Unique American Culture

Can Sup Forums identify American culture or unique aspects of America? I think America is the only country to have superheros and princess films to such a popular extent. I always found that strange. Anything else other foreigners find strange about America?

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The superheros and princess shit come from Europe.

The whole manifest destiny/pioneer thing and subsequent wild wild west is something I feel that is very associated with us by outsiders that we don't really think about that much and undervalue.
Also burgers and diversity obviously.


We have the frontier religions that started in here. Maybe naturalism and environmentalism.

Origin doesnt matter in this context, yeah Europe had princess and mythology or robin hood, but currently and globally right now what dominates is American Superhero and Princess entertainment

I've gotta say it feels nice using a normal english word like "yard" to describe a distance rather than some "____meter" scientific formula sounding shit with no soul.


true, our system is dumb and random but somewhat more relatable than contrived measurements

better version


This is nonsence. UK and Canada still use the English system alongside Metric.

The only problem is I'm a city slicker and really have no idea how big an acre is. Even in Britain they still drink pints though, don't they? Unless they started saying "Give me a half-liter". (I actually drank a German import beer today that was marked as a half-liter. Very weird.)

We drop nukes on people

>I've gotta say it feels nice using a normal english word like "yard" to describe a distance rather than some "____meter" scientific formula sounding shit with no soul.

I use meter and yard interchangeably since they are almost the same. A yard is 1.09 meters.

Wasnt US on Japan the only time a nuclear weapon has been used in history? Or was it atomic bomb? Or both?

I could have swore a meter was bigger than a yard.


Yeah, you've got it backwards. A meter is 1.09 yards.

Where else can claim to be the home of jazz music, rock n' roll, modern republicanism, cowboys, baseball, sandwiches, pioneer/frontier culture, suburbia, American football, department stores, skyscrapers, and civic nationalism (with borders of course)?

>20,000 kilometers under the sea
>I would walk 500 kilometers then I would walk 500 more
>Haul 15 kilograms and what do you get, another day over and deeper in debt

It really just doesn't have the same ring to it. Leagues, fathoms, tons, miles, gallons, they all have a sense of awe to them that metric just doesn't have.
Here's some kosher conservatives discussing this

I feel what you mean. I don't really nee to watch people explain it. I say it's less awe and more that they're legitimate words with a past where metric terms are very cold. Them being associated with my people makes them even more comfy.


Cheez whiz is the last stand of implicit white identity.