This goddamn amerimutt meme has to stop NOW!

I'm sure its jews, so the q is what can we do to stop it, we must respond with overwhelming force

Other urls found in this thread:

We will stop if you stop with the Anglo memes.


A possible Hadji-mutt European meme after all most of this shit is europe based. Or how about ugly Israelis vs Aryan looking Palestinians.

Or is this reverse psychology? Making us more defensive of identity and therefore reinforcing survivalist attitudes?

Can't take the bants you Amerifat? Maybe a nice shart in the mart will calm you down. Go buy some more high fructose corn syrup.

What race is this?

forgot to turn your proxy off faggot

Well, it's true.

The only way to stop it is to drive the niggers and beaners back to where they came from.

What anglo memes?

It’s too late. The Jews won when Trump won. They will now controll our nation for good.

Locked, stocked, and two cucked DNA strands.

>What anglo memes?



People posting the memes and people crying about them are all shills. Just ignore these threads and let the shills talk to each other.

>getting mad at the truth



Obvious satire. Why should I care what Euro trash and niggers think about me or my country. Their whole view of the US in colored by jealously.

I feel lighter

It's just jokes you fucking newfag, deal with it. When did everyone start taking themselves so seriously around here

The beady ones?

>spend a year plus shitting on every flag that isn't america
>moment a meme targets burgers they cry about how it must be the jews

Damn right.

Statistically we have better teeth than you lot as well.

its satire. just grow thick skin.

everyone gets banted on, Leafs, Anglos, Krauts, Nordcucks, frogs, etc.

image is how you(everyone included) should feel

they fucking destroyed us with "le 56% face" meme. its so true. White America is done, we are a Jewish interracial breeding farm now

I knew this would draw out the perps...

Bah, we have already taken care of this.

The amerimutt memes always trace back to memeflags, shills, soroboys, putinbots, svens and pretty much it is what you would expect from them.

It's the same on Sup Forums, a lot of American posters don't seem to be able to handle banter at all

its /bant/ they are mad that Sup Forums trash ends up on their board so they post amerimutt on Sup Forums

I eat too many onions to worry about this.

There are literally like 246 million whites still in existence within the U.S. Your statement is literally untrue.

el diablo...

Its not even good, its the new milhouse

>do nothing but make fun of other nations for not being white
>get mad when the meme is turned on them because turns out they're 56% white
should make another meme on how americans cant handle their own banter

not everyone has thick skin and depending on the direction of their country, sometimes it feels heavy.

I feel for all white regardless of nation. but that also means that we can tease and make fun of each other. if we are losing everything might as well not lose our humor

You,mean this trahs based on bs demographic studies. Including non inter-bred illegals

The statistic cannot be accurately collected, therefore it is untrue.

its a forced meme created and spread by ugly people

Honestly, the only things that really bug me are things like:

>According to the Office of Management and Budget’s federal guidelines on race and ethnic measurement, persons from the Middle East and North Africa are considered White/Caucasian by race.

I wonder why it picked up so quickly though.

See this is the problem stop demoralizing friendly tribes.

sorry user, shape of skull is determinant according to "science", you know science, the same thing that denies every leftist argument.

80% Jidf shareblue zio shills who have a hardon for demoralzing us and pissing us off with bullshit. Its sad because I have the thought one of us in Europe made it as a jest.

They named the Jew during the new Punisher series on Netflix. I was fucking shocked. And all the stuff about mistreatment of vets in the US. Pretty real shit. Was very surprising considering Netflix is mostly a leftist cesspool.

Please stfu, Juan, it is getting really old hearing you complain about a harmless meme.

But they don't even have the math bump.

breadcrumbs they have been told to give us breadcrumbs to keep us docile and make us think a chicken dinner awaits, meanwhile they are planning a shit sandwhich

kill yourself

just memeing, don't actually kill yourself

Post the edit

What did you say cletus?

Why? I don’t give a flying fuck about it. I think it’s funny that Europe is calling us mitts as if muttdom is not nipping on their heels. Some of the best coal burner stories come from Europe. I don’t even care if the Jews are behind it. If Europeans are dumb enough not to use it as a warning then they deserve the path they’re on.

But do consider as an example most aborigeans from literally anywhere else are overall darker and dummer than any caucasoid...we could say caucasoids are the master race since our cabability of not behaving as apeshit barbaric muslims let us invent the free market, yet our bigotery made us stick to the ethnostate concept since globalization is retarded.


Costa Rica nice proxy

That picture is from a central american aborigean ethnicity called Boruka user, they live isolated inside Costa Rica (literally check all the shades of caucasian white at the background).

Stop getting so pissed off when it's true.
Whites will soon be a minority here.
It might not be applicable for those in the Northern states but it works in the South.
Tbh I wish this site had a way of showing state flags.


>amerimutt meme has to stop

why? its true.

My dad's side of the family Is German and anglosaxon. The German side was a mix of Prussian and Polish ancestry, while the Anglo some dumb fuck knocked up a native.

While my mom is Colombian (fucking kill me)

We're all mutts, nothing to be proud of either, and its shitty. We have no culture, no roots, we just exist like, like a flock of wild hens.

Our fate was sealed when we brought niggers here as slaves, all we can do now is keep the white population above 50% the best we can.

We are fighting a losing battle that was doomed from the beggining.

Meanwhile Nigel, Franz, and Hugo hadd the chance to keep their culture, but shat all over it in two generations.

look at e celebrity tread 80% of the posters are shills pol doent exist anymore is like a rab lab experiment

true all dat you said.

The problem is when the actual "eurochads" take the bite and forget there are a lot of "amerimutts" on their side, like it or not.

It's a statistical fact you will be a minority in 20 years, and once that happens, congress will be filled with minorities and they are just going to open the flood gates. People need to be aware of this.

How am I looking for a burger bros?
Am I degenerate?

Well that fucking sucks, I for one am not a wild hen mutt.
We're not all mutts but a large % are.

Yeah, it's going to suck. This nation is doomed, your nation is also.
Your best bet is to move to the Yukon whereas ours is the Pacific NorthWest/Alaska.

>it's true
It's why we must promote race mixing. The superiority of the American mixed race project- the exceptional American economy, military, political system, social structure. Biological realism insists that a prime factor would be the race- and the survey says we are a mixed mutt race.
Let's open those European borders wide for big dark entry. You'll be better off

Calm down user. It's just some kikes working for Shareblue. What did you expect them to do, be honest and fair?

You're white, I read somewhere that anything below 5% is just trace/junk DNA and is false.
Also true considering the "low confidence".

Meh, it's just a meme.

Get over your thin-skinned self.

>lactating through some weird multi-duct man nipples

I appreciate the eye for detail, but let's be honest, you would still succ

our biggest enemies are not the jews and the minorities , upper class white are ,they dont give a shit about anithing that is not more profit,if we could put all whites in the same boat there is nothing that jews or minorities can do,
but the hard trueth is that they DONT GIVE A DAMM

Do you know how the Americans first came into being? They were Whites once, BLACKED by the dark powers. Blanda upped and sharted, a ruined and terrible form of life. And now, perfected: my fighting Amerimutt.

And whom do you serve?

That's my plan moving up north, homestead, subsistence farming, hunting, etc.
I'm sick of this shit show.

you guys are literally on the same exact boat we are

God bless Brittany that big titty breedess

just turn off your computer and walk away, or go visit a different website if you can't handle a few memes

this is nothing. theres been way worse than this. remember amerisharts? of course you don't. amerishoots?

go debate it amongst yourself

>pretend to be offended
>hopes this reignites a meme that was DOA
Fucking pathetic.

when we memed the president into the white house

Stay in the Okanagan then.

Not really user. still like 80%, We don't have the nigger and spic issues you do, we have the pajeet chink issue. Plus Jews are less influential here.
But mostly, Our shit is confined to 4 major cities, everything else is like 95% white, not an exaggeration;.

whites are the majority of new births now, and the trend is only going to get better as the economy improves
meanwhile Germany, France, and the UK will be Islamic republics like like 30 years

>95% white, not an exaggeration
Yeah, maybe in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland

you guys are just as mutt as we are. Native, French, Irish, Socttish, etc. You guys took in all the run away slaves.

kettle calling the pot black.

the birthrate doent mean anithing when you import 3 million inmigrant every year

Probably what Roman nobility looked like, weird how our perceptions change.


Burgers back on the menu boys!

I don't care. They can meme all they want, it's kind of funny. Besides, I'm secure in the knowledge that I'm white, so none of this gets to me.

dumb illiterate mutt cuck

White women are giving birth to the children of non-white men
>While census estimates have shown a shift toward a majority-minority infant population, estimates about the race of mothers from another data source – the National Center for Health Statistics – do not. Its preliminary 2015 data indicate that 54% of births are to non-Hispanic white mothers, a similar share as in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.
>The bureau’s estimates for July 1, 2015, released today, say that just over half – 50.2% – of U.S. babies younger than 1 year old were racial or ethnic minorities.

So, this would mean...
>54% of births are to white mothers
>49.8% of births were of non-white children
>4.2% of births are to white mothers and of non-white children
So 7.8% of white women race-mixed? That's not a very high number, probably lower than the figures for all other races.

All this butthurt.

It's true though, Murica is full of spics and niggers.

Leave the house and explore the public, shits fucked.

The Amerimutt meme is the proof that the left can in fact meme, I take off my hat to whoever shilled this shit, genius.

It wasn't the left it was pissed of Euro Sup Forums pol guy who was pissed we were making fun of them for the rape hordes. Or own guy shot us in the foot

this is a shill thread by lefty pol
do not take the bait

No its not I'm OP go fuck yourself

Is it you? Or did you bang it


Get over it, pussy. If you Can't handle the bants, then why the fuck are you even here?

It wasn't the left you fuckhead. What is wrong with you niggers

el diablo.... americano negron

everybody knows the people posting the "please stop the memes" are the same as the people who post the memes. you should probably kill urself.

But the Amerimutt meme is true though. Suck it up and look around you user. Time to swallow the Amerimutt pill.

Don't worry, the 56% meme will be short lived

Make me faggot :-)