Whats the opposite of Pol?

Is it reddit?

What sites do smart liberals visit to have fun?

This place is autistic as fuck. A shrine to the human ego. Blame and hate. The epitome of laziness and irresponsibility. A fucking abyss.

I cannot continue to surround myself with low iq incels. Pol might have been good at one time. When it was small and actually satire. Now you are just flooded with failed boomers, edgy teens, and largely sexually frustrated males who come to larp as Chad.

Pol is a divde and conquer psyop. Nothing more then disguised Satanism sold as freedom of expression. Glutton yourselves on wrath and worse, pride. Words have power. Thats why the Phoenicians named it spelling.


Opposite is reddit. What's the middle ground?

"There is no middle ground. You're either with us or against us." - every "tolerant" liberal ever

Oh wow, you sure told us! Hanging my head in shame right now.

What is this image supposed to convey

>What sites do smart liberals visit to have fun?
They don't have fun. They run ever-increasing purity checks until their community falls down.

for instance: Neogaf.
Your best bet is a site that isn't full-on leftist and is instead a tinge of liberal.

Nazis are fucking the minds of the mindless alt-light. Certainly no similarity to the Jewish owned media, advertising, etc though Goyim!

/new/ and /leftypol/

To maintain a tolerant society, you have to be intolerant against intolerance.

If you people had your way, slavery would still be a thing in the states. Feels good to be on the side of progress and have the moral high ground. Even the vegans will win. Someday. Just how it is.

The hate you see in liberals was given to them by conservatives. Given for no reason. For the lulz. Anonymously.

The far right poisoned the well we all drink from with malice. It too is our fault. You lash out because you are hurt. Hurt people hurt people. Instead of recognizing your suffering, we abandoned you.

If your ideas had merit, you wouldn't need to silence opposition.

Neogaf. Neogaf was pretty much the antithesis of Sup Forums

>We cant let them normalize Homosexuality!
>Whats next!?!? Beastiality?? Necrophilia??

>Lets normalize fascism

Your ideas don't even get a place at the table.

>le paradox maymay
You can do better and we all know it.

Don't feed the troll you dimwitted mutt.

>smart liberals

go away pussy

The amount of stupid in this post is palpable.

pick one

>Swedecuck calling anyone else a mutt
Let us know how it feels in a decade when 80%+ births in sweden are muzzie-swede abominations

Chillax, Bro - the words you see on /pol have no power. The power left this place ten years ago.

>When it was small and actually satire
Sup Forums has never been actually satire, satire is just our mask.
You are just retarded, but what else could we expect from a leftist.

This is correct. Social nationlism is another left witg slave motivated agenda of the elites. And yo u buy into it. Dont be a nazi its another blue pill.

Can somebody make an edit of this pointing that out?

Its not the SJWs because they are the same idpol shit as Sup Forums. Its /leftypol/ that is the opposite with total absense of idpol.

Thats the plan.

>Right-wing intellectuals

>sexually frustrated males who come LARP as Chad
Dats me :3

As if you need telling.

Rofl youre brown.

imgur is the opposite. It is random but full of leftists.

Whatever you say shitskin.





Jim Acosta's Facebook page.

I think youre right. I have friend who hails him self a meme king on Imgur. I told him about Sup Forums and how conservatives really act behind doors.

He said theyre racist and he doesnt go there.

>you guys are too stupid for me.
>please tell me what to do.

There you go.

I though Tumblr was the opposite.

>Your ideas don't even get a place at the table.
Because your ideas are so fragile that you need to shelter yourself from fascists who will use hard facts to completely refute your retarded ideas.

Sicily awfully close to Africa. I bet you if you could afford 23&me test it would come back with plenty of subsaharan African blood.

Neofag or even the Something Awful forums.

And? Who are you to say what can and cannot be said? If we're decrying each other's opinions, I'd wager to say that the normalization of intercourse between men, with animals, and with corpses is not comparable to desiring a traditionalist, ethnically homogenous, and societally unified authoritarian state. Moreover, fascism and national socialism are not one and the same, and it's historically ignorant to assume so. What say you?

/leftypol/ is infinitely better than Sup Forums in every single conceivable way. They're not brainlets, have actual discussions over there and actually read books.

>needing to create a board entirely dedicated to your ideology.

Circlejerking this hard...

Stormfagger facts to prove what exactly? That youre a failed charicature? That you cannot live up to your own boasted image?

OP, have you ever met a Satanist before?




Youre just getting old and out of touch with the real Sup Forums, or youre a shill, gtfo gramps

Reddit is a pretty reasonable place for most subjects...except politics.

Not that Sup Forums is in any way reasonable...

I'm not a southern italian you retarded goblin

Care to refute this image? You shouldn't find it difficult with your staggering intellect.

says the faggot who calls anyone who disagrees him me a 'shill' and tries to shut down discussion anyway he can. leftypol is unironically less censored than this cesspool

>smart liberals visit

All the smart liberals are now conservatives.

Dunning Kruger effect is not even close to describing the mental illness and over estimation the left has for itself.

>itt shills tries to desperately to find the real "brains" behind /pols/ success. Laughably libcucks will never understand the truth. It's as if we've been raptured from their midst and they're left with shattered preconceptions about what is and isn't possible. No one this dumb can keep winning with so little effort.... right? right?

>with 100,000 or more total population
White Americans try to avoid urban shitholes if they can afford to do so my Swedish friend

christfaggots are insufferable

the board will be much better once we mass trigger them into leaving

The View. Most of America get their politics from these obese negresses and kikesses.


T. Currently under a 3 month ban from /fagpol/ for asking questions

You clearly aren't from around here.


Me Larp? Nahh..

>To have freedom, you need to kill the people who are against freedom.
>Implying you have freedom to be against freedom.

Yeah when you put it like that its not so bad, but like the Italian said, the satire its just a mask. We know your actual evil intentions behind the facade of nobleness.

>W-we just want an ethnostate please..
>Welcome to pol. Kill Niggers. Gas the kikes.

OK Shekelberg.

>gets banned for trolling
>waaaaaah! poor me :( :( you're a hugbox!!!

good, leftypol doesn't need anymore brainlet trolls

Yea Imgur is what happens when you have mods that actually enforce rules. It is boring as fuck.


Your side normalized fascism... you are the ones who are the busy bodies who wont let anyone do/say anything that goes against you.

Projection projection projection.

I voted left for years, I marched for LGBTQ, I fought for immigrants, I am one.

The left is fascist liars, or at best useful idiots who are too stupid to know they are fascists.

I dont believe in race.

Pol is mostly the_donald at this point

Then go. If you don't like this place then leave. Don't make a faggy blog post about it. BYE BYE

>This place is autistic as fuck. A shrine to the human ego. Blame and hate. The epitome of laziness and irresponsibility. A fucking abyss.

Sup Forums is a mirror on the soul. If that is what you see it is more a comment on you, user, then your fellow posters. I see the sacred masculine, discarded by society. Here in the shadow, with all the discarded ideologies, a weapon is being forged to slay the Marxist demon and bring balance back to society. It is the banished masculine being made ready to forcibly reintegrate itself into the group mind. This place is beautiful, it is made up of many different individuals who love their people so much they are willing to do what is necessary to restore the divine order.

Just go to Sup Forums they're all there. Can't be having different opinions on the internet now, can we?

You sound racist, why is your heart so full of hate?


The left can't me-


>i'm too soft to handle Sup Forums

that's more your speed

>Nothing more then disguised Satanism sold as freedom of expression.
Mmmm hmmmm. Okay then.
You're the lowest denominator in our society. Hold your head underwater for awhile and breath in deep you failed abortion.

No, it would in case be arabic blood as arabs owned Sicily for periods of time

What is smart about Liberals? Lol None of their ideas hold up to even a minute of scrutiny.

SMART liberals don't willingly participate in an echo-chamber and they come here to challenge their beliefs daily and grow ideologically stronger than a simple-minded plebeian such as yourself could ever comprehend.
The entire community benefits from it as well, as their own beliefs are challenged in return. We are taking sessions grooming each other in a way, and by not participating in it you're just becoming an unkempt retarded nigger.

i approve of this obvious trolling fellow ausbro

>with malice.

When we finally become malicious, it will be very apparent to you.

We aren't even badgering these people into suicide. You don't know malice yet.

Clearly there is some agenda. Instead of seeing it for what it is, just divide and conquer bullshit. You just eat up your mk ultra programming and partake as puppet. Its not your fault really. You were raised by boomers glued to the TV. Just sitting watching fox news getting programmed.

>Some click bait article

Pick one

have you heard of countries outside the west?

I presume you chastise china for being Chinese, japan for being Japanese?

You are ok if say, south Africa just becomes 90% white through forced "immigration" because diversity?

Or are you only against Britain being British, France being french?

You are just self hating, everyone is racist, you lefties just deny it as you deny reality in general.

This actually exacerbates the problems race causes, and increases the amount of racism.

I find it hilarious how the only argument you people can ever muster is a strawman

>good, leftypol doesn't need anymore brainlet trolls

It needs less bots though

Why are liberals such raging faggots? Imagine this is the kind of shit going through your mind when you sit down to make a political comic. I thought people were dumb to criticize porn, but I'm starting to think it really does degenerate your mind.

That's becoming an issue everywhere. We need to find the syntax triggers and abuse them.

It has to be something awful.com never seen a site with more degeneracy it’s like the first tumblr

There are no smart liberals, just liberals who think they are smart.

thank god, because if you did you would have had to address the fact that whites and blacks are substantially different in multiple dimensions. Luckily you don't believe in race and can therefore close your eyes to objective measures and boast of your utter ignorance, allowing you to further push a ridiculous agenda

Liberals don't discuss issues though, they mostly just discuss how much they hate right wingers. They don't need to worry about justfying their ideology because its spread through the media. In fact I'd say that discussion is inherently anti-liberal because it will inevitably lead to questioning and abandoning liberalism, whether from the left for liberals support of capitalism or turning right wing when liberal social theories are disproven. The anti-pol is the lugenpresse, where liberal views are dictated to the populace and represented as inherently true.

>To maintain a tolerant society, you have to be intolerant against intolerance.

There are plenty of facebook debate groups for liberals reeeing. There is abovetopsecret which does not allow users to go 1488 and da Jews. Conspiracy minded site

It was neogaf.

Reddit has too many conservative sects to say it's the complete opposite of pol.

CNN is the opposite of pol
These diabolical Jews don't even try to say things that are true
It is 24 hours a day of subverting the goyim and pointing how much they hate ethnic Europeans