Christianity/Christchan thread

Let's talk Christianity anons!

Other urls found in this thread: 6:15-23&version=KJV

Go to with this crap. It doesn't belong here.

Digits confirm Christianity is the best.

All our problems can be traced back to the loss of faith.

Perfectly timed thread, I have a question for my fellow Christians.

It seems like the Bible is pretty clear that faith in God and Jesus Christ is what leads to salvation.

However, I still believe works are SOME factor in the equation- for example, if you commit mass murder are are unrepentant, but you believe in God, are you going to Heaven?

Sorry if this sounds 5th grade tier.


Christianity+Weaboo? Bullshit.

>are are unrepentant
That's the key, you just have to repent before you die and you'll be fine. Do all the horrible shit you want, rob and murder and rape, just give Jesus a shout out at your execution and you'll be fine.

Catholics are the only true Christians.
other denominations can eat my shoe.

Except Eastern Orthodox.. those guys have cool wizards.

Pretty good form of mind control good way to steal money and it’s great way to stay in shape

ITT Let's discuss how much we love our cultural ancestors, the Jewish people

Can someone give me a rundown on what pagan holidays and traditions to avoid?


Taking advantage of mercy is a sin.

Catholicism? As in the religion that adopted tons of pagan traditions?


How so? Not all congregations are the same, some push liberal or conservative agendas, others are apolitical.


Explain further please

Always a meme flag

There is no objective proof that god exists, and no rational reason to believe
Why, personally, do you choose to have faith? Because it IS a choice you make

Christianity is a lie.

So why did we do it? Well, there are historical reasons, and there are current reasons. Historically, we always have had a surfeit of shortsightedness — or at least, the farsighted people among us were not in the policy-making positions. To a large extent, of course, we didn’t have any policy when we settled the New World. We just let entrepreneurs do their own thing, and that thing nearly always was based on individual profit rather than on the general welfare of the race. We let a bunch of greedy businessmen plan things for their own benefit: cheaper labor, bigger markets, more profits — those were their considerations.

And among the greediest of these businessmen seeking a bigger market for their wares were the Christian priests, hell bent on converting savages and saving Black or Brown souls. Christian universalism certainly played a major role in the destruction of our world. We should have lynched every missionary who had the crazy notion that Blacks needed Jesus instead of their own voodoo gods or that Mexicans needed the Catholic Church instead of their jungle temples, where they liked to cut the hearts out of their prisoners and eat them.


>10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 14 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. 15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15
Relevant passage, I think. We are saved solely through Christ, but come judgement day our works will be weighed.

Go back to bleddit with your fedora.

Christ is bretty cool

No, it isn't. That's the point of mercy, of Jesus' sacrifice. We are inherently terrible and need him and all that bullshit. If we are inherently worthless and evil and need to beg forgiveness no matter what we do then why not be evil?
Oh, wow, that sure prove s your position.


>i'm a sad atheist
>i'm a "right winger"
>i like "science"
>the only thing that gives me purpose is shitting on well established traditions while dedicating my whole life to protect them
>why am i here?

Oh crap I'm a Mormon. Can I post here?

>Christian trying to justify self-defense
>when his leader, his God, specifically preached against self-defense and didn't do it himself
Why should you do what Jesus and his closest followers did not? Do you know better than those who actually walked with him?
Yep, hats mean you're right.
Do you expect anybody to read all that shit?



I hate how Christianity is now run by nu males and feminists. This is the single most annoying thing about it. They have adopted the current culture and warped Christianity to fit into it.

You're not allowed to be candid and have to be coy like a girl if you want to fit in. Love and acting Just has been perverted. It now means being 'nice' and accepting pretty lies.


Oh, man, those pictures of guys wearing hats sure fixed me good, you won. Magic is totally real, these pictures of men in hats proves it.

Christianity is run by God.
Check. Mate.

I tried living the Christian life.
Never been so bored in my entire life.
Don't have to do drugs or have crazy sex to not be boring, but everything hardcore Christian folks do or say has to be related to God or Jesus or some Bible verse or crazy LDS combination of all three.
Not like I haven't been other churches, I've moved around quite a lot and each time I went to a new church, and it's all the same, you get your sinners that repent on a weekly basis and hardcore sucking Jesus' dick folks, both parties I'm not willing to call good company.

Don't break the 10 commandments, get a hobby and let loose once in a while, not everything has to be about "the lawd" and you don't have to suck God's dick because you said fuck and skipped church one week.

You already believe in magic, user.
You believe that reality came from nowhere.

Faith in God is trust in God and His will, not simply a faith that God is real. Christian faith presumes some knowledge of the Christian worldview. It is a faith in God, not a faith of God.


Please no bully

This makes a lot more sense. Thank you user

This is what an atheist looks like.

Clean shaven
Hates capitalism.

You're talking about following men. Christianity is about following God.

I'm imperfect but I never go to church because I don't like the people. I just keep my beliefs because I believe them. I believe Christ to really be God who came here through a birth canal and who died here to break the curse of sin, or "time", the curse of our dimension (you notice how we all get sick, die, and rot?).

Being a Christian means believe in Christ and having a personal relationship with Him. Every human being will always be a hypocrite in some way. Just follow Christ (who was and is never a hypocrite).

I'm a Buddhist.
I respect Christianity, but feel it was never really the right path for me. However, I think that Buddhism and Christianity have a lot in common and ultimately reach something of the same goal and that is the cessation of suffering in this world.

We cool Christ friends?

What I meant to say is...
Abandon the extra doctrines of Mormonism. It is a sin to add doctrines to the Holy Word of God.
Just read the Word and learn.


>"right path"

>Claims to be Christian
>Doesn't go to church and receive the Sacrament

I posted this ironically. Did you even read it? I'm making fun of right wing atheists who want everything the Christian world made, just without the Christianity.

The Sacrament?
Catholicism is pagan, breh.

Sorry user, I'll remove you from you from my list after this.


tell us the lotus sutra. I like that one

God bless you, and God bless this thread

digits confirm Christian is The TRUE religion

Paul gives an argument as to why taking advantage of mercy is bad. Along with elaborating his position via referencing scripture. This link provides an in-depth analysis into Paul's statement regarding taking "God's goodness for granted."

Romans 6:15 also provides a foundation for the argument regarding taking advantage of sin. It uses a rhetorical question regarding whether one should sin whilst being under grace, along with stating that being slaves to righteousness would contradict being slaves to sin (instead of not sinning, whilst being righteous and under grace, a person will continue to sin and fall under its control. As consequence, you cannot be righteous and sinful at the same time). 6:15-23&version=KJV

Great question yet pretty easily answered.

God's law is so hopelessly unachievable for us that it doesn't matter HOW many puppies you save from a burning fire, your still imperfect and are therefore not worthy to walk into the gates of heaven. You are not getting in by good works. Only the blood of Christ can do that.

HOWEVER when you do good works in the name of God (not for any reward) People see that and it makes it easier for the Holy spirit to work through them. It's good PR and the more souls that are brought to God. The less that go to hell.

People will be happy that they found Christ and thankful for Christians that are helpful.

God will be happy because you did your part in saving one of his children from eternal torment. Not to mention loving your brother like he instructed.

and you should be moderately happy (don't get cocky though) because you did your part.

Now granted some Christians do this better than others.

Commies are the best known atheists.

I dont wear a fedora.

I wear a peaked cap.

Any particular chapter?
There are 28 chapters to it.

pagan is code for real god

True, the Jews brought Marxism and atheism into our society.

I think it's time for me to make an atheist cringe folder

Pagan is code for everything that isn't what the Word of God dictates

Soy boy

I got a lot more, trust me.

Mormons always forget to read the last chapter of Revelation.


Thanks guys!


Regarding this comment, it could also be argued that a person's intentions could determine whether they are genuinely wanting to be forgiven. Simply because you claim you want to be "forgiven," does not signify that you will, if your intention is manipulative/deceitful, and/or you are knowingly asking for said thing whilst continuing (and knowingly) to sin, then God's mercy is not only being taken advantage of, but the person is also lying/ sinning while "trying" to not sin.

This is also applicable to what the Bible says will happen to Christians. A large percentage of Christians will go to hell, even if they claim to be "Christian," contrary to the other person's comment, claiming something is sometimes different from a person's true intentions.

Just what need, more people who think pictures of hats are a replacement for an argument.
>what the Word of God dictates
Word of the Jew god. Who cares what the god of jews says? Are you a jew?


The teachings of Jesus saved Europe with his superior browness


give us your intuitive account

Atheist here.

A White Christian woman has just been raped by a negro man. She is now pregnant with a negro kid. Should she abort?

Okay, you don't need a fedora to be an (((atheist))) faggot.

Pagan is code for not recognizing the cultural superiority of the based brown heretical jews that wrote the bible

I'm not a jew, but the jews you hate aren't even the real jews (the children of Abraham). This is something that Sup Forums fails to understand.

How will white people ever compete with based brown Jesus?
Brown people are superior, why else did God choose based brown men to represent his teachings? Check mate white nationacucks

No. Every human was made in the image of God.

Cringe identity politics.

The most simple account is that the seed of enlightenment, that is the secession of all suffering, lies within others. And the ultimate purpose is to be a boddhisatva for the people and to not break your own wheel of darhma until all others go before you. For when you've reached the state of enlightenment, you live for others and for the benefit of others. For you've already secured your own self sufficiency in that regard.
A lot of the Sutra itself spends time extolling how righteous it is and is something I contemplate a lot on because on one level, it reads as if it is trying to say it's the correct path, but on another level, it's reading as a poetic lesson on The self and their own desire for other peoples happiness reflects the true nature of man. It's one aspect I've been contemplating, but have not reached a firm conclusion on as of yet.


MAGA bro!


It's because they mongrelized more and more over time. But they were always brown people of mixed ethnicities

>the jews you hate aren't even the real jews (the children of Abraham)
This CI bullshit is just lies to justify hating the people that you got your religion from. It makes you more stupid than just being superstitious in general does.
That's right, we all the same to JEBUS. This is the problem with you bastards.
Do you think opsting pictures of men with hats will make people think "oh, this guy must be right, he has pictures of men in hats"?

Oh wait, I forgot I'm talking to a brainlet who thinks that dinosaurs aren't real
You probably think jews were white to


Based +++

Don't you know? White Europeans are the real Jews, these niggas now is just fakers trying be stealing our heritage and sheeit.
This is what these people actually believe, they think the ancient hebrews were fucking Britons.

The light is Allah


Lol, are you triggered faggot? Keep believing the atheist Jewish lies.

>guy who practices jew religion accuses of others of falling for jew lies
Must be interesting being this deluded.

Someone explain to me why ALL "secular" Jews are ATHEIST