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really makes me think

What is it this time?



hooktube that shit you fucking roo

>url: SooY
What did Kek mean by this?


literally just copied the ending from season 2, these hacks have run out of ideas

wow i'm really going to have to reconsider my political beliefs now. women truly are equal and just as powerful as men. maybe even more so.

this is so incredibly gay

literally beyond cringe. words can't describe.

>you be SooY

so empowered they need a constant hugbox of jew nigger propaganda just to delude themselves into thinking they're equal. rofl.

>yfw this is what democraps actually believe

It's impossible to parody these people anymore, they ARE the parody.

Also I hope they see the irony in their villain getting killed by someone else with a gun.

i was a dem from about 2007-2012 and yes, even back then i would have found this to be the most try hard cringe bullshit.

Do people really watch this garbage?

>make a point to show his gun is unloaded
>shoot him in the head anyway, effectively executing an unarmed person


>that "nasty woman" line
This a meme, right?


It's satire.

>the comments
Holy fucking shit it's real

Who is this goddess?

>mfw he didn't just bash her in the face with the pistol

>democrats having guns in a gun free zone


Trump hate is off the fucking rails. Hollywood, Academia, Feminazis and SJWs are totally fucking unhinged these days. That (((Clip))) was so fucking stupid it was hilarious. You people really are fucking deranged, though. Good thing we have all the guns.

My girlfriend, please be respectful

>blue hair
>wants world domination instead of telling the world to fuck off
It's a liberal fighting liberals

Gayest shit I've ever seen.

>the comments
Holy shit. I really hope those are bots.
I can't possibly imagine a human enjoy this as anything but "so bad its good" and even then...


The dude looks autistic, but as long as you're happy, I guess that's all that matters.

I wanna bang your girlfriend.

What dude?

Typical nigger behavior
>always carrying a gun with them
>blood lust kicks in and they do irrational things
>fell no regret for the harm they cause to others

>make me a sandwich

so this is that kino dialogue

Let's see those milkers

>no sandwich
what a tragedy

this made me laugh like a mexican gr8

really though, this clip was so fucking stupid I hate my country

>shoot him in the back of the head AFTER it's clarified that he isn't a threat

Why do Democrats project their political insecurities on media?

Why he didnt pistol-whipping her to death?

its only fitting that she would be seeing clowns everywhere, for the level of clown world we've all been subjected to.


what did he mean by this???


Hahaha what the actual fuck. Everytime I think Sup Forums exaggerates, it's actually true.

Is this Lil peep?

I left some low quality bait. lets see if these dumb bitches bite my hook.


>the only thing more dangerous than a humiliated man is a Nasty woman

omfg this Hilldawg delusion is immeasurable.
>Sup Forums guy trusts a nigger
>Sup Forums guy doesn't have a contingency plan
>black chick shoots him execution style after his gun is clearly unloaded thus making him unarmed by technicality
>surrounded by witnesses
would be charged for manslaughter or 2nd degree murder/ vigilantism

>liberals needed a gun to stop evil right wingers' world domination plan
do they not see the hypocrisy here?????

ho hooooooooo wow

how will those evil right-wingers ever recover

when are you going to provide pictures of her penis?


Please someone reply. Tell me.

That Clinton clip at the end - did AHS actually put that in there or was it just the youtuber? I'm at the point where I can't even tell because I wouldn't put it past them

The absolute state of modern CGI

>do they not see the hypocrisy here?????

No liberals have brain damage. they are truly incapable.

R.I.P George Rockwell and LiL PEEP.

>trusting a nigger

At least this show is accurate

I was actually getting into this season (first time I ever watched AHS), but the writing got retarded around the time Kai became City Councilman, and the feminist sub-cult formed.

I gotta admit, it had some meme-worthy moments though.
>that alt-right Chad army


>alt-right Chad army
lol i never saw that part, source?

AHS has a quota of fat black women actresses it has to fill each season, I'm guessing.

This season could have been really cool and they just shat all over it the second Kai became a likable character. That's literally the whole reason why this whole season feels like shit halfway through.

requesting basic gestalt for abnormalfag with no television
this is from a television show? this was on the air? in america?


After Kai gets on the city council, he hires an army of white Chad mercenaries who all wear black work pants and blue button-up shirts, and they carry guns around. They basically take-over the whole town, and Kai controls the police via the police chief who is a member of his cult.

He's actually pretty bad-ass for most of the show. This part at the end was from when he escaped from prison by bribing the fat neegress prison guard with his dick.

Also, the woman he attacks was a member of his cult. She started-out as a typical libtard, but became a nihilist centrist who only wants power. Both sides are technically "evil", you could say.

so everyone itt is talking like they know wtf this garbage is, i've never heard of it,

apparently its some show called American Horror Story. judging by the 2 min clip, i was thoroughly horrified.

I want a webm of the guy that got his arm cut off screaming "WELCOME TO TRUMPS AMERICA", with his bloody, stubby arm in the air after casting his ballot. Shit was cash.

that still sounds retarded

It was a predictable ending from the very start. AHS is liberal trash and always has women win in the end.

The only interesting thing about the show was the cult guy. But they even managed to fuck that up halfway through the season. This season was literally only interesting in the first 5 episodes and then went downhill... like EVERY season of this garbage show.

The writers are fucking retards. All they can do is create the vague illusion that there is a deeper story. Then as time goes on it becomes abundantly obvious that they have no story. They simply have a bunch of bullshit political messages they want to shove down your throat.

AHS is fucking AWFUL.

I saw the thumbnail and thought that was some character someone created in a game. He doesn't look real.

Gary was bro-tier. He was loyal to Kai the entire time.

I'm surprised she didn't say something like

"Who's triggered now Blumfkin?" after they blew his head off.

Holy shit that was so cringe lol

What the fuck is this retarded video?

The first two seasons were good, everything after that was pretty dogshit

The best part this whole season was the Kool-Aid scene.


skip to 2:15

Sorry, only vid I could find atm has a numale in it.

>dead people can only vote in Chicago

3:30 is the exact time for the Kool-Aid

this, too bad IT is a tranny in real life therefore a SJW shit.

Holy shit, seriously?

>this season feels like shit halfway through
Murder House, Coven, and Hotel were the only ones that didn't fucking drag on

She would rather eat black carpet than make a sandwich? proof she was dumb.

yeah thats Chaz Bono ,


Hotel sucked, Lady Gaga fucking ruined it, the first three seasons were the best

Shit, AHS is even more pozzed than I thought.

It's chaz bono, fucked up child of sonny and Cher.

What that scene told me was women are so weak that they feel threatened by unloaded gun.

Like almost everything on TV its (((liberal))) but I was curious to see how they were gonna handle the politics this season

I think it's just Netflix. The writing looks that same as Hillary's "What Happened" though. Pic related.

uh no, this was all over cable TV. I usually have no TV, but I know people who do :^)

Really though, what the fuck is that from hah

>this really aired on real television

a&e show. they normally do a new "horror" plot every season. i like the idea because it keeps the show fresh, but this just was retarded so i dropped it

Why would a character like him trust a black woman?
Women are so pathetic that this fantasy bullshit actually makes them feel better for losing the election.

The acting in this show has been terrible since the first season and I have no idea how anyone can watch it

This TV show was made because we killed their political party

>Having such a wild, fascinating cultural/political climate
>Be writing and acting about it somehow turning out this bad
I smell fear and confusion about current Zeitgeist from whatever this show is

Also, post production sound fag has obviously never handled a gun: never dry fired one.

From @pixelatedboat's review of Hilldog's book.