Does Kanbayashi hijack every discussion to SF?
Bernard Jou Iwaku
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Look at the size of these things!
I liked this show better when it was about bashing actual books and not just the stereotypes about book readers.
>I've watched 10 of your recommendations. I understand anime pretty well now!
I love this show.
>that Heinlein obsession
Is she fascist?
Why is Sawako so smug?
She didn't even mention Starship Troopers.
Because she is /lit/ incarnate
Ubik was too DEEP for me.
I generally like Dick though.
Well,at least sh learned not to trigger Kanbayashi pretty fast. Not like it helps her, thought
Is Sup Forums working like shit only for me or it's the same for someone else.
So many good expressions in this show.
I feel like this will come in handy.
Is this how readers make friends?
This show really applies to everything on Sup Forums, oh wow.
And that fucking laugh.