What is this face trying to convey?
>Erina's face when she sees Souma's dad
When do you think Tsukuda is going to drop the "Rindou is Soma's cousin" bomb. i predict next chapter.
In the future that will be her face everytime Soma comes home from their restaurant after a long day of Erina taking care of their daughter
Glad this arc seems to speed along now, with a bit of luck we'll be back to comfy settings again next year.
I really like how Souma keep calling Azami, "Nakamura". Now Jou comes and calls him that too. Azami must be triggered.
Yeah it seems like the author realized no one is liking this arc outside of some characters.
>yfw your dad steal your cool moment and shames you while using casual clothes during winter near an helicopter.
It seemed to do decently well in japan overall.
Although the rankings were in the toilet during the whole pajeet match.
Has jou seen Rindou face to face?
Finally, I was tired of this bullshit.
Time to see Nakamura and Eishi get smashed and the smugs wiped off of their faces as they realize that they're so far below Jouichirou. The despair on their faces as they physically get stripped from eating his dish, and Azami getting kicked out of Japan again will be the first highlight in this shitfest.
>Azami THIS BUTTHURT about 'Kobayashi'
This is how a doujinshi begins.
Ya know, I just realized that Rindou is there think her relationship to Jou and Soma will be revealed next episode?
Pretty hype page honestly.
Why the fuck is my dad not a sex god like these guys
>"Uncle Jou? Funny seeing you here."
>"Oh, hey there Rin-chan. How's the family?"
axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed axed
>Mother Lilith is wondering when you'll come see her again
Is this how Nakiris and Yukirihas family dinners will be like?
It could be. Since the series has been in the bottom for so long, though I don't know how well or bad the books are selling.
Selling fine, it still does 370k copies.
3rd or 4th best selling WSJ
Out of bottom 5 for this week's ToC
>Dads don't stop fighting, Senzaemon also joins.
>Azami makes Erina cry twice.
>Souma tries to be cool and gets overshined by Jou every time.
>Umis as awkward family friends who don't know why they are invited.
>Rindou watches and eats all the food.
I'm guessing that Azami will team up with the paladinfag? I think that dude is the only one who actually agrees with the idiot's ideals.
Still, this is fucking stupid. The author made up this ridiculous arc of such bullshit that the only way for him to actually solve it is with more bullshit.
Erina status.... wet
So is this the last arc?
Then it wouldn't be axed no matter how much the arc sucks or how badly is performing on the magazine.
The Doujins write itself.
So where did this whole Rindou is Souma's cousin meme come from?
So why they axed bleach?
Kubo wasn't super nice to work with.
14. *43,997 *,338,020 Shokugeki no Souma Vol.21
Currently 14th most selling manga in japan.
Educate yourself you morons.
She's pretty much a female Asura-Jouichirou
Where does the meme that is getting cancelled come from? The manga is doing really well, although the last chapters weren't very good.
She's literally just a female jou right down to being a sex god.
>Umis as awkward family friends who dont know why they are invited
should have not included it there to further enforce the "Rindou is Soma's cousin meme"
Read a bit more
Azami doesn't even look mad.
He probably has a raging boner.
>that fucking spark in Azami's eye
The masculinity is STRONK
not yet but i expect a casual "Oh hi uncle" from Rindou and a "Oh Rindou, I heard you are the 2nd seat now from your mom, btw how's my sister doing?" from Jou
>getting cucked by your own father
how does that feel
yeah I know but they shouldnt have included the friends when he said "family Dinner" it would have been perfect.
literally Copy Paste Jou, and she is also hiding power levels.
he just took back what's his
It still is debatable, if they truly were cousins. Azami would be plting to make them fuck to get a little Jou for him to droll all over.
What the fuck, the writing in this is awful..
Well it's not like he knows all of Jou's relatives; Soma had to point out that he was his son after all.
yahp but its hype af soo no complaints.
If you had OCT and God complex you would like to know the background of the vampiress in your team, not the background of the kid cooking in a bucket grill.
Why do you think Azami is still going a long with Rindou's bullshit huh? dats right he knows she is a relative of Jou and he probably knows she is hiding her power level;
>What if Rindou is actually Souma's cousin?
The dads don't even look like they are even in the same manga as the rest of the characters.
The final boss in the middle of another keikaku she does for fun
Rindou probably wanted to become a good cook when she tastes Jou's cooking when she and her parents come to visit Jou and his family when Soma was just a baby, Then Rindou probably asked what makes him a good cook, the Jou said that to "Cook for someone you love" thats why Rindou commented about Tsukasa's cooking having no identity.
Well...that will create lots of Rindou doujins from the incest oriented artists, and I'm cool with that.
Right now is one of the three SJ pilars
Arc redeemed
Indeed, the axe has been hiting longruners lately, so its safe by at least.
I would let her sit second. If you know what I mean.
Why is this so popular again?
That blush, poor Souma getting cucked by his sex god father.
Is that the artists name?
The shitposter is sure trying hard itt.
>posts 88
>posters 33
Including you
So we're in the final arc now right?
slow day it seems.
On one hand, bringing Jou into the picture screams OUT OF IDEAS, on the other hand I've always wanted more kitchen brigade action over cooking duels.
Around 2 or 3 posts per user. I don't know how you make a conversation, do you say something, the other person replies and both of you leave?
How do you prpose we comunicate then?
Spewing shit and overused legends like you?
Sure hope not.
of the first year yes
I am just getting tired of all this you lost, you are expelled bullshit. It is literally every single match now. I miss the fun characters and unique cooking superpowers like spicelord and giganigga copy powers.
Someone should ask Tsukuda on twitter and end with this.
was this intentional
Well they're clearly in a league of their own.