Is meth the white man's drug?

Is meth the white man's drug?

No, that's cyanide.
Be a white man and take one.

Meth causes low IQ whites to blow up their trailers and apartments.

Bullshit. I know plenty of methheads who cook and never have more than the occasional lithium fire or hydrogen bubble bang.
Meth labs blowing up is an overblown happening the police tout to make people scared of the drug because it otherwise causes little to no actual problems.

Also, that pill shit is weak. Best ROA coming through.
Pharma-grade rocket fuel.

Is it really? Why do meth users turn into zombies? Did the same happen to Werhmart soldiers?

Meth and onions . Kek wills it and hate Jews.

It was invented by a Romanian so no

People that produce and push it should be beheaded.

Crazy the things people will consume when the decent stuff is banned.

>It's Okay To Be White


Its the white trash drug.

I honestly don't understand how anyone can enjoy stimulants. I don't care if it is meth or caffeine they all make me feel like crap, regardless of the dose. Now an opiate, what a pleasant substance, nothing like those foul stimulants.

>Why do meth users turn into zombies?
Because the stuff on the street is filled with chemicals that destroy your body since they can't properly purify the product and they take way to much. You are supposed to take it if you really need the boost, not all day long in insane dosages.

Fuck you nigger.
You're just scared of the meth master race.
That's why you fags do nothing stronger than crack. You're scared of good drugs.

Meth isn't hard to find here. The other stuff is sometimes better, depending on what you're after.


You're a fucking pussy. You hate life so you want something to make you feel comfy and safe.
Stims makes you feel like a raging god, and they don't soften life. The high from opioids trash is useless. You can't do anything with it. Like if you're a trucker, you can't take heroin to help your job. But speed? OH YEAH 48 hours from the Bean to Jax non-stop. Listening to motorhead and johnny cash.

Yes. Meth is the final redpill. The true alpha chad is high 24/7.

Crack is for blacks, meth is for whites

Because people dont eat or sleep for 5 days at a time. They are zombies by the 5th day.
Too much onions will lessen the effects of the meth

Then who pays the taxes that feed you weeb nigger faggot?

LSD and DMT are the drugs of the redpilled White Man.

>Because people dont eat or sleep for 5 days at a time.

Lifesavers. Peaches and other fruit as well. Take some quick naps in between. Take tolerance breaks to recover the body. The only fags that get ruined by stims are idiots.

LSD is for loser commy pussies. DMT is dream juice that sends you to the spirit world. If you are a bugman you are limited in its power.

Never did meth, but caffeine really has an affect on me. Pot doesn't have any effect. Morphine sucks. I think meth would be my preference.


I have an addy script but I feel like if I ever injected that shit it would be instant cardiac arrest yikes

LSD is the best psychoactive ever.
But both DMT and LSD are child's play compared to a 7-day speed binge. Particularly on a-PVP or a-PHP.

I can't stomach opiates anymore.
Stimulants are great, but they're hard on your body.
I'd take them if they were more available, but they're a pain in the ass to acquire where I'm at.

Interesting meth side effect - empathy.
Not talking week-long-up-24/7 shit, but an occasional recreational dose gets the emotions flowing like ecstasy.


can confirm p homecooked or bought off whites it /ourdrug/

Coke's good for a night, but way too overpriced and dangerous for binging. The calcium channels in your heart muscles really don't like coke.

yeah. it goes directly to the Gooch. just like the commercials for Head On. lol. head on. anyways. i probably dabble in like one every decade for like 2, 3 days