Is race mixing really that much of a threat?

Is race mixing really that much of a threat?

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Yes. Just look at America.

It’s the end of our people.

darker one already has that violent nigger look and he doesn't even look 5 yet


You are the reason euros make fun of us.

why does the darker one already look violent?



Even at that age they're plotting rape

>Is race mixing really that much of a threat?
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:


>Is race mixing really that much of a threat?
Shilling on Sup Forums is. Reported.

>It’s the end of our people.
Yellowstone is going to erupt again. This is our fate anyway. 99% of this world cannot grow crops that can survive a decade of volcanic winter.

And there's no way to stop it.


I found the solution to that.

Just let global warming heat up the planet by 20 degrees or so and when the volcanic winter happens it will be normal temperatures.

I'm never recycling again, and neither should you

>unironically posting "Cherrypicking: The Post (TM)
Go get laid.

How did Mexico turn out?

t. normalfag

They would be pushing it on us if it wasn't.

I was perfectly okay with racemixing before this push to racemix...

The mother doesn't like him. She's making him wear a shirt with a smiling banana on it. I'm sorry but if either their mom is a complete and total retard or that's the saddest thing I've ever seen.

>t. triggered amerimutt

¿Qué querían decir con esto?

People view racemixing as a threat because it diminishes they think it diminishes the survival capabilities of their group. When the spanish were forming, some of the people chose to leave the forts to be slaves to native americans (going native). This reduced the capability of the fort survival and the defectors were probably killed. Even though we live in the current year where everything is modern, the instinct still survives.

>Is race mixing really that much of a threat?

If blue eyes and blond hair is the only thing that matters to you, then i guess no. If identity matters then yes. Take these two kids you posted for example. None of them have european facial features. No european bone structure. That's a part of our identity that is gone. Then you have the culture that goes with. What is culture ? the expression of genes at work. If there's no more Japanese people in Japan, then Japanese culture dies with it. And the same is true for any race (particular ethnic groups etc..)
Then there's IQ. But in a nutshell, it a combination of various things which makes "us".

Race mixing = identity dilution. People without a distinct and strong identity. Are slaves.

>t. Person whose country has the most drastically declining White population in the entire world

look at how useless it made modern dogs

Why do you want to have fugly babies?

How many images did you browse before you found that nice comfy one OP?

Here's black and white irl, not a setup studio shot with children

Isn't that from the video where spiderman shows up to save that day?

Why does it matter is babies are ugly? Are you sexually attracted to infants?
It's like 3-4 years. Also, beauty means little. It's the kinda shit women and cosmetic companies worry about. For the life of me I cannot figure why Sup Forums of all places cares about appearances. It's like the board is 90% women.

t. ugly motherfucker, so what? I'm a dude, the only things that matter to me are drugs, guns, cars, explosives, and being able to survive/grow my own food.

Honestly, the best looking people are mixed race.

Thank you for the actual thought out answers

>good looking
She probably looks better than your hijab wearing sisters, but seriously …

It's an acceptable experiment in the 2-5% of the population range. Beyond that the damage hooks into a geometric rise

Rihanna is hot af

white women are nigger loving whores

Yes. Absolutely. Race mixing destroys diversity, and as well all know, diversity is our strength.

Each unto their own kind as the bible says.

>Race mixing destroys diversity
Diversity that we have today is literally the result of centuries and centuries of mixing. Europeans themselves are the prime result of lots of mixing.

I mean, one of the things that made Europeans genetically unique was the mixing with not other Homo Sapiens, but actual Neanderthals. So, ironically, Europeans are different from other humans _because_ of real race mixing, not just sub race mixing.

Sometimes mixing is good, sometimes its bad. These things can only be steered politically to a certain degree. Nature will always reign in the end.



Also good answers

Now that's a fine Negro you've got there.

considering there are only less than 6% whites left in the world. Yeah, kinda..

At this point its not even about culture anymore. It's strictly about survival of the fittest.

Do you think there should also be a push in natalist policies for white people?

Dismantle feminism. Bring women back home, from universities and professional careers. Make sure they reproduce at first when they are supposed to (between 18 and 25). Then they have a decade more to bear forth brothers and sisters.

Problem solved.

False the blond haired one is definitely European.

I'd pay double for that negro

It is a damned cute Negroid, right? Would racemix 24/7.

Both boys have the same parents

Ideal solution, but wouldn't work

Yeah. The thing is, the very few white women whom actually reproduce (to a sufficient extent, meaning at least 2 children) these days are the ones too dumb to get higher education. White trash, pretty much. This is gonna ruin the white race, too.

Yes. That nigger will rape and or murder his brother within 30 years.

kid on the right

That's a really cute picture, my latín gene's are really fucking with me, I'm only 19 and I really want to have kid's, it's weird man, I know it's really dumb at this stage in my life but It kinda just sneek's on me like that, nothing compares to the love of a father and his kid, I want to love him/her like nobody did while I was child.