Why are young men dropping out of society?

Why are young men dropping out of society?

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Because we don't want to get milked like cows for our labor with nothing in return (i.e. no gf)

cuz society iz ghey

What reason do young men have to opt-in to (((society)))? There's no carrot on the end of the stick as it is.

this fucking thread again?

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.

what kind of question is this? You want to find a way to fix it or you just want to circlejerk about the electric jew?

not reading all of this

high risk low reward

what society

no pussy

Expectations are unreasonably high. Pic related.

Oh man I love reading shit like this, know where I can find more?

We're the 'beautiful ones' in the mouse utopia experiment.


Because we refuse to pay your debt off and choose not to create our own.

>tfw ten and a half centimeter dick
I made it. Later losers

because society has gone pretty fucking insane

>ridiculous wages
>life getting more expenisve wiht each passing year
>women have become such a bunch of sluts that consiering getting married and start a family is no longer possible because it is likely you're gonna get rekt at the end and giving the whoe moneys and probably losig your house
>feminsm and other bullcrap (this is more of a first world countries issue, ut still the cancer spreads to our messe dup places)

i suppose it's even far worse for whites because of all the imigration stuff, but since now my retarded government wants to look like the good guys they're considering helping centracas and taking in haitian niggers...exactly what we needed, a bunch of morons whose countries are far far worse than ours are now tken in because sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit the orange dud eis bad boyz dawgg sheeeeit (meanwhile trying to keep TPP faggotry alive even though it's dead)


(((They))) fucked up when they made the rules unfair but didn't offer any incentive to remain in the system or punishment to be outside of it. So now it's like everyone is playing a game of Monopoly over there, and crying because you're not playing but you're not playing because it's fucking Monopoly and it's boring and shit. Why opt in?

because you fucked it up
I'm gonna start a new society with beer and hookers

there's a great one where a wife of 20 years open a relationship and ends up losing her husband to boypussy within a week.

don't have it

Natural selection.

There is no place for weakness in this world.

Because I've realized societal collapse is incoming and there's nothing we can do about it, because our biological imperative is to consume everything in our environment, you can't have infinite growth on a finite planet. Worlds fucked, ride it out.

Because society has turned their backs on us and has nothing to offer for us.

so what do pol?

1 be a good goy work hard , marry roastie, have kids. she divorces , takes kids and money.
at least your blood line will continue
2. dont marry , play vidya , get high

seems like lose lose to me.....

Just because you are, doesn't mean everyone else it.

Because society is actually dominated by a matriarchy (standard leftist propaganda; accuse your adversary of exactly what you're doing) and men increasingly have less and less to gain from participating in an increasingly foreign society.

Just so we're all clear here though, the more disaffected and alienated young men are from the society they will be called on to defend and protect, the better. Disaffected young men are very often throughout history a potent force for political and social change.

Because if young men read books instead of playing video games they would develop social skills which would encourage them to be successful in their lives. But they didn't and as such they fail at their lives. Why should the real world take someone serious if they spend their time grinding for imaginary things instead of reading books.

Working your ass off to pay for welfare and benefits to people who bash you online every day and would gladly burn you alive for your skin color.
Woman using men and then then divorce raping their assets, fake accusations, career hamster wheel and lets not forget the hyper inflation "that isn't happening".

You know how most people don't really have a passion they chase, especially when they are young and dont have it quite figured out yet?
Society starts appreciating men, who came out on the other side and already excel at their craft.
I society's eyes men are worthless until proven otherwise.
It's completely natural that nowadays men gravitate towards solitude.

They aren't eating enough onions.

1. Learn a decent trade
2. Live a healthy, both physically and mentally, lifestyle
3. Save $$$, invest
4. Crack open cold ones with the boys on occasion
5.Pray things get better

Basically think MGTOW, but instead of spending your energy hating roasties on the internet you just go out and live life.

Every day until the collapse/.

I don't know. I think it started with crippling depression in the 3rd grade that went misdiagnosed for 10 years. Really nobody gives a fuck about anyone and you shouldn't either.

Why should I care about a culture that I have no interest in? Even if it technically owns me?

we don't want to be a part of this gayass socialist shitstorm

well put user thank you for this

>4inch dick

then you are a lazy sack of shit and add no value to anything in your life.

I blame MakeApp. It's over for women.

*tips fedora

(((who))) keeps posting these threads?

Because society is falling out of grace,well its already completely graceless

>videogames for entertainment
>porn for sexual desires
>abundance in food
>plus some social anxiety

Put all of that together and you get a guy who doesn't have a wish to leave home

Whores want to whore without the repercussions. Great post user!

Because society dropped out of young men?

Contrary to what said...

The best thing you can do for the White Race is to stop supporting a system that hates you and wants to kill you.

Being "hard working" means paying taxes, essentially funding your own genocide.

The best thing you can do is to buy 3-5 acres of land so far away from civilization that the State would never even bother coming to collect the land tax or buy land where the tax is so minimal that you would be contributing as little as possible to the State.

Try to get a few friends in, Depending on where you live land can be as cheap as 2500 an acre, there's 119 acres near me which is for sale for 19000 dollars.
Me and a few friends are going to buy it and turn it into a farming town, growing tobacco.

This is the best thing you can do for the White Race. Find a woman or be a leader. One of the two, contribute as little as possible to a system that wants to replace you. Don't help fund their programs with your tax dollar.

why join a society that has no incentive to participate


I thought the average was 4. This is very unsettling

Read "The Sexodus" part 1 and 2, it's a good place to start if you don't understand anything, or want some further readings.

>1 post by this ID
I fell for it lads.

This + the miracle that modern technology is.

Being social is literally barbaric.


Every one in five threads is a repost that is posted at least once a day.

Why work when some fourth generation welfare recipient spook: Lives in a better home, drives a brand new X-Series BMW, iPhone X cellphone and lives a life of luxury while you work 40+ hours and get fucked in the ass with taxes and a mortgage.

I blame swaglord for everything.

With women fucking the top 20% of the male genetic pool, average is literally 7 inches.

Why would Tay do something like this to the /supremegentleman/? Wtf

You don't need a gf and you sure do not need a wife and children. Stay single, be happy.

>Why are young men dropping out of society?

Have you not seen what's happening out there?

When society no longer works for you, why work for society?

Because we programmed her to be lulzy.

>the (((media))) spends the last 20 years constantly opposing gender roles and male dominance in society
>a generation of men who grew up in this environment feel no need to uphold traditional male gender roles
>"Oy vey, why aren't men working hard anymore!?"

why are topic that associates with you an this question that you very likely have an opinion on?

bacause they get paid more to drop out of society (i.e and e.g stream video games on twitch and opening a patreon) than they do doing any work

My high school:
>Posters that say "hate speech is not free speech"
>90% classmates in debate saying that we shouldn't have nuked Japan and we should make hate speech illegal
>Nigger Student Union posters everywhere
>Actually the only White student in one of my English classes - takes +2 minutes to get through every paragraph reading

My college:
>Have to play D2 chess to not take a nigger history class for general ed
>Professor visibly sweating her excess 200 lbs off just because somebody mentioned Trump
>Surprise, English class is "Afrocentric!" Now write about your White privilege.

Work (2 years):
>90% female coworkers Lesbian or bi
>4/8ths of male coworkers at one point were gay/bi
>Silent morning on November 9th, 2016
>4/5 coworkers think that everybody's bi... two faggots sexually harassed straight men
>3 illegals


Stefan had your answers. tidw: feminism has removed the benefits / incentives for most men to gather resources and improve themselves.

What the actual fuck is this person or bot trying to say. It's actually pissing me off how unclear this is.

Because they are pussies. Yungbois just want to have girlish fun and take BBC in da pucci.

They choose to suck but they also don't matter. Chads will breed while losers fail.

t. Sup Forums poster

I love when you early 20s brats take this site so seriously lmao

Remember getting fucked on healthcare while the spook is on Medicare and subsidies

shut the fuck up

Faggots and niggers.

If that is true, even the average nigger is too small.


This is the current iteration of cocooning. Diverse societies are too complicated for men to process, so it is more comfortable (requires less energy) to just stay at home and do you own thing.

You are posting in a slide thread and bitch about clarity?

It's a classically funny take on other memes. It's not a bot.

It's also the only leafpost in this board that isn't shit.

Because they browse Sup Forums, and most precisely Sup Forums

There's only one answer, friend.

This isn't a slide thread you sack of garbage

I really want to know why men are the minority on college campuses and in many workplaces nowadays.

There has been so many edits of this that I no longer know which was the real one

ever since it became legal for feral niggers to copulate with white women there's been no point or hope.


A reasonable CBA tells you that there is no point in participating if you are a straight white male. So straight white males are not participating.

Kek that pic is literally me i need to find a maid tho where can i find a bang maid lads

gotta pay for that shit

well put user if i do recall there was a certain German Soldier who was a disenfranchised artist in the early part of the 20th century....

I'm planning on doing the same in Wyoming I found a nice place near casper.

Good luck user your plan sounds comfy and similar.

beautiful over there, need some cold hardy crop though, I'm sure.

To drop out of society, you first need to be in society. These people never even try, because they’re too scared of failure.

This makes me want to do coke

When did society invite them in so that they could drop out?

They don’t want to play the Alimony game.

I'd believe this.

The one percent live quiet lives they don't have constant ideas coming at them.

I got my git and go plan ready, soon as I get the chance I am going to fully withdraw from society, gone, without a trace. Call it sad but I like the chance for adventure. The wild unknown beckons me.

This. Fug everythin

Yeah basicly

yeah thats what sucks is that it is freezing. but counter point is that their are mostly whites who live there.

Lack of social mobility. Lack of stable family legislation. Competing with females for jobs. Often raised by single mothers with the moral compass of a fucking seagull.

I'm not saying it's right. I'm saying that it's why they do it. I didn't get depressed when I looked at what this abominable society did to me. I just got angry. I'm determined to wring what I want out of this life. I don't want to get married when I'm fucking 50, or even 30. I want a wife, who won't divorce under anything but extreme circumstances, and I want a number of children with her. I'll have it. Everything else is lunacy to me now. It's crazy to make a fucking Tesla your life's ambition, or some lofty position. The people who go for it are fucking maniacs, and the people who cheer someone on as they race for that have absolutely no care for that person.

One of the hallmarks of articles on this subject is that experts insist that the solution is for young men to go into nursing and baby sitting, No reason, its just that women have been encouraged to go into computer programming and medicine so it must make sense for men to do nursing because symmetry.