Is there a name for this type of haricut, pol?

Is there a name for this type of haricut, pol?

Soy Swirl

variation of the undercut
a quite gay one though

it's a pompousdour

buttfuck handle

poofter partition


It's called the faggot.

Named after you, op.


skin fade

fucking kek

Ladies haircut


The pussy slayer

Disconnected undercut with a high skin fade.

aka The Xeno(estrogen) Boy


That fag needs to shave.

Real men are clean shaven.


the beautiful dick out. for men.

Best worn by men with a frottermode physique

gays make the best slang and you put a cherry on top. good show
>giving an uncut Brit a brojobber
with pleasure!

>I'll just shop out this classy drink and lazily overlay this monster can in, instead.

FPBP Soy boys BTFO


everything is fucking gay. cant pull it off? gay. becomes establishment? gay
the tampon slob


It's called the 'my wife's son'

the unemployment line? or..
"hi, I'm a waiter"
"hi, I'm a barista"
"hi, I live with my parents"

Nobody with a real career could have this haircut.


post all of yours
>wizard-like and curly; caked in grease or balding


The Alt-Right cut

at my barber it's called "the redpill alpha" cut.

notice how Sup Forums virgin's resent anything stylish that would get them laid.

the guy in this photo smashes more gash in a week than Sup Forumstards do in their lifetimes

"The Mexican new yorker"

lol you been by wall street lately? I know business professionals with this haircut its very popular and its clean/neat so why not

Lad, I'm getting my haircut tomorrow.

Is there an acceptable haircut for a straight white male to get that isn't some cringey alt right faggotry?

>gays make the best slang
It was just a play on words. Don't start unzipping

Buzzed nigger.

i see it around the business sector all the time in my city. NEET pols dont go outside, they wouldnt know better

The Passive Homosexual?

i get laid more than you, i bet

because you look like a tryhard faggot.
I'm here to do business, not endure stupid fashion trends.


do I say the word nigger?

I believe it's called the Urban Ranger in Fallout 4

The Gay

yes you've got to be specific they will understand

the rookie roger staubach


Wow, what a big momma boy... He slay pussi... And he brags about in on Sup Forums... Who is the big momma boy, uh?? You are, YOU!


The Turkroach


Idk ask these guys

>current year
>being ironic

The Hipster Youth

This is the most redpilled haircut. Prove me wrong

The only gash he's smashing is the on across his wrists with a knife because of his mental illness that's known as liking cock

who the fuck is that 53% face on the bottom left

Normie cut. It doesn't really get more derogatory than that.

How long does this shit take to maintain?

The EstroGentlemen

probably longer than it should for a man.

Yeah, real men distort their nature by shaving in an attempt to emulate boys and women. Get the fuck out of here, fool.



you're more petty than a woman. he has balls to stand out; girls like that.

perma virgins dont understand this

Spencer is the only one there that can pull it off. Both others have terrible hairlines for it. People like them fucking ruined it. If you have a shitty hairline stop trying to get this haircut.

>distort nature
then don't cut your hair at all, or trim your nails.
For that matter, don't take showers, because your body produces oils naturally to keep yourself clean.
Fucking leaf.

This might be the most normies friendly answer

>just give me the Hitler Youth haircut


the Pidgeotto

I would really prefer if I could get a legitimate response.



Exactly. It also shows you're not balding and its tidy. Girls love it.
Balding NEETS hate it.

It's the 'I'm not gay but my boyfriend is'

Im 11 years old haircut.

>wall street
bullshit. only advertising faggots or cold callers would be hired with this shit

why is the fp also always the bp?

Its called the dickchick

he gets it.

My hair looks almost identical to that but I don't know how to comb it back like he does.





Euro fags were wearing that in 2014, it's just becoming a thing in the US now?

Very good alternate.

The swastiphaggot

>the guy in this photo smashes more gash in a week than Sup Forumstards do in their lifetimes

What metric of quantity are you talking about here? I smash quite large vaginas or were you talking numbers and not size?

alternative right

James Allsup


"The Cuckold"

loaf of bread

Only men with weak jaw lines have to hide their face with a beard.


It's the "Hitler youth" aka "undercut" aka "fashy"
It's the bomb. Antifa might beat you up just for having it. Bitches will throw themselves at you