What's your community like Sup Forums?

What's your community like Sup Forums?

>mixed city
There is no community. Everyone keeps to themselves.


Ah Graham and Helen. quintessential Aussies.

Looks cosy, dont fuck it up by bringing some soy bullshit.

neighbors ignore each other and dont even say hi

In my community we call Christmas, Christmas. Not Xmas like a bunch of fucking heathens


I did a white flight about 8 years ago, moving from the nigger-infested suburbs I grew up in into a 99% white area. I thought things would be different but sadly not. Almost No interaction between neighbours, not even a lousy "hello!" Unless it's the guy living next door. But I don't care tbqh - at least I don't have to deal with middle easterners and africans.

Mine? It’s upper white class aryan nation. It’s really a good community no crime kids and parents are envolved in everything. We are secluded it’s top tier

what community, there's a community?

What happened to America? In old movies everyone was friends in the neighbourhood, now it's like this? What changed?

It used to be the same here. Not anyone

>What happened to America? In old movies everyone was friends in the neighbourhood, now it's like this? What changed?
tv news scared the shit out of people in the past, sowing widespread distrust and irrational fear. Now its mindless consumerism locking people in front of their screens.
I rarely see people outside doing anything anymore except the most basic of yard work.

>barring their phone, except for the starting 4
>not barring their names, implying their country, and showing their picture

Are you trying to get innocent people doxxed?

Why would anyone on Sup Forums want to dox a nice white couple?

I live in a suburb of San Diego. We know our most immediate neighbors, and some of them are good friends, but for the most part there's not much engagement with the neighborhood at large. Vibrant diversity and enrichment took care of that.

My neighborhood is too vibrant for that kind of thing.

It's a Korean family beside a Indian family across from a Chinese family, then mine with an Egyptian family next door and Scots on the other side. Nobody really interacts.

it's shite

I live alone in the woods.

If you ever needed a boyslut to help you cook and clean and make love to, I'd live with you.

"Mr. Moderator, Rev. Cleage, brothers and sisters and friends, and I see some enemies. In fact, I think we'd be fooling ourselves if we had an audience this large and didn't realize that there were some enemies present." - Malcom X

>bottom right corner


you're not alone you have us :)

Bunch of tweakers in mine.

I'm straight and I don't stick my dick where poop comes out.


You don't have to be the pitcher.

Sodomy is disgusting.

haha goddamn

commiefornia did recognize intnl. men's day so there's still a little good left in this godforsaken state