Merkel BTFO

Merkel lead the negotiations to form a new german government.
Their plan was "Jamaika-Koalition" (black/yellow/green)

2017 election resultst:
Union CDU/CSU ("conservatives"/black) 32,9%
SPD (social democrats/red) 20,5%
AfD (ourguys/blue) 12,6%
FDP (liberals, not in the american meaning of the term/yellow) 10,7%
Linke (socialists/purple) 9,2%
Green Party (tree huggers/green obv.) 8,9%

Prior to the real Koalition-Negatiations the "sounding out"-phase for a Jaimika-Koalition failed.

Most important demands of each party:
Refugee guide number of 200k per year
Abandon the Solidarity-Tax (extra tax for west-germans, for gibs to east-germans)
>Green Party
Make refuge a human right
Unlimited immigration for families of refugees who already made it to germany
Abandon coal power until 2030*
Prohibition of new registrations of combustion engines until 2030*

the demand with * are the ones on which green party resigned to form a koalition
tonight ~01:30 Christian Lindner (Chairman of FDP) announced that the pre-negotiations failed, because of fundamentaly different positions on immigration.
specififaly the chain-migration policy for families are what he found inacceptable.

for Merkel the last option now is a minority government.
re-elections will be held if angela merkel is not elected chancelor with at least 50,1%.
IF SHE'S NOT ELECTED CHANCELOR re-elections will be held.
since lindner showed balls and many non-voters would be mobilized this would only mean more votes for FDP and AfD.

Sup Forumsacks we need to meme a black/blue/yellow government into existance. it would be stable and in the interest of natural german population.
merkel may not be re-elected.

previous thread:

I have a visa, where is the best place for me to live in Germany. I like kebab and Islamic Values.

advocate for israel open borders,
move there. we have enough halals here.

I have a visa for Germany and the EU, not for Israel. I want to know which city will give me the most Euros for my living. I will only bring my wife and 7 children. My parents will not leave.

there no war in botswana,
you're not a refugee, you're not a qualified migrant. go crash in mediterrenean sea if you like.
i owe you nothing.

I am black, though, and I have a right to be in Europe per your own government. I look forward to being your neighbor in Kekistan.


Yes, I am going to go to my new home in Europe. Excellent point!

have fun drowning.

I have a plane ticket on Lufthansa for January.

thx for the bumps and again you will oyu not be granted residence permit, not even under the old government. you're a vpnfag anyway.

I do not understand how not. A very good friend of mine is currently in Munich. He did not have papers like I do. I am looking forward to being your friend.

You should go to china, lots of opportunities there.

I do not have visa there. You all keep telling me to go places I cannot go. I am trying to be lawful. I have EU Visa for staying in Germany. That is where I will go. I have found this internet group, and I have seen that German women love us from Africa. I look forward to moving there and making German girlfriend.

CSU should leave CDU.

Kill yourself

yeah they should but they won't because they're too afraid of loosing Franken to the CDU and they don't want to loose their minister postitions in the bundestag.
I just hope that the afd takes the csu apart in next years bavarian election, that's the only hope for a change in the CSU.

What do we call the flag? Pissed Estonia?


visa is not residence permit. fuck off.

new prussia

What will the outcome of a second election likely be? Plz no SPD gainz.


so far unpredictable because the major partys would most likely not run the same canidates.

National Socialist Revolution when?


never you fucking idiot.
national socialism is bullshit as all socialism.

FDP and AfD will gainn votes
re-elections are their worst case scenario, that's why they will engage panic mode in T minus 8 hours


Oh. I was thinking very hard but didn't remember Bahamas. Not far from Jamaica anyways.


>FDP will gain votes
everyone will blame FDP for literally everything from now to the next election, where they will get under 5%

lindner showed balls.
very gud for FDP.


I think so, too.
He made a mark and counter-acted the "Umfallerpartei" image. Top move by Lindner. I underestimated that guy.

funny how everyone bitched about the greens and CSU before and then Jamaica fails thanks to the FDP

it failed because of the green parties rediculous demands when it comes to immigration.
Lindner made the right decision on facts everyone knew since weeks.