Hiroshima has ruled that users are free to post and participate in on-board meta threads. This is the Sup Forums meta thread. Discuss the direction of the moderation and whether or not you agree with it below, rather than having talks interrupted by faggots from /qa/ that don't even post here.
Sup Forums meta thread
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Do you masturbate to the thought of anons hating you?
I'm new here and I just wanna say you guys have the same threads and posts every fucking day. r/anime is a much better place for actual anime discussion.
Also people post these anime pictures and they don't ever say what anime it's from, like wtf.
> r/anime is a much better place for actual anime discussion.
recommend you return there.
Here's a meta
OP is a faggot
If DJT is banned from Sup Forums, can it at least not going to a racist shitposting board? I know that DJT had a few shitposters that always belonged there instead of here, but that's not DJT's fault. It would be better on /qa/ or on a hpothetical /ag/ japanese/asian media generals board.
I agree with this user.
>when a newfag tries to bait by pretending to be an even bigger newfag
I wish we could have 2010-2012 Sup Forums back minus Accelspam.
Really, it actually belongs on /jp/, but the /jp/ mod is autistic. It has no place on /qa/ or Sup Forums.
Relevant :
No, Sup Forums is your purgatory until you can fully atone for your sins
/a-random/ would be a better idea. Even though making new boards is totally a bad idea.
oh goody the tripfag is here to spout his shit opinions
Not them, but I do sometimes. Just thinking about all you Anons.
Wait, what? DJT can't be in any other board other than Sup Forums.
user, sorry about I really need source on this.
>there's people on Sup Forums who haven't read Kase-san
user, you do that right now.
Why would they get rid of it now after all these years?
kinomod came back
There are a lot of people who hate being reminded every day that they STILL haven't learnt Japanese.
Oh boy, is it time for shitposting general again?
DJT/a/non here.
By moving DJT to Sup Forums you basically killed our community and all the efforts we've built. Sup Forums is no place for us, we are a community which originally spawned from our shared interest through Japanese anime & manga culture, learning the language through such medium as a way to further consume and potentially translate / scanlate said contents.
Sup Forums is basically lite-Sup Forums, or as if Sup Forums and facebook had made a child, with 3dpd discussions all day long, 3dpd reaction images and constant and extremely low and quality posting/shitposting. Few DJT threads who have been made over there so far were nothing but shitposting, harassment from Sup Forums posters and real life blogging. Our thread absolutely has no place over there. You would not move the Buyfag general or the Sadpanda thread over Sup Forums, similarly, DJT should not have been moved there.
DJT was made in the spirit of sharing Japanese learning methods with fellow Sup Forumsnons. I genuinely would not have come as far without DJT and while it might not appear as such to most of you people reading me, tremendous efforts went into our general and our website. Many Sup Forumsnons have given a lot of their time and effort to build what we had and help others in trouble. I can keep a straight face and seriously say that DJT is, was, definitely the best place on the internet to get started on learning Japanese from the perspective of someone having Japanese anime & manga culture as main hobby.
Killing our community without a word and without trying to discuss problems at hand with us was in my opinion irresponsible. I am aware that DJT has its problems but the same could be said about anywhere else on Sup Forums. I would even go as far as saying how hypocrite the decision was considering how no matter the amount of reports were made towards shitposters, no deletions or bans were ever given. I beg you to reconsider your choice and think of a better solution for the future of DJT and the future of Sup Forumsnon Japanese learners.
>Hiroshima has ruled that users are free to post and participate in on-board meta threads. This is the Sup Forums meta thread. Discuss the direction of the moderation and whether or not you agree with it below, rather than having talks interrupted by faggots from /qa/ that don't even post here.- 21 posts and 4 image replies shown.
No, fuck you, we did this in September and it was the worst shitposting event in years. Fuck off and kill yourself.
>our community
Jesus Christ, threads aren't supposed to be a community. This is why I hate generalfags.
>you basically killed our community
That's a good thing. Threads shouldn't be communities. They should be about a TOPIC.
/a-random/ seems like the angle the mod that lorded Sup Forums threads should be removed Sup Forums is going for.
found the 2009fag
I've never really been in DJT at all, but I still feel bad for them, especially after reading posts like this
I want to say that I think meta threads are god awful and do not belong here.
If you want to build a community why don't you just go to reddit.
I admit I've only been here since 08, and I haven't seen small Sup Forums act as a community. You know what? I like the change.
I also like that we got rid of 20% tripfags and emoticons everywhere.
>our community
Good fucking riddance. I'm happier over this decision by the passing second.
I know guys, boards shouldn't have a community either. We're all in this together, from Sup Forums to Sup Forums, to /lgbt/ and Sup Forums, one and the same!
Oh, your opinion is legitimate, even though it's misguided. Carry on.
You shouldn't, the threads were terrible.
The guide, however, was pure gold.
If you support the separation of communities on Sup Forums, why do you think we'd want DJT in here?
Too bad you can't have one without the other, the guide only exists because of the community of people joining and leaving the thread every three or so months.
Another retarded example of loving the milk and hating the cow.
>boards shouldn't have a community either.
No, boards should.
Boards have board rules and board culture and everything.
But when threads do the same thing, they are for all intents of purposes no longer part of the board.
Stop trying to cling to Sup Forums, you didn't even want to be part of it.
Were they the usual generalfaggotry with avatarfags and tripfags turning everything to shit? If so, good riddance.
DJT is educational and involves learning a language that mangas/anime are involved with and helps to educate the newest generation of scanlators/fansubbers. It's the LEAST of Sup Forums's problem.
That's actually the only part I gave a good read-through out of curiosity. It seemed helpful for people who wanted to learn and from what I saw of the threads, they seemed relatively constructive
We like the same things and share the same passions and hobbies. Why the need to dissociate yourselves from us? Why the hate towards those who decided to take the jump to actually learn language?
We've always been welcome to share anything with anyone willing to learn Japanese and you would have not been exceptions either, anons. Why so much negativity towards DJT? Is it an inferiority complex towards those who decided to do something challenging and worthwhile of their life instead wasting it away with mindless procrastination?
How low are you?
I always hide sad panda and djt threads because they just get in the way when I'm trying to find a good thread to lurk desu.
>no generals
The future is brighter than the sun.
How about we get rid of that Drawfag General where tumblrinas keep advertising their shit in exchange for subpar art? Or turn it into a no-self-promoting (and no-requesting) zone?
No we had none of that. We were Sup Forumsnons like anyone else. Please do not draw conclusions about us if you had never visited before.
Oh finally, god that user yellow generalfag to anyone that wasn't agreeing with him this morning was so goddamn annoying.
Have fun on Sup Forums you fuck.
I hide literally every thread I don't care about, so at least 100 at a time. I don't see the big problem with DJT existing
It's stunning how DJT is such a great boon to Sup Forums and filled with translators willing to translate everything we desire and yet I only see one 28-page doujin, posted AFTER DJT getting killed, referenced by you people.
>that user yellow
Are you baiting or really fucking stupid?
Sorry about everything DJT Sup Forumsnon. I just want you to know I don't agree with their decision. DJT has been on Sup Forums for a good few years and they never caused any trouble. I think it's dumb as fuck to all of a sudden axe DJT threads on Sup Forums.
Generals would be much easier if it was done in an actual internet forum than in an imageboard.
Why would it be so hard to keep djt in Sup Forums?
Just keep a tab open for it and browse Sup Forums as usual.
I want DJT back but I don't want the shitposters
Can we just talk a bit about that anti-crack-kun guy? He literally ruins every show's thread he haunts and whenever anyone criticizes him he accuses them of being this one guy that coincidentally has the same posting style as him.
>ban DJT, basically the only general thread worth shit
>keep all the cancerous general threads full of nothing but circlejerking and shitposting
Sup Forums is so shit these days
This too. It's the reason I retreated into DJT. It was too hostile for him so he never showed up.
Sup Forums here
I hope you butthurt runts fuck off back to here.
We already have a Japanese thread with actual Japanese and western people that mostly speaks in Japanese who you refuse to communicate with, you wouldn't ever think of leaving your safe space. Yet, you chose to shit on the board that at most complains about the amount of generals we already have. No one goes on the Russian thread to say shit about Russia because they can't even understand half the shit they're saying in the first place, for example. The only thing you've managed to do so far is say shit about my board and be a fucking hypocrite in your own little enclave.
Fuck off, we're full.
>these days
Not later than yesterday, the Jojo general had people spamming Jojo pepes (yes, the frog) and nothing was done about them.
So an educational thread is wrong, but a Pepe spamming general is ok?
If you don't believe me look at the archives.
I don't really go in /djt/ but the flags could really ruin their threads on Sup Forums, and the whole board is cancer anyway, would be better to move them on /jp^/ but I doubt it would be useful to move them on a board where almost everyone has some basics in Japanese.
I don't like generals but no matter how much I think about it, I don't know where they could go except Sup Forums.
Live translations are usually done by DJT anons, aren't they? I don't have any problem with them at all then.
Why not just admit that Sup Forums has become Sup Forums and just create /ag/ anime generals?
The population is no longer interested in amusing one another through the medium that is anime and manga, the population is only interested in circlejerks (If you don't like it don't post in the general), essentially Sup Forums should just become a regular internet forum.
>Jojo general
>not perma hiding that cancer
Not at all.
The /jp/ mod deleted a DJT thread in less than 30 seconds. It was almost impressive.
This thread is pointless and doesn't belong here.
There are reasons why Sup Forums considers /jp/ their admirable big sister that got kidnapped and raped by a group of violent gaijin.
Is there any assurance that DJT will be allowed in /ag/? Other Sup Forums general threads weren't deleted.
I currently have 5 general threads hidden by my filters, which just shows the utter stupidity of these mods. They banned literally the most helpful general thread on Sup Forums and left us with the trash. They're turning out board into Sup Forums.
Here's some stuff I did a few years back, which I never would have bothered doing if it wasn't for /djt/.
I don't translate anymore, because there are too many retards like you who expect the world to cater to their every whim.
This was tried about a month ago. The meta threads quickly became meta general and filled up with garbage. Nobody could agree on anything. It's not like Hiroyuki would listen to our requests anyway.
>Why not just admit that Sup Forums has become Sup Forums
Nice try
Fuck off.
Literally moogy.
There wasn't a reason to credit DJT before, but apparently this board is now filled with Sup Forumsermin ingrates who don't realize how much it has done for this place.
/ag/ is the solution to all of our problems.
Want to discuss a series 24/7? Now you can do it on a designated board.
Can't stand the sight of generals on the catalog? Poof, now they're gone.
[citation needed]
/vg/ is cancer concentrated though.
>Sup Forums turns into Sup Forums 2.0 concerning thread quality
>/ag/ is a cancerous fucking cesspit of tripfaggotry, erp and other bullshit
>I don't translate anymore, because there are too many retards like you who expect the world to cater to their every whim.
Says man currently wanting the mods to cater to his whims.
But good that DJT existed so we could have more translators who don't translate anything.
Why not just send /DJT/ to /trash/?
The only thing djt gave Sup Forums is a bunch of anons with an inflated sense of self worth.
"I translated that one thing but I quit because nobody appreciated it."
djt is for self improvement, not so you become another e-peen seeking scanlator.
I've never seen someone so salty that they don't know japanese.
>Is there any assurance that DJT will be allowed in /ag/?
It would be stupid not to allow it there. I don't think people who browse other generals have a problem with it, and apparently it's not welcome on any of the existent boards. If you ask me there was no need to ban it from Sup Forums, but after what happened if they move it back here it will be met with hostility.
Translator here. I rarely participated in DJTs but it seemed to be a decent place for anons to begin learning the language.
I wouldn't say it was a gathering of experienced translators ready to pick up anything, though. Those tend to float around the board and pick up whatever interested them, or lurk in the occasional scanlation thread. From what I see ITT the only translators produced by DJT had the wrong attitude like said.
Deleting generals mindlessly is stupid anyway, especially for Sadpanda and /djt/, all the others can fuck off though.
I just didn't understand why yesterday he moved that Umaru general on /e/, but not the Monsumu one, and the faggot general is still alive right?
This mod is so full of shit, I can't believe it's Kinomod.
This right here is why Sup Forums is so cancerous. There's no room for discussing topics without them being deemed "generals", so it's devolved into an image board of buzztopics and random shit with a videogame theme.
Japanese thread from Sup Forums is not a learning thread, this is a chatroom with tripfags, namefags, avatarfags blogging all day long about their life and whatever 3dpd stuff they're engrossed with.
Japanese people themselves aren't necessarily the best people to ask for to learning Japanese from a WESTERNER perspective because of how different the languages are.
You are also ignoring how people from Sup Forums and Sup Forums have little in common, there is no reason for us to go talk to them and them to talk to us. I also should mention that DJT already had a few regular Japanese people coming in to help us as they were also developing their English skills.
You aren't welcome in the equation here, Sup Forums. Don't give your opinion about something that doesn't concern you in the slightest.
>but after what happened if they move it back here it will be met with hostility
For about a couple of threads then it'll go back to being ignored by 99% of Sup Forums like usual.
Don't forget about the flags.
>basically killed our community
And nothing of value was lost.
Indeed, first time it's mentioned in this thread, but flags are absolute cancer and have spawned nothing but shitposting and hate-posting in the current Sup Forums DJT threads so far.
>Japanese thread from Sup Forums is not a learning thread
Just like DJT.
>This mod is so full of shit, I can't believe it's Kinomod
Is it really him? I know a mod has played music in Kino threads recently but he doesn't seem to be cracking down on the garbage like Kinomod used to. For all we know it's a different mod pretending to be another mod with a better reputation.