Is the wagecuck existence worth it?

Is the wagecuck existence worth it?

If you get steady pay raises, yes. Work hard, be patient, and don't be a bitch

That's what the Jews want you to do. Work hard, eat their GMO...

Self employment only.

yes goyim, take out a loan while you're at it

Guy sounds like a cuck.
Get a high paying job you love and youre all set.

As an existence itself, no

As a way of funding an actual existence, potentially.

I don't want to work more than 20-25 hours a week, honestly. Even if it limits the amount of money I make - money isn't everything. I just want a quiet life, possibly out in the middle of nowhere, such that I can keep to myself and enjoy my hobbies while funding it with side jobs here and there.

>(((Charles Bukowski)))
It's all so tiresome.

the way he put it no. but you must have dooolllaaa, otherwise you are fucked. if you can find a place to work amongst normal laid back people it is ok. otherwise it is a fucking nightmare.

>don't be a bitch
Wageslaves are bitches to their bosses from day 1

Honestly if you can get autismbux just stay at home and plug into the matrix (vidya).

It is if you have no one in life that will support you.

With that being said, my overnight shift at Walmart starts in 10 minutes.

Life is generally pretty boring, especially with no money. Work is one of the only things that makes me get up in the morning. Depending on what your job is, it can be very satisfying.

>my overnight shift at Walmart starts in 10 minutes.
Good luck user, make Mr. Shekelberg proud

If you don't want to work, you don't have to work. You just take welfare and wait for the country to slowly collapse. Ultimately it's the governments fault for severely overtaxing it's citizens. Otherwise you can work and make more money than people on welfare. You'll still have similar problems and your happiness levels will be about the same, but at least you can tell a nice lady at a bar that you work and it might get you some pussy. Guys without jobs unless they're chad level can't get any pussy unless it's fucked up/fat/ugly/mentally ill

Bukowski wasn't jewish...

If you don't have something to do, you get restless. People usually aren't content chilling and doing nothing long term. Why do you think we even have a society? People bored on their asses and tried something.

You're thinking of a world where people just pursue hobbies. Yet you need some mechanism to get food, goods, and services. Humans have only came up with two major ones: bartering and coined currency. So the end result of this hobby society will end up with the same capitalist bent it left in the first place.

Maybe an easier alternative would be to make jobs less pressured to grow a firm's profits. I mean why are we in such a hurry to develop technology save our appetite for products and making millionaires richer? A more chilled out attitude toward work, even in the face of globalization, would be tough but more feasible than dissolving paid labor.

How do wal mart employees not commit suicide?

>Ultimately it's the governments fault for severely overtaxing it's citizens.

It's not taxation causing it, strictly.

The vast majority of the problem stems from all productive increases being siphoned off by corporations without any of it going to the workers.

Pay rates are barely even keeping steady with inflation, let alone increasing alongside productive technologies. About the only industry that's providing genuinely decent pay anymore is IT and the corporations are desperate to figure out a way to reduce those labor costs by any means possible.

It's not enough for these corporations to be successful. They want the general public destitute and cattle-like on top of it. Slavery never went away, you were just convinced that paying for your own housing and food - rather than the owner paying for you - makes you a free man.

We used to be slaves to nature; now we are slaves to each other.

Because they're surrounded by low prices everyday.

They get to ride around on those scooters for fat people.

I've asked myself that every day for the past decade I've worked here.

Are there no other jobs where you live? None?

How do u feel about life

Did you take that pic while visiting australia?

Went to a job fair last month. The only openins I found was 2 hours to the north and south. I don't have a GED in my 30s, so I'm stuck here until my casket closes.

It's been over for a while. Just running out the clock.

Don't know how that happened.

Get a GED, faggot.

its called staying in school to get a job you actually enjoy doing? Don't like doing anything at all? I find that hard to believe.

i feel we (as an aggregate) may have slipped by allowing quotes from literally anyone to be memorialized. i really wish we had audio of einstein telling everyone to fuck bitches every day

I didn't graduate high school or get my GED but you best beleive I put that I did on my resume and on every application. Literally no one checks my dude

>The vast majority of the problem stems from all productive increases being siphoned off by corporations without any of it going to the workers.

You have to ask why this is.
I'd say it's because of the increased immigration into western countries as well as government interference in businesses. There is no need to pay employees more if their labor can be replaced by people willing to work for less. People from 3rd world countries will take minimum wage because it may be 2-10x higher than a wage they'd receive back home.

What most corporations don't realize however is that it's not just about paying workers who will be able to do the same job. It's about efficiency and productivity. Firstly you get more of this in an ethnocentric work environment because there is less office issues as the employees have more in common with each other and far less to fight about. You also share culture and customs, so everyone joins in and it's easier to bond with your co-workers if you have things in common. If you are bonded then your work environment is a happier place and a more productive place. Angry, sad, pissed off people aren't very productive.

America was able to compete in the 1900's they were a major powerhouse even at a time where they had the highest wages in the world. Employment was incredibly high and businesses would compete in wages to secure a great worker.
The employees and the employer had virtually no government interference and had motivation to increase its productivity for extra profit and extra pay. Now that there is far less competition for employees and an incredible unemployment rate there is no need for business to raise wages because they can pay someone even less than you are willing to work for the same job.

Cringe quote.

Damn user that sucks...
You summed it up quite nicely. The greed of a few destroyed this once great nation.

I thought college was a meme, which is it?
How is it cringe? It's true

Perhaps my brutal honesty won't get me anywhere

>Slavery never went away, you were just convinced that paying for your own housing and food - rather than the owner paying for you - makes you a free man.
