
What did General Patton mean when he said "We have defeated the wrong enemy"?

Communists were the real enemy

communist were more of a threat than Hitler.

Unless you aren't aryan, in which case communists are just annoying.

Niggers ain’t shit but he couldn’t say that publicly

what ever race socialist are the worst, evil self centered S.O.B.s


We destroyed Japan instead of Germany

We shouldve declared war on jews

there is no "we."

Isn’t this from a DOS game? I recognize it for some reason.

Yes, we the British, Canadians, Australians and kiwis. We should have turned all of Germany into Dresden

>We shouldve declared war on jews

Should have rebuilt the German army with better leadership, then allied with them and waged war on the filthy Bolshevik Jews.

We should have teamed up with the Nazis to stomp a hole in the Commies and then had an uneasy cold war with them until their socialist shithole imploded. Patton recognized that both groups of socialists were threats to the freedom of the US, but of the two the Commies were by far the worse threat because unlike Nazism, Communism is hegemonic in the sense that it seeks to spread itself everywhere while National Socialism was primarily created to preserve Germany.

Its the nwo


US allied with Britcucks instead of Germany.

USA was a german nation too

need more relevence I don't recognise most latino, arabic, and east asian genreals,diplomats, and obscure US agents.
Deo Vindice.

"saxon" arguably Celtic too.

Don't pin all of this on us you onesies non-white Amerimutt. You profited more than anyone from the war. You are Jewish puppet state and what's more pathetic is that you're proud of it.

'Greatest ally Israel' indeed, you circumcised cunt.

You kinda made Israel though

Considering we killed him after he found out what was happening to the Germans after the war it is not too far fetched.

if you read his diaries, he makes it pretty clear. he was under the same delusion as many Americans at the time they were fighting an aggressor, and Jews were victims partly of that aggressor. but after they defeated Germany and he was a military governor sitting on his ass, he started to question why they weren't going after the Soviets while their morale was high, and the Soviets just took massive losses and defeat. he knew that the longer they stalled, the more unstoppable the Soviets would become. now the SU may have collapsed, but he was right, Russia is a permanent power in the world stage. it leads to the question, if it was for liberty and freedom, why did it stop at the Soviets? he became disillusioned.

as for the wrong people, as a military governor Patton got to experience what it was like to be around Germans, and he noticed they were of good stock. hard working, they oil a bureaucracy to a smooth running machine. and in contrast to this, he saw the Soviets. ugly, Asian looking, stupid. and again, to my previous explanation, these waterheaded Asiatics suffered no consequences from the Western powers, yet these men and women of good stock went through all hell. Patton rightfully took notice that Germanics were on par with the Anglo Saxons, in his view, Germanics and Anglos were the only people in Europe worth a damn at all.

he got "woke" to the JQ as well by again, noticing how Jewey the American government was. when they kicked Germans out of their homes and let rats nest in them instead. and when they kept removing Germans he appointed to work in the government since they knew the system, the American gov would force them to be removed. and finally, when he saw young Germans, who were forcefully drafted have to suffer the consequences for something they had no choice in, he fully realized then that Hitler was right.

Trump said the good guys lost WW2

He was saying we made a mistake siding with the communists. Which is blatantly true, considering half of europe fell under their control for ~50 years and we got into quite a few proxy wars during that time with communist factions across the world.

It's unomoralez.

Look into it faggot. Israelis literally bombed British soldiers. Then you ended white dominion over the world by betraying your own ancestors in the Suez.

I can only laugh now you're a mutt nation and declining in relevancy. Good luck against 50 million armed niggers you obese, circumcised, dreidel worshipping twat.

He meant Jews were the worst people he'd ever met. That's what he meant.

XDXXDXDXDXDXDX LE MUTT MEME fucking stab yourself you british little bitch, your old roths child family is ruining this fucking planet not us you ingrate cunt hole. WE ARE ALSO WHITER THEN YOUR LITTLE MANLET NATION WE HAVE OVER 200 MILLION WHITES WHERE DO YOU THINK ALL THE GERMANS WENT TOO AFTER THE WAR NOT BRITIAN


He was referring to the Soviet Union. Patton hated commies

Because of the amount of onions many nazis ate nazis are the best.

It can still be done and I pray every day that it does

>we're whiter than you

All I see is mutt screeching

Have fun at your wife's boyfriend's bahmitzvah you little manlet nog

fuck off you islamist shit hole