I can't deal with it my fellow pedes... I can't deal with being a britcuck

I can't deal with it my fellow pedes... I can't deal with being a britcuck.
How do I move to the promised land of the United States of America? I already missed out on such a great childhood, how can I make up for it?

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck off

What does 'pedes' mean? I've seen that word thrown around a lot on here lately...

Fuck off, no refugees

MAGApedes, newfag.

Come home Anglo man.


I was being mildly sarcastic implying the board is now chock-full of low T, low IQ T_D redditors and their moronic lingo , you retarded nigger.

This is literally every nigger fight ever

Hahahhahahaha. Whitey's future is some serious ass whooping. Makes my heart warm seeing whitey bitches getting snot kicked out of them.

The nigger respects the White man's strength by bringing at least 6 to the fight.

I seriously hate niggers so fucking much.
Honor-less fucking apes.
Our forefathers would be so ashamed at how much we've let them plague society with their bullshit.

Yuh nigga we gon woop dez wyte bois an dey cracka asses

African Americans are just as smart as white people. Webm related

You're a disappointment to him user, it's not that hard to stand your ground and firmly annihilate everyone before you with practiced oratory skills and present superior arguments that entirely rapes your opponents safe space and everything his been lied to about.

If the Americans can do it so can we all, I do believe in a nationalist spirit arising through all of Europe and soon you'll see separation out the EU en masse. (Yes humans do get fed up with acid being hauled at their faces.)

It's this "stepping stone" kind of situation we are in right now where absolutely anything on the right would do, and unfortunately this will be the case for a long time. If not, then I guess we'll just have to settle for being the remembered sinked Atlanteans in a couple of Millenniums.

Steroids are making whitey into an impotent cuck. There is literally nothing strong about whitey full of fake steroid bulk.

No man fights a female like that. Nigger confined animal.

yes they do, all kinds of males of any race have foughten adn beaten women like that

that girl has more courage than all those niggers put together

>tfw everyone on this board is retarded

later guys, it's been fun but you're all too retarded now

It was a she dog i.e. a bitch being kicked. I didn't see a human female in the entire webm.

>I guess we'll just have to settle for being the remembered sinked Atlanteans in a couple of Millenniums.

While I much rather see the white man conquer the stars to be remembered, even as a lesson to others, is not such a bad fate. I can see the stories now, about how we conquered the globe but then how we broke our contract with god. How we grew corrupt and decadent, how men became women and the natural order was destroyed. How we were gullible and gave into our base desires and destroyed what could have been. Maybe someone will get it right, on the next go around, if they pay attention to our story.

Ya no puedo mas!

Guero ni siquiera puedo competir.

That nigger’s girlfriend looks like Quagmire’s tranny dad on family guy

You can start by going back to the Reddit containment thread /ptg/

you'll have to stop killing each other long enough to pick a fight with us. good luck.

Go to university, get plenty of work experience and apply for a visa. If you’ve got a criminal record, you’re fucked.

Do you think video related isn't the same here? There are salvagable parts of both our countries. Go north. You're needed to fight for the future of your country. Don't be like the Syrian cucks fleeing instead of fighting. That's your home, not his.

burn the coal pay the toll. I have no sympathy for coalburners.

Agreed, racists BTFO.

nice panties

You have to get married to someone or be exceptional at something. Alternatively, you have to have bajillion dollars and invest in it.

Or you can just be an illegal immigrant and bunch of places, such as New York, will fight for your right to become an American.

are we /comfy apocalypse/ now?

world can only get worse once it's done

What the fuck is happening in that image? Bring back lynching.