Why do Americans allow companies to replace American workers with Indians?

Why do Americans allow companies to replace American workers with Indians?

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Both look ugly lol
indian guy looks awkward like he farts a lot

They are cheaper and smarter than your people. That's why your child's pediatrician's skin is brown with a red dot on her forehead.

>smarter than your people

Because indians haggle

They are cheaper, that's true.

cheap labour
boomers pursuit of sheer profits is pure cancer, they have built a society on a foundation of sand and now it's starting to fall apart

American workers replaced and jobs outsourced.

and indoctrination, building interconnected global business

That's actually bullshit though, in the US they're paid the same as any white person. If you live in NJ you know this because only Indians own mansions now there.

It isn't though. Entry level positions for h1b visas is much lower starting pay compared to an American.
Trump is actually raising the minimum salary you are allowed to pay them by about $30,000 too, so we should see less H1B hires in the future.

Indians are just more into technical/intellectual stuff these days. Just look at any kids academic contest these days in the US, it's always a ton of Indians winning. They have practically just taken over the spelling bee in the last decade or so.
My sister's highschool valedictorian is an Indian girl. It was an Indian boy last year. And there aren't even that many Indians in her school.

Every athlete cheats, why would mathletes be any different?

getting a high paying job here as a foreigner usually requires them to redo college start to finish.
specifically medical school.

they get the jobs because they are well versed in
their job and speak proper/write proper/want to be here while everyone wants to move elsewhere

So you think Indians have been cheating on spelling bee that is televised on live for the last 13 years?

I'm not talking about entry level positions though, I'm talking six figure salaries, there's no way these guys are buying mansions and they're not being paid well.

They just work harder than the average European descent male today, same as Asians who come to the US and Arabs. Most of you guys want to sit around streaming and jerking off to lolis, while they're learning Fourier Analysis.

Because "Americans" don't have a country yet.

Because Americans have the best government money can buy

Well, ok. I wasn't. I was talking about fresh hires.

>Can't figure out plumbing for thousands of years.

bcs they can be paid less and employers don't have to pay social security tax on them plus they can tick "diversity" boxes.

Dude, don't even get me started....At my office it's like 60% indians and it's so fucking weird. They often speak two languages and converse among themselves in indian. they often take really long breaks to go back home to india. And I see really weird shit, sometimes I'll see Indians rubbing their feet in the bathroom sinks and stuff. And working with them they often have really thick accents so you often miss information and have to ask them to repeat themselves several times.

It's bizarre. And of course we always get emails and messages about the wonders of diversity almost every day.


How? Any proof?


dont be naive

What does that mean?

>often speak two languages
I didn't know that was a problem
>converse in Indian
Stale meme.
>rubbing feet in the bathroom sinks
I really can't believe some people can't get over cleaning their feet before and after every meal (I know that it's a custom, but come on)
>thick accents
Yeah we have the same problems when speaking to Americans and British people.

H1B Visa immigrant slave labor.

All the big corps and silicon valley do it now. Hell, even Tesla imports europeans via agencies that pay them their local wage back home, over here in the US.

It's all about executives finding clever ways to jew into bigger salaries / bonuses. They give fuck all about working American people, when Patel will do the job for half the pay.

It's called "Dumping the salaries"

When salaries get to high, you invite "guest workers".

>using fuck all
A british guy in the US? Explain yourself.

Worried Pajeet?


>The investigation, “The Hidden Workforce Expanding Tesla’s Factory,” and court documents revealed at least 140 foreign workers on questionable business visas worked on the factory expansion for as little as $5 an hour.

Yes, the jewry knows no limits. Your monopoly on slave labor poo-in-loo serfs is in danger.

Why you eat with your hands, the hands you also use to wipe your ass on squat toilets that run straight into a river?

"Smarter" yet somehow an entire country of them have produced nothing. Their #1 export is cheap, mediocre labor.

because wagecucks would rather complain about race than deal the porky

Americans don't really produce much anymore either.

Hence you see all this complaining about H1B. It is because Mr. 56% knows he can't compete.

"These days" this has been going on for decades. It's cheap labor. That's it. If there were something special about their intellect or work ethic we'd be importing their tech, not their people.

The hand used for eating us different than the one used for shitting. Why the fuck don't you get this one right, at least?
Yeah nah idgaf

You're seriously comparing the history of exported goods and technological innovation from the US to India's?

Should we compare economic systems as well?

India is a result of decades of failed Socialism. When Indians go to a capitalist nation they fare much better. They start by working in motels, driving your taxis, etc. Then before you know they are running companies and are the wealthiest ethnic group in the nation.

It's not about producing "stuff" anymore. Information tech is going to lead the U.S., and shitty poos that cheat exams to get through a degree mill or exploit nepotism up the asshole will never ever compete with home grown talent.

Indians are subhuman animals. There are 2 billion of these cretin, right now, shoulder to shoulder like zombies looking for food over there.

The 'imported' talent you see is the west represents less than 1% of their population. This should tell you enough about their potential, whenever you see some fucking MSM globalist propaganda movie pushing for further integration with India.

The vast majority of them are simply morons who will work for pennies just to escape India.

>Be you
>Imply I have control over fortune 500 companies...
>Be me.
>Live in small southern town
>Child's pediatrician is laid back white man with influential dad

>the monopoly on serfs is in danger
But the majority of my countrymen literally want this
Apparently, this has been happening for quite a long time too

Cheaper, yeah. Kind of kills the smarter meme, though.

Because only 40 percent American take stem in college

>The vast majority of them are simply morons who will work for pennies just to escape India.

The average 'moron' Indian working 'for pennies' is almost certainly richer and smarter than you. Judging by your reference to 'MSM globalist propaganda' I doubt you have an IQ over two digits.

>The vast majority of them are simply morons who will work for pennies just to escape India
not all, but majority i met here will memorize uni material like donkey would, pass test and that is that. place that person to carry out workplace task and google copy/pasta saves their day

You're talking about an extremely tiny % of these parasites, dothead.

>richer and smarter

Don't kid yourself, poo. Your people are capped on wealth after a certain threshold, and then the only people that manage to surpass it are the ones willing to exploit their own people for more earnings.

Also your disbelief in a global agenda shows you to be markedly below average in intelligence and any kind of cognitive function. You wouldn't recognize a conspiracy if your fucking toilet witch spat it back out at you.

If you’re so smart why are you citing Wikipedia? That’s rich.

Have you ever thought it could be the incompetecy of whites, wide spread illiteracy and drug abuse or it the Jews?

Problems in the west are too complicated to fully explain in one thread, dear poo. I'm afraid you have your own problems to sort out, like not being cucks to the west for slave wages and executing the pigs among you that are exploiting anyone trying to work overseas.

Yeah and the west need people in college or be prepared for the Asian takeover

The whites are too lazy and entitled and you can hire a more organized and developed Indian.

Asian takeover is imminent. It's too late. They are smarter, easier to control (yes this seems to contrast the first statement) and they heavily outnumber the U.S.

I'd still rather be ruled by ricers than hand wipers.

subhuman mutts

Where is the Indian Newton, Von Braun, Babbage, Kepler, Telsa? All the fantastic innovations are due to the White man and we civilized your stupid asses.
If it wasn't for us you would still be living like third world savages.

>more organized and developed

you're kidding, right? tell me this is sarcasm


You are and will continue to be ruled by Jews. This will never change.

Mr. 56%


Don't count on it, bagel.

Bait but have a (you)


you fucking knew everybody would make fun of you and completely derail your thread.
nice try, pajeet


Topkek, yeah right enslave a people for 200 years that taught the white man that the earth is round responsible for almost all founding mathematical principals and then claim we invented everything
>if it wasn't for us
No your family was the lowest of the low of European that's why they moved to the new world, we as a civilisation have existed for 10,000 years and the Hwhite man will die out a few hundred years, guess who succeed

>When Indians go to a capitalist nation they fare much better.

Yeah but they also benefit from affirmative action and have subpar degrees recognized (not anymore kek) so they easily achieved. Obama passed laws requiring Indian doctors to go to America medical schools and that has dropped their numbers big time. Indians are cool but they aren't anything special like Jews who have accomplished more than anyone without any help from sympathetic white cucks.

Yeah but you'll always be indian so you lose

At least we shit in our pants and not on the street kek

Indian are negativity affected by affirmative action more so than whites

In schools sure but that's absolutely it. Both Indians and Asian love to compete in this shit claiming they are fucked by affirmative action more but you guys manipulate laws and take advantage of generosity more so than niggers. You're still hired into work places to bring up the brown numbers and you're still seen as a helpless minority by the left. You're still quota fillers for white guilt.





He is a loser. You have that in common because you agree. You can't program or manage any significant projects.

Did you miss the end of the article, poo?

He's an Indian, just like you.



holy fuckk , did you literally say that????
omg my sides are in orbit right now .
fucking subhuman amerimutt listen up , shitting on streets is always more hygenic to your body that shitting in pants.
I think you should'nt have racemixed to extent that you say shitting in pants is superior.
Anyway I am screencapping your post.

Only animals defectate out in the wild.

Thanks for admitting you're not human, street shitter!

Especially when they do such a shitty job. That Netflix show is fucking terrible.


> (You)
>Did you miss the end of the article, poo?
>He's an Indian, just like you.
Why would you think I didn't see that? You have a very sophomoric way of arguing.
Stop replying because we know you have nothing to contribute. You may reply if you have something to prove to yourself.

Your own people think you're inept morons. That's all the argument ever needed.

>amerimutts shit in their pants
>says that its hygenic
>the absolute states of amerimutts
congratulations on 56 iq , Mr 56% .

> (You)
>Your own people think you're inept morons. That's all the argument ever needed.
Who else besides an idiot and his follower. You need to prove your point. I think you may be very lazy and can't.

You literally have, from YEARS AGO, a fellow poo directly saying that your people are garbage and you still feel the need to respond?

You've been destroyed, poo. Relax your anus and let the healing begin.

Because Trump supporters are more
worried about strawberry pickers...
Guess they dont need tech jobs at all..
They dont seem worried about the
Chinese getting contracted by .Gov

Wait, what companies do you work with?
I see something very peculiar when someone talks about Indian devs being bad at their job. They talk about Infosys.
Talking with the lowest level of Infosys employees and deserve to get high quality code?
Nobody trusts Infosys for good code other than the Government of India. Same with TCS.
These are what's called "mass recruiters". It's what McDonalds is to teenagers. They take people with next to zero skills, teach them enough so that they can do one particular job and that's it.

Not really smart, they are just a few out a pool of a billion+ and most of those are below avg to desu.

muh free market

*Working with the ...

>let the healing begun


I literally broke something my fucking sides

thats how amerisharts speak , amerimutt.

So you cook one handed too?

When it's possible, yes
At least my family does.
I've seen some people eat with both hands and my parents drilled it into me specifically not to do that.

I knew you poos shit in the street but they don't really eat shit do they? that can't be true

>Calls us Amerisharts
>Can't poo in loo

That was so memey, I think they're trolls