Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

Acts 17:26 the nations' bounds are set by God

Because most of that wide variety is shit


It's true, I do get bored when I can't give niggers beatdowns.

How vapid do you have to be to actually think this way?

Top half:

"Pay for my sex change"
"Pay for my aids"
"Fuck whitey"
"Kill cops"
"Real Gommunism hab neber seen MY beNIS XD XD XD"
"If only men would pay us more for doing half the work"
"Where my gibs B at white folk"
"This movie/game/entertainment platform is the perfect vehicle to deliver my propaganda"
"I want to cut my dick off and pretend I'm something I'm not. Let me teach your children."
"I'm not doing as well as I'd like, why is everyone else sabotaging me?"

Bottom half:

"How can I secure a future for myself and those like me"
"Merry Christmas George!"
"Let's work together and build something amazing!"
"Did you catch the game/funny show/movie, feels fucking good to get away from political correctness and have a beer with you all."
"Holy shit I am tired of paying for freeloaders...I can't understand how they will just lie there and collect gibs. How do they have such little self respect?"
"I'm not doing as well as I'd like, how can I improve myself?"

The guys on the bottom eat onions.

>I'm bored
>Let destroy society!

Can you imagine saying this to Asians or Blacks? Haha no you can't because you know they would never buy it. Integration and multiculturalism has failed globally.

>onions have antisemitic properties

White people don't all look the same QED

>Everything that's the same is boring
Are you some kind of autist that needs the most flashiest random external stimuli to feel anything?

>Let's get rid of the variety and make everyone the same BEAUTIFUL shade of brown! Yeah, that's the true path to diversity!

Hahahaha white people are the ONLY race that invite other races to live around them. Every other race intentionally sets themselves apart and creates ethnostates. Only whites strive for diversity yet only whites are called racist when they so much as question the necessity of multiculturalism.


Why do people bump such low energy baits?

Bullshit, the right is as diverse, if not even more than the left. You are confusing this with a white nationalist board.

Left: racial diversity, many non white "cultures"
Brown people tend to conglomerate into groupthink and individuality disappears
Right: racial hegemony
Since no one stands out for their race, they have to develop an interesting personality
==> intellectual diversity


id prefer to be bored than murdered by a wog

Much like your job, society's function and ideal circumstances are alike elevated beyond your banal entertainment.
Because much like your job, society is the product of organization, rules, and hard fucking work.

>this is the motherfucker teaching your kids
I used to think it was a waste of money but fuck it, when I have kids they're going to private school

Because it was never about needing diversity to find new things to experience, its always been about finding someone else to do the things you already like with.

>It's so boring to have a prosperous country with low crime and clean streets!

What a retarded image. Why does the artist equate boredom with diversity? What kind of logical fallacy is this again? False Dichotomy?

Just visit any Department of Education at an American university and talk to the students. You'll be horrified.

k e k

This sure opened my eyes. I'm gonna go right out and befriend a nigger and chink.


In a world without any borders or nations (the left side of the image) eventually, provided all cultures and races merged with eachother, everyone would end up looking the same and have the same culture in every corner of the world - that would be boring and lifeless. If you have many nations of people that keep strong borders and national identity (the right side), the world is inhabited by multitudes of interesting cultures and people.

Open borders for Israel

Kek nice

>Making the implication that all people of a particularly race are the exact same and not worth interacting with
Now who is the racist?

>all white people are the same
Huh, sounds kind of racist. That's like saying all Asian people are the same.


35th post best post. Gave me a hardy chuckle.

>the necessity of multiculturalism.

This can be said the same about BLM and Antifa. Only spending time with those who share the same opinions as you do and attacking those who don't agree with you.


Yeah. Okay. We get it. White people are boring and lame. Why dont you people ever just fuck off. I seriously pray to god that you and your loved ones die in a massacre of some sort.

>we need niggers around because without their constant rape and murder, we'd just get bored!

Shitskins make life exciting in the wrong way.

I wish this was the first post, because it is the best post





niggers are dangerous and shity apes

because i don't like people that have different opinions from me


People are more likely to hang out with other people similar to them. This isn't even race related.