Who will you vote for? 2020

It's obvious that LaVar Ball will be the democratic front-runner against Trump for the 2020 election. After today's extreme twitter drama, my bets are in.

>Is black
(#1 requirement fulfilled)
>Knows Trump will be caught off guard due to penis envy of his massive Mandingo Cock
(Trump will fizzle in debate)
>Already proficient in tuning media attention towards himself, can play Trump at his own game of manipulation
(most Americans didn't even know who he was until today)

I could stop there - we're already at 100% - but there's more.

>Hates that the Chinese have been stealing wealth from America for decades, so he sends his own son to steal some of it back
(True American Patriot)
>Has a smoking hot white wife
(all of the little white supremacist Trumpers will feel too cucked to even bother going to the polls)

Has there ever been a more based blackman candidate than LaVar "Big Balls" Ball "Baller"?



Dems can run literally anybody and win no matter what. Just like we could have done last year but noooooo we chose this bumbling idiot to run our country

Sounds like a based blackman to me



Start trek was good but I don't think geordis engineering skills will translate to running a country

Its about time we had STEM in the white house

Ball just lost a billion dollars and the curse hasn't even hit yet!

Interesting parallel to TRUMP!!!!

"all of the little white supremacist Trumpers will feel too cucked to even bother going to the polls." Actually, that would mean that we have to go to the polls. If a black man married to a huwhite woman ran for president and we didn't vote against him, then we would have to turn in our anime nazi meme posting licenses.


I never heard of this guy before today, his wife isn't "hot" by any stretch of the imagination, and he supports wanton criminal activity. Run him 2020, please. Shit, lets get him in a senate or congress seat in 2018 on the run up to 2020. We can meme up a slogan for him like "make America smell my Balls again," or "Ball has balls," or some such thing. He's a shoo in.

How long until she is a single mother with 5 mongrel children leeching off of welfare?

its such an amazing name for political action

well his son just went to china and attempted to steal sunglasses so i figure that makes him pretty based.

a shit

I don't foresee this country making the kang negro mistake twice, anytime soon. A nigger won't hold that office again for a loooong time.

The same exact sentiment could be said about Trump and GWB, but from the exact opposite side of the political spectrum

>LaVar Ball
What the fuck kinda name is that? this nigger should get disqualified from living just for that name

His kids aren't even that good at basketball. Lonzo is a bust

Its LaVar "Big Balls" Ball "Baller" to you and the BALL JUST GOT ROLLIN MAH NIGGA


>Caring what a Trumpcuck thinks about his son

I wouldn't call him a bust, but I'm rooting for Kuzma to be better