No pointless proxy wars

> No pointless proxy wars

> No commo's dividing Eastern Europe for 40 years

> Colonies on the Moon & Venus

> Super advanced tech for the 60's

> Brilliant architecture

> Respectful culture

Why am I supposed to hate this..


Sounds pretty cool, desu.

B-But Nazis

Cause you're forced to learn their loud bdsm scat language.

Because evil whites (redundant statement) running the US is considered unacceptable.

>let's get offended over nazis being shot in a vidya game series centred around shooting nazis

Stop playing videogames you fucking degenerate.

they are Racism

even you got all of power but no love you are nothing but a TRUMPet

B-but imagine if you're fat! People in that world will point out that it's unhealthy!

Look at this soldier, he's only drinking ONE milkshake. What a nightmare!

> No pointless proxy wars

replaced with an endless cold war and domestic mass murder

> No commo's dividing Eastern Europe for 40 years

replaced with global division

> Colonies on the Moon & Venus
> Super advanced tech for the 60's
> Brilliant architecture


> Respectful culture
unless you're any form of minority

because they're mean to jews

Hehehe, yeah....some LARP online, others LARP in life.

Because Hitler is pissing on a carpet

muh six gorgillion

It's almost as if the kikes are mocking us for stealing what could have been our world.

> No pointless proxy wars
literally ((them)) indoctrinating the free world to fight for them and to stop any nationalism+socialism, and call it communism,and they must be liberated in order to ensure ((their)) capital interests.

> Colonies on the Moon & Venus

> Super advanced tech for the 60's
stolen from the jews

Because it was all done at the expense of American culture

Because the Nazis stole ancient Jewish technology, goyim.

>Endless cold war
????? With whom? If Germany won they would have taken England and Russia as well, US debatably down the line. Who would have been running an arms race against them and domestic mass murder? I guess you're a fucking idiot who still thinks the holohoax actually happened.

>global division
Yeah, this is why blacks, jews, arabs and slavs fought for Hitler. Dumb fucking leaf.

Everytime the plotline includes Germany winning WW2 they point out that we'd have super advanced technology, either accidentally or purposefully redpilling more normies

>profiting like jews from a heinous historical event

Fuck Sup Forumsideo games

Ryan Faulk just did a video about this

wow fucking crybaby canaidsian what a fuckin suprise

> Respectful culture
>unless you're any form of minority




American culture would die anyways.

ebil white people still existing

>replaced with an endless cold war
No different from the situation the US was in during the 60s

>domestic mass murder

>replaced with global division
Again, no different from post war US

t. brainlet

>unless you're any form of minority
Hitler believed in nationalism for all peoples. They probably would've been repatriated.


>American culture

that died in the 1970s, the Vietnam war killed American exceptionalism in exchange for Hippie Marxism.

because the dykes, fags, niggers, cocksuckers, commies, and meth heads are opressed

thanks jews

>it's okay to kill off American culture in the 50s-60s because IRL American culture died off in the 70s

Wirklich macht dich denken

>replaced with an endless cold war
I'm fairly certain that Germany would have conquered the entire planet, since after the fall of Russia and America, no comparable power would have been left on earth.
>and domestic mass murder
After all of the Jews, faggots and subhumans were exterminated, there would hardly even be a need for domestic security forces, a global Aryan utopia.
>replaced with global division
Division between whom? There would only be Europeans left.
It would actually be great if we could start colonizing the solar system rather than using our resources to defend Israel and breed infinity niggers forever.
>unless you're any form of minority
Most sensible people agree that non-Europeans must be globally exterminated in order to achieve a sensible and pleasant planetary civilization.