Is onions juice a meme ? in perĂº we have the best onions and i like to prove this shit

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Which onions are white?
Purple or the White ones?
I don't want to eat nigger onions .

if every peruvian was boiled alive and turned into canned cat food tomorrow, nobody would care because machu picchu would be untouched.

Did somebody say something about onions?

I drink onion juice instead of water

Onions are the real thing.

>eating onions to boost testosterone when you can just inject it

>what are onion rings
>what are cooked onions in general

It really taste good if you know how to cook

why are conservashits so obsessed with testosterone?
is it because you fags jack off to nigger dicks every night?


Peru is comfy as fuck , we have good food , nice people , a better culture than yours , natural wonders , etc

your fucking country is degenerate , our womans are conservative and racist , Any Southamerican country is better than the shithole of usa

Im sorry, what?

Any country that has as much cholos as ours cant be comfy. At least half our population (most of the brown ones) need to be exterminated before you can call Peru "comfy"

>he doesn't inject onion juice

>not snorting readily available onion powder

wtf is mecha pikachu?

D-delet this

where the fuck is peru? i dont even think about you spic boy

White onions are the shitskins, imo, and they're still pretty good. Red onions are the least degenerate onions, though

This is a reddit shill campaign to see how gullible you are. It's ok though, onions are still good for you so chow down. It will make you smell though if you eat too much so eat in moderation.

How to reduce the burning sensation of onion juice?

Would eating a raw onion yield the same result of drinking its juice?

>>he doesn't inject onion juice
>>not snorting readily available onion powder

not knowing about plugging whole raw onions

asdjbjasd los cholos en perĂº no son malos a comparacion del resto de sudamerica

if your culture doesn't have as much fast food/preservatives/toxins as here in the US, could I possibly label you guys as organic cat food? would people buy this?

in peru eat pigeons and fuck each other, they are the france of south america


I don't normally care for these memes