.

BDSM is great.

I love creating experiences for my good girl.

I appreciate it. I've indulged my degeneracy in the past, but now I'm really working to try to starve that portion of myself. I haven't really found women attractive since 8th grade. I've tried to have romantic relationships with girls in the past, but it's like I'm emotionally broken and can't connect with them. A bunch of guys from work went to the strippers one time and I was bored as hell. I paid for a lap dance so they wouldn't think I was gay, but I didn't even enjoy it. No boner, and I just ended up talking with her.
I think I've only watched porn ~twice in the past month, and it was straight or solo female.
Thanks roach-bro, but none of this seems to be working.
> Mattress shills itt
Even if I'm gay, I despise faggots and want them all to get back in the closet.

Eat tons of onions and bathe in cinimon and olive oil.

I cross dress and have a feminine personality but I am for the most part straight.

Most guys are turn offs.

There are some attractive androgynous people but thats it.

>encourage masturbation as harmless
>produce increasingly deviant porn
>encourage marijuana consumpion
>goyim begin to suffer from autogyno
>encourage "feminism" that "accepts" fags, encourages whorish behavior
>fertility rates drop as women reject non traditional masculine males, seek casual sex over fertile relationships
>use low fertility rate as justification for mass importation of non white males

5’9” manlet? When will this meme end? I’m a 5’6” manlet and yet I still have a fiancé and a house. Height isn’t an excuse to stop trying, user.

buzzfeed soyboys testosterone checked in at 200-300

I'm above 1500.

Suck it nerds

And you turn into stronk leader.

I don't smoke weed or fap or anything like that. Read the thread.
Bully for you. I've wanted to kill myself almost every day since I was ~13, and I'm 22 now.

>top ten reasons to sleep on the floor
>no monsters
>no falling on the floor
Dude come on

Well, I wish you the best Leaf. I hope you find a way to at least find peace with your height. Us shorter folk have a lot more to worry about than our unchangeable height. Godspeed.

try meditation. get to know yourself. observe your thoughts and feelings when fapping or having faggy thoughts. there's this state of being (I think it's called silent observer or some shit) where you observe yourself without interacting with your thoughts. don't judge them or try to stop them. just watch. they will lead you to the source

how old are you anyway? young men have this phase and it passes without turning into a faggot most of the time

I doubt your cute enough to be a sissy. You're probably a fully manlet who can't get pussy. You'll never be a real qt cock taking sissy like me

Eat a ton of onions and olive oil with cinimon in it.

You have a feminine brain inherited from your mothers. Its probably best that you kys.

Oh, I've already done that, and I concluded that it probably has something to do with my dad not being a big part of my life growing up (though he worked to provide) and my mom + the internet more or less raising me.
Why do you keep reposting this
Shoo, leaf.
k, brb.


You're a leaf. Also didn't deny your lack of attractiveness.
Kys like finn-kun said

I'm not playing your game.

What game? I make a cute girl boy, you don't. This is a fact

I like you for what you are.

subliminal programming

Porn is fucking with your kind man. Try to watch less of it and get a female partner to raise a family with. Resist degeneracy even if it means some unhappiness. That's life

Have you ever fucked a dog?

That's nice, and I hate me for what I am
I've thought about doing this. If my kids ever turned out like me though, I don't know if I could forgive myself.

Boypussy is just man ass unless it's on a girlyboy then it's boypussy

>no mattress (sleep on the floor)

Just wait and find out if you're really this way or not.

Get your hormone levels checked you stupid leaf.
That should have been the first thing you did.
Or just consider, introspectively, the logical impulses behind your degeneracy.
Being a faggot is literally nothing but downsides.

Shoo yourself you fat faggot
>Hur Durr women don't like me time to pound my pooper

Embrace your homosexual urges. That way your
dysgenic genes won't pass on to the next generation. Plus you won't need women to achieve sexual satisfaction. There is no pleasing them.

I'm a bit in a similar boat except for me it's a bbc obsession. For the past 2 weeks I've been exclusively fapping to interracial porn. It's ruining me, the other day Instead of sleeping I got horny and fapped until 3am.

Make it a bwc obsession and it'll be acceptable.

Based leaf

Bwc is a myth

Have you tried Pavlovian conditioning? I've got no special knowledge on this, but it seems that just training your brain to associate sexual stimulation with hot women would be a half-decent idea.

Traps are very depressed and so are trannies. They often off themselves. Don't do it man. Imagine how you feel now and imagine never being able to go back being a passable man. Being a freak everywhere you go. At least now you can hide it. People who go trans can't pass as female and can never go back to being male. It's 10x worst. In degenerate limbo. Can't undo that. Don't do it.

>mfw there was some closet fag a few miles from where I live who used to rape young dudes and then murder them so they wouldn't tell anyone he was a fag

Don't up like him.

Rare. Not a myth, just rare.

Stop listening to sissy hypnosis mp3s

I retract my statement

youre a mentally ill faggot,so turn into a mentally ill based gay man instead and help the cause,you pussy.

Watch reverse sissy hypno porn
Stop drinking so much milk

Unplug yourself from the internet entirely if you truly want to repent. I'm serious. It's your only hope. You've be jewed into wanting to be a faggot. This is possibly the most disgusting result you could have achieved in this life. You've be emasculated and castrated.
I wish you the best but I have to just say you're a complete fucking faggot.

Why no pooch screwing? It is the logical next step. You want to be free, no?

Unfortunately user, OP only wants to be a sissy and being attractive isn't a component of a sissy, just the women not liking you. That's why there's so many fat sissies. So OP, faggot he, can be a sissy without ruining anything. As if there was much to start with him.
Unlike OP I'm a qt boy and got blessed with sexy male genes so I can be like this for a long time

Filtered and goodbye
Well, I could be wrong, so let's consider the evidence
> persistent homosexual fantasies
> noticeable lack of arousal/interest in women
> lack of aggression/drive/intensity
> chronic depression/mental health issues
> low self esteem
I don't.
I won't.
I've never really been happy in relationships with women.
Ha, jokes on you I already got a vasectomy

John Wayne gacy?

just buy some stockings and panties and wear them under your normal clothes. that's what i do. it feels great

>Filtering the truth
Typical faggotry

>Did I get brainwashed at university?
>Is there something in the water?
>Are some people just born gay?

pic related is scorn not upset btw

>>Are some people born gay
Anime turned me gay, male/male romance was made to look more appealing than being a woman's wallet

truvada. doesnt work on gashes

Of course you have such feelings.

xq28 gene. androgenic factors bigger penis. epigenetic factors. who teaches people to suck on boobs like a baby? no other species does that into adulthood. only you

Like some user said, get your T levels checked. If they're low, it could be a cause

so you're 22, raised without a strong father figure, grew up in degeneracy of internet and have bad luck with women

look leafbro, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm a chad. women literally go crazy over me and I can have sex anytime I want and everyone laughs at my even most retarded jokes. the truth is none of these matter. not one single bit. do you know what kind of people are satisfied with such trivial stuff? those who can't go beyond their primitive urges, their tribalistic animal side

there's much more to life than these petty bullshit. none of these matter. fuck roasties, fuck normies, fuck society and fuck you. yes you heard it right. FUCK YOU. the part of you who's so retarded that you think all this bullshit matters and feel bad about it. do you know what you should care about? having a meaningful life, walking your own unique path resisting normalisation, uncovering the mysteries of life and seeking god

feeling like a little powerless defeatist faggot? good. now your journey starts. let's see where you can go from this point. it's all starts with a simple sincere choice

Usually I understand your rambling but not this time

il uomo italiano cerca dei dettagli e mette sua donna sotto ai piedi come fanno gli arabi. lui è mezzo maschio e mezzo feminile e tu li sai tutti questi cosi

Go back to plebbit if you want to be praised for your pathetic urges and not being called out.

My sides

I feel for you OP. All I can say from reading your posts ITT is that you're on the right track. I would second what other user's have said about leaving the internet for a bit, just to clear your head. Alternatively, try to find some mindless, non-degenerate timesink activities (i.e. hobbies) to occupy your thoughts. Remember, remain physically active at all costs, as the endorphins rush you'll get from doing so promotes emotional stability.

If all else fails, move to somewhere sunnier (the weather where you live is probably shit) and try to turn a new page in your life. Hope this helps.

Male/male love, romance, whatever you call it is more appealing in real life too. I’d be gay if I didn’t dislike dick.

weak lying cow. you never do. lose. and roll around on the floor
>what are tits

The only debased thing I feel the urge to do is impregnate black women.
I'll never seek it out, though. Such a lust based relationship would be no place to bring a child into.

ma perché hai fatto la caduta dell'uomo?

I'm the leaf who calls you the smartest guy in anti gay threads.

inyect testosterone

Try again with english, your italian would earn you a beating in some places.

Hey Nietzsche, great post by the way and I'm not sarcastic.

ok so stop crying all the time. you MADE an anti gay pro uncle tom thread like the rest of the masonic pussy worshipping kikes

>this coming from a leaf
More manly than you could ever hope.

I'm not OP click on ID.

non me ne frega. sei un negro. non dici mai quello che l'avevo sbagliato con nulla specificità. sei un porco maleducato. mezzo finocchio. e stai succhiando delle sessette e della minchia come un bimbo di tre mesi

whatever. im talking to you the ways im talking to you. for reasons

chill out with the pron and stop smoking weed bro