Why are lolis so verboten?
Why are lolis so verboten?
Because you're trying to turn Sup Forums into a chatroom with your generals.
Children are not for fucking. They are not mature enough to handle sex and victimizing them is one of the worst atrocities. Sadly, we live in a world with sick fucks that actively try to destroy children. Loli tries and fails to be a justifiable outlet for pedophiles. If a pedophile is spotted, that subhuman should be instantaneously ripped apart by hunting dogs then burned to grey ashes.
People are hard wired to care much more about children than grown people. Children evolved to look cute and to trigger a guardian response. If a person has autism, he feels the same anger and dismay when seeing a drawn child being molested as he would when seeing a real child. Case in point: Children aren't objectively more valuable than a grown human, in fact, they are much less valuable than let's say a freshly-trained 20-something doctor or engineer because you would need to nourish, educate and care for them before they reach that point. But people still feel an animalistic urge to protect and value them.
Because Americans have brain problems that prevent them from distinguishing 2D from reality. They've also been brainwashed to try "defending" children in any possible situation.
>They are not mature enough to handle sex
When why do most of them want to have it? If someone offered me sex when I was 10, I would do it. Kids masturbate, watch porn and think horny things before they even reach double digits. It's all a social construct created by governments.
Such a shame I couldn't "legally" have sex before until the age of 16 because my government told me it was against the law.
Anywhere, there's your (You). I'm going to go and fap to cartoons now.
>all these anti-loli shitposters lately
Sup Forums was a mistake
Its not pol, its change in moderation.
It's not about Sup Forums. Stop making generals.
Fuck off newfag.
I find it amusing how, in the west, pedophilia is actually viewed as easily the most vile act a human can perform ever.
>New report: A man has been charged with murder after slaughtering and raping over 20 women. After which he cut off their heads, burned their bodies and performed sexual acts on the mutilated corpses
>"lol that's messed up, glad he's in jail"
>News Report: A man has been charged with child abuse after performing sexual acts with his 14 year old niece.
>"HOLY SHIT! Sick fuck! Kill the cunt!"
Link me your anti-general self moderating in the monster girl, jojo and yaoi generals, and I'll stop thinking you're just a triggered Sup Forums faggot.
It's not Sup Forums, it's a board that's much worse: /qa/.
Oh right I forgot the buyfag and drawfag generals too. Please show me you're against all generals, and not just loli because you're a crossboard newfaggot.
meanwhile, pedophilia in Japan is used as comedy and is much more lighthearted.
Perspective. Not even once.
I'm not gonna make a post in all those threads to make a point. I'm just saying that wanting generals gone does not mean you're from fucking Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is not your chatroom.
It's just a thing normals spout in order to deny their own pedophile urges.
>I'm going to make a point about removing generals
>by only shitposting loli threads, ever
You're so transparent it's pathetic. Well I got all the confirmation I needed. Have fun trying to change Sup Forums, dumb newshit.
But I don't even hate loli. Half of my favorite doujins on sadpanda are loli. Just because I hate generals does not mean I'm from Sup Forums.
>>by only shitposting loli threads, ever
This is the third post I've ever made in any of these threads, ever.
I've just thought about something:
Let's say we live in a world where people who do watch/draw loli are guaranteed NOT to do any sexual acts with actual real children. Where no matter what, it just never happened, and all they are doing is essentially watching sexualized cartoon acts containing children, with absolutely no consequences at all. Especially regarding real life children.
Would there still be people who view it as a bad thing? Would morality still overshadow the fact that nothing results from people doing this? I personally think the answer would be "Yes", because those who criticize those people would still be hypocrites by being unable distinguish fiction from real life.
So secretly, everyone is a closet pedophile?
If liking loli makes you a pedophile. Then where are all the the pedos in japan?
>let me prove my point by posting Sup Forumsshit
Do you think anonymous claims have any weight when your actions have already implied a lot about you? There are a few literal chatroom threads and generals up right now, so why did you pick this one to shitpost in when it would probably end up being an image dump if not just dying within a dozen posts?
Either stop getting triggered over images or leave Sup Forums, it's as simple as that.
Kodomo no Jikan is the only reason why I didnĀ“t fail my infectiology exam in university
Shit is researched well
Exactly, it means you're a faggot from /qa/ who knows jack fucking shit about Sup Forums.
Stop trying to change boards you don't use ``please''.
>why did you pick this one to shitpost in
Because someone made the claim that only people from Sup Forums want generals gone.
>Either stop getting triggered over images or leave Sup Forums, it's as simple as that.
Protip: Don't say someone is triggered when you're the only one throwing around insults.
>Because someone made the claim that only people from Sup Forums want generals gone.
Yeah, AFTER you decided to target this thread and not the existing actual chatroom generals, which again you haven't provided a reason for, and avoided answering yet again.
>deal with it or go back to Sup Forums
>waaaah stop insulting me
>social construct created by governments
Take that tinfoil hat off.
>Yeah, AFTER you decided to target this thread and not the existing actual chatroom generals
What are you even saying?
These are my posts in the thread:
What exactly do you want me to provide an answer for? You expect to me to shitpost on every single general on the board? The only reason I decided to post in this thread was because someone made a stupid claim.
>I'll link my anti-general posts in here gladly
>but I won't link my anti-general posts in actual generals
Really made me think. Worst part is you're going to think you "won" when this thread was destined to fall off the board quietly anyway, because surprise surprise there aren't any chatroom boogeymen around. God you newfags are insufferable.
maybe their butt hurt?
>>but I won't link my anti-general posts in actual generals
I linked my posts here because you seem to be confused on what my actual posts in this thread are. I just told you that the only reason I posted in this thread was because someone made a stupid claim. You may be tilting at windmills here.
"dick slave" makes no sense
I enjoy how this backfired on him.
How about you loli-hagfags talk about which upcoming anime shows might feature lolis, if lolis can love shotas, what mango has good loli-characters and other stuff?
Boku no pico
Because /qa/ has dedicated themselves to ensure that every single thread is a meta-thread now, where nobody can enjoy themselves or stay on-topic.
Pico would look like an adorable loli, but is better off as a shota-love interest for lolis, if he weren't into guys.
By modern, colloquial definitions of pedophile, yes.
Because they are horrible creatures from the underworld bent on corrupting our men and stealing our sake.
It's for your own protection, if they weren't they would kill you.
Whats did, did they give up already?
Because moot got an angry letter from the FBI one day.
Satoko has nice hips.
Always remember the ABCs of loli
This. /qa/ is literally the worst board on Sup Forums in the history of it being alive.
We need a /pedo/ board. The queers get their own board, we deserve one too.
Why not just change it to /lgbtp/
this is a good idea.
You have your board already you false flagging shitposter
this is a drawing and you are a newfag
this is a fun character and she's a loli and you just trying to kill lolis
I think it's a lolifag in denial that causes this whole loli pedo controversy
>Sup Forums likes 2D since forever
>likes loli since forever
>get increased normalfags complaining about loli being "pedo shit"
>mysteriously then get a pedo blogger in loli threads on Sup Forums
>normalfags now get to conveniently pin all the blame on loli threads for 3D shit
It's just a butthurt shitposting redditor like always, except it seems like now we've got ourselves a dedicated thoughtpolice faggot instead of the usual fucking off if they don't like it.
How do I naturally know what verboten means? I'm not German
context, its pretty clear
besides german is pretty close to english
Just kidding, I know what it is.
Why are her hands tied behind her back?
She is supposed to use her mouth only.
No, this is just a containment thread. The mods are probably going to delete the thread more later
Absolute kek
That's kind of an interesting question. Would they cover this shit up more there, or is there genuinely less reason/opportunity for them to molest kids?
Did she touch it?
Of course!
Surprisingly enough, Japanese people aren't Americans. That's why lewd loli manga and images exist there in first place.
Since Japanese pedophiles have an outlet for their urges in lolicon they are less likely to harm actual children. For some reason it makes perfect sense to normalfags that gay people suppressing their sexuality is harmful to them, but think that it's fine for the pedophiles.
What do you do with a loli that has no arms?
Give her extra special love and attention.
Give her a hand.
I guess I don't have much choice but to help her.
High schoolers in disguise.
He just proved you wrong with facts and your saying he's a conspiracist?
So your saying kids under 18 never masterbate or have lewd thoughts?
>The age of a woman, but the body of a loli is acceptable in society
What the sod has that got to do with infectiology?!
Iz dat sum Ootsuka Reika?
What are your thoughts on little loli feet?
What is with this board's obsession with loli vaginas?
What are you gay?
What's so wrong about loli vaginas?
What are you, a teleiophile?
Why this thread still up?
I spent all thanksgiving over at my buddy's place and a good portion of it playing with his eight-year-old daughter. At one point I was in her bed hiding under the blankets with her while her brother was throwing stuff at us. At another point she basically insisted that we have a tickle fight. In some ways she's very mature for her age, like she has an impressive sense of humor and she's very self-centered. She gets away with a lot because she already knows how to manipulate people with her cuteness. Sometimes when I leave at night she sneaks out of the house and tries to convince me to let her stay the night over at my place. She says I can just tell her parents she hid in my car.
Don't believe her lies.
Because you still would rather complain about everything on /qa/ than use threads about Sup Forums material you enjoy.
Why is this thread still up? When you guys are clearly pedophile who love to blog?
Holy shit, people can falseflag. Stop the presses.
Why don't you learn English before typing out a reply on an English-language message board?
I never said I got a sexual thrill out of it or anything. I'll admit the affection feels nice, but it's not like I got all dickhard over it. I just thought the local loli thread would appreciate hearing about my cute loli adventures. Everybody knows lolicons only get boned up over 2d anyway.
all me
damn shame that my last post was three replies too early
Stay in denial freaks.
I don't know why Americans get shit for this when the rest of the anglosphere is much stricter.
Please stop samefagging so hard, that's not a sign of a healthy mind.
jesus chris that's such a cringy and nasty sounding word.
How old do lolis need to be before it's okay to lewd them ??
As long as you don't become a wizard...