Most of us do agree that the best girl ranking is as follows
Mars > Venus > Jupiter > Mercury > Moon
Most of us do agree that the best girl ranking is as follows
Mars > Venus > Jupiter > Mercury > Moon
Change Jupiter and Venus and you got me pham
Good taste, lad.
That's not even remotely accurate.
Mercury = Jupiter > Pluto > Neptune > Uranus > Saturn > Venus > Mars > Moon > Chibi
my nigga!
Saturn>Neptune>>>Mercury >Venus>Pluto>Moon>Uranus>Mars>Chibi>Jupiter
Naru > Usagi > Minako > Ami > Makoto > Rei
sexiest fucking seiyu
Mars = Moon > Jupiter > Mercury > Venus
Nope. Venus > rest
This isn't a thread about who fucked the most men.
Yes, just in the opposite order.
torrent of the viz dub of Sailor Moon S when?
This is a thread about best senshi, and I merely corrected the score.
You can argue about the arrangement of all the non-best girls as much as you like.
But Haruka will always be on top.
My first waifu, even when I didn't knew what waifu was.
Mercury is for spastic kids who want someone to help them with homework.
Moon is for... dunno, maybe casuals who never bothered with the series.
Mars is the ideal waifu that gets boring after a while.
Venus is the ideal waifu for those who are into venereal diseases.
Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Venus (condom included) = Mars >>> Venus (au natural) > Luna >Moon >>> dogshit > Mercury > Chibiusa
Your welcome.
can we all agree that moon and chibi are at the bottom
I like how you didn't even bother to include a question mark, since there's not even need for that.
I actually agree with that. Fuck Usagi she is a useless whore. Mars and Venus can show me appreciation anytime.
Can someone help a nigga out, what season was I supposed to skip again? Is it just the mini moon unicorn part?
>what season was I supposed to skip again?
None. But you're probably thinking of SS.
Except in the bedroom with Michiru.
Usagi's not bad, and she certainly gets better, but she's just not as good.
Usagi is the best. And Chibi Usa isn't as bad as people make her out to be. She's still better than that bitch Rei.
>calling Rei a bitch while defending chibiusa
Are you feeling ok? I think you should lie down and think about this for a while. Take your time, we're here because we care about you and want you to get better.
All scenes with ChibiUsa.
Don't skip anything.
>Trying to decide which girl is best.
Hardest choice in my life.
Chibiusa get off Sup Forums, you're underage.
She would be like 30 by now
Jupiter > Venus > Moon > Mars >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury
Preachin' to the choir on that one
Even Rei herself recognizes she's a bitch. THat's why she hides it behind a wall of Tsun.
All inners are great except Mercury.
your taste a shit and you a shit.
>all these faggots not putting Jupiter first
I wish you were Jews in the holocaust.
>He prefers Jupiter over Mercury
I wish you were a Ukrainian during the red invasion.
let me fix that for you
NEPTUNE>Mars > Venus > Jupiter > Mercury > Moon
Jupiter is clearly best sailor
>he prefers anyone over Jupiter
I wish you were Armenian in the Ottoman Empire.
But nothing happened there.
Mars > Jupiter = Mercury > Venus >>>>>>> Chibi > Moon
I wish all of you were Russians under the Stalin regime. Then you wouldn't have access to the internet or freedom of speech.
*any senshi* ≥ *any villain* > Moon
Everything else is just a matter of your preferred flavor.
Mine's Jupiter, though I loved me some Mercury back in the day.
So is it agreed that Moon is worse girl?
Not by the people who put Usagi at the top.
This is accurate
Swap the Mercury/Jupiter pair and Mars and you've got it.
Chibiusa the girl who wants horse dick? So pure.
never forget, theres the doujin (in full color no less!) where she gets it.
>They prefer any of these over Mars
I wish you all were Tutsies in Rwanda.
I don't know who any of these girls are, it's just since we we're bringing up Genecides...
>what season was I supposed to skip again? Is it just the mini moon unicorn part?
No, please, just don't. SuperS is by far the most underrated season and I have no idea why anyone would recommend skipping it. It has more character development than any of the other seasons and really is the LEAST childish part of the series as a whole. It's the only time where the monsters ends up being genuinely enjoyable to boot. I'm not telling you to watch it for the sake of 'completeness' or anything dumb like that, but because it's a genuinely solid and
enjoyable part of the series.
If I was forced to skip a season though, it would definitely be R, and exactly because it fucks up so much important shit.
Last I remember it was like
S: Jupiter Neptune
A: Mercury Mars
B: Moon Venus Pluto
C: Uranus Chibi-Moon
It's Uranus was thought to be S tier but the initial impression fell flat when they realized how shaky her fireball game was and how easy it was to zone her out, even with her infinite.
Mercury's so fucking boring though.
>rei want's the mooncock
Nah, Moon is still better than Mercury. At least she does shit and has actually interesting moments sometimes. Mercury a shit.
Then by your logic, Makoto is the worst. Since she has the least amount of story relevance and the episodes focused on her are the worst.
Most people here aren't arguing based on story relevance or character development. Just blind infatuation.
Usagi is a dumb piece of shit moron who can't do anything by herself
And that's why she's the best
Then why does she always show her true power when everyone else has died and she's all alone?
I'm blindly infatuated with Usagi and I don't care who knows it.
R had the best director though, both it and it's movie.
Good taste.
It's subjective but at least she's actually interesting and has nice characterization. Mercury is pretty much always just saying shit about studying.
Usagi a slut tho
>only has sex with one man
>Then by your logic, Makoto is the worst. Since she has the least amount of story relevance and the episodes focused on her are the worst.
This is true unfortunately. Mercury has a far more interesting fundamental dilemma at the heart of her character. Makoto is just bland and one note most of the time.
>had sex with a man
Should have picked the pure love that is Rei if she didn't want to be a slut.
>Then why does she always show her true power when everyone else has died and she's all alone?
She really shouldn't. The manga handles this correctly by having her kill herself and abandon everyone else, leaving them to pick up all the slack and realizes that she's a complete shit for doing it.
Ikuhara directed S, SuperS and parts of the first season too. It's not like his involvement in that season was unique and he couldn't save it from how terrible most of its plot it.
Pretty sure all the senshi are cock-hungry sluts, except the two carpetmunchers.
Top shelf
>Mercury is pretty much always just saying shit about studying.
That's only when she's handled by weaker writers. She's at her best when she ponders how screwed up her life is and whether or not being so obsessed with academic achievement is worth being so socially insecure. Seeing her be so determined and self disciplined, even in spite of the understanding that her past ostracization is partly due to her own autistic behavior, is chilling.
this nigga knows
pretty sure all the senshi are gay or at least bi including usagi
Ikuhara pls go.
Ikuhara doesn't want them with each other, he wants Usagi all to himself. And possibly to become Rei as well.
It's impossible to choose. I love them all so much it hurts.
>Putting a loli at the bottom
Where do you think you even are?
Jupiter > Mars > Venus > Mercury > Moon
Clearly not, she's a bit dork. Still lovable.
Iron Mouse best senshi.
>Mars > Venus > *
Sounds about right
Venus and Mars are top.
You guys are alright.
So should I dump my less than adequate folder for Mars or Venus?
Venus is not dumb!
exhentai link please