Annex when?

Annex when?

jesus, what an absolutely pathetic nation.

>implying the burgers want that pozzhole

> annex

That's a funny way of spelling "exterminatus".

Are numbers a gender? Or are they squaring their faggotry?

>squaring faggotry
ffs, it's the current year. you gotta factorialize it.

>taking modern Canada
You can keep it, we're building a north border too

We're going to have to war Canada in our lifetime, aren't we...?

>you gotta factorialize it.
I guess you gotta divide if you can't multiply.


>I guess you gotta divide if you can't multiply.
Goddamn thats some top bantz, a much deserved (You) is in order

Would be doubling it
Square would be Q^2 or Q**2


I hope we get power armor

Canada will win, a lot.


That's deep. Are you a philosopher or something?

>trael susidies
did he hired some indians to write that

>Apply for Travel Subsidies
Tax payer money hard at work eh


I would rather liberate the shit out of your country. Do they put you all in chains and beg niggers for forgiveness too?

good joke

>Faggots in the House
>persecution & injustice THEY have suffered
They were elected to the highest level of government a group can achieve in their country. They've been the opposite of persecuted.

spell checks are ableist

LBGTQ2? 2?
I hope Kim Jong-un nukes you too alongside California

>travel subsidies

I didn't think I'd ever miss Harper

some based Leaf should attend and cause a commotion

Why would we want to annex when our national debt is totally unsustainable and already leading us to collapse? You wanna go down with us leaf?

Now you have S and a "plus" adding to 2. This monster is growing and annexing every character that it can find

desu mate, the leafs (I'm a Brit) are racing you to the bottom.

They'ved reached the point where just saying "everyone" would be shorter

if you go down most of the world is going to follow anyway

>Are numbers a gender? Or are they squaring their faggotry?
I would bet its squared.

Yes we are

What a faggot
He had Dishonored his Cuban ancestors
Now he must commit sudoku

It's ok to be straight.

>literally spooge on the hood of the car

My fucking sides.

Can you imagine the shitshow if this started appearing in UofT?

I'm ready to watch it all burn. Fuck this place.




is that triangle a subtle boy lover logo???


go on goys, get aids. it's good for you. god i would nuke the planet so fast if i had the button you don't even know.

Would be a good thing, also bumper stickers and pins.

A whole event for an apology?

What the absolute fuck. I wonder how much money this virtue signaling campaign cost us.


>Wanting more lefties
No. We'll take Quebec tho

that would turn turn the USA permanently blue
we have enough shitskins as it is.

I'm fine with trannies as long as they are subservient cum slaves.

Based Kadyrov


Imagine showing this to someone from 1930. Hell, 1980.

God, what a pathetic little bitch.

Annex? Bro we're gonna have to glass that whole fucking thing. If you're not already infected, you should be moving yourself elsewhere.

One would think that in 2017 a so called leader of a democratic country would be more concerned with the economy, lowering the nations debt and housing the homeless.
OH Canada!



Im confused whats the 2 for?

Wait. That blue and pink flag is not what I'm thinking - is it? What does that flag represent?

>Maine, population ~1.3 million
>Canadian army ~35,000 at the most

We Mainers are coming for you leaf, prepare to be annexed by sticks bois on mooseback with some shotguns.

The thing you need to understand about Quebec is they're actually far more keked than the anglos. I know, I know you're thinking to yourself
>hurr fucking leaf based french tradishuns n shieeet
basically it doesn't make sense in your head because they always riot and try to raise shit whenever you read about them. But what you're not getting is they do it because they don't actually like to fight against da man, they do it because they enjoy getting punished afterwards. They're french, so therefore they're very feminine. And just like females sometimes they feel like acting up in order for someone to show them their place. I know, it's a lot to take in, but it's the way it is.

Just an event? You're not making a Sorry Day holiday?


t. the eternal anglo, destroyer of Canada, inventor of multiculturalism

Send us all of your lgbtq2 and nuke us

it refers to 2 spirited, which is the native candian bullshit term for thinking you are both genders,aka nonbinary.

I hope so

trans flag, yes


cool argument.

>t. the eternal anglo, destroyer of Canada, inventor of multiculturalism

Honestly you're right, and fuck I'm sorry. I don't know how this got started and I'd certainly reverse it if I could. You were all a fine set of lumberjacks before getting pozzed eh.

For reals though.

Your taxes are paying for this leaf

L.L BEANER reporting for duty

Canada is gonna be a pedophile paradise

Come on

Yes the eternal Anglo had an autistic need for a unified Canada instead of letting Quebec be independent you invented multiculturalism which has brought Canada to ruin

You realize that to annex you would be to take over you, right? Nobody wants your country, so nobody will annex you. We might come and take your oilfields at some point, but it's more likely that we'll just buy them up for cheap once Justin decides to transition to a soymilk and African cum-based energy economy.

>Canada is gonna be a pedophile paradise
They can already fuck dogs there, soon puppies too.

Why do so many people want to be defined by their choice to stick their dick in another guys ass, to the point that they are flying flags for it like they are their own dildo wielding army. Are we going to get a flag for guys that like to eat pussy, one for women that like to get their hair pulled, can't forget the weirdos that like to tie each other up. Where does it stop? To fly this butt love flag next to the flag of my great nation is an insult. You like to have sex with the same genitals as you, good for you, keep it to yourself, literally nobody cares.

How long until they start paying reparations to LGBTXYZ2 people?

>two spirit
aboriginal faggots that dont want the same moniker because oppression olympics

trans flag and either bisexuality or aesexuality flag i think

this is the "straight" flag

It is a way to grab power through being oppressed which is the way to get it today in decadent western nations.


When will fags stop treating HIV like it's their disease? Straight people can get it, too. In fact, something like 40-45% of the HIV positive population is straight and yet there are AIDS awareness and testing programs that exclude anyone but gay men.

There's a number in it now and still no room for the people who create these homos

Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba needs to go their own way. They are filled with relatively normal people that are subject to federal government decided by those Eastern bastards.

I hope the next terrorist attack happens in Toronto

Welp time to get my

r e c r e a t i o n a l d a v y c r o c k e t t 1 5 5 m m r e c o i l e s s r i f l e a r m e d w i t h a n u c l e a r w a r h e a d

>formal apology for jews turned away during WW2
>formal apology for natives
>formal apology for faggots

I wonder who's next

desu, why does the government need to register your gender if everyone is equal before the law?

Canadian Army here. Everyone I work with is a faggot. Please invade America and free us.


How in the fuck did you allow this guy to happen, leafs?

Muh flags omg. All you maples need is the leaf! People have too much time on their hands. Time to go to war or something.

>Formal apology for existing

it seems many of us simply want to watch the world burn