Jewish cast. Redpilled script

Who is Jewing who? /Our Show/ or am I being Kike'd here?

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if you have to ask.....

>Redpilled script
uh huh

idk its pretty good but (((they))) still inject pc bullshit. Checkout episode one with the marine support group NRA hat wearer is obvious jew plant to make rightwingers look psycho

I haven't finished the season but they keep calling him a hipster and the journo seems to be pretty bluepilled... calling her boss racist/sexist/xenophobe or whatever in first episode (then he proceeds to actually be a sexist jerk, reinforcing the "white male privilege" stereotype) so idk...

Again, I haven't finished it yet, but from what I can see it has a bunch of sjw themes.

This show is fucking awesome, I’m watching episode 5 now. Very well put together, Frank Castle is done extremely well by Jon Bernthal and the lead agent woman seems autistic which makes it seem interesting.

I know marvel movie studios is owned by (((disney))) now. do they have influence over the 'tv' (netflix) show studio as well?

> the journo
An agent at homeland security. Her boss (Wolf) straight up told her that she might be good but so far all he's seen is that she checks off enough boxes (Female, Minority). After he dies, she's promoted as a temporary fill. She isn't completely retarded and is determined to follow her lead/case but she goes about it like an idiot and puts herself and others in danger, a lot of people die.

They straight up state the only reason why she's allowed to keep her position because the ones in charge just want to cover everything up. CIA bad guy comes from old money and is deep state.

THIS is the redpilled Punisher video:

oh shit, she's not a journalist? lol man I fell asleep half way through episode 2; i thought they were working on a story, not investigating homeland security shit. maybe i need to start over from the beginning and pay attention

>netflix and marvel
>television program
>/ours/ in any way

get out, normie.
just go back to the_donald.

>Watching Netflix

Fuck off. Netflix will never be "redpilled". Cancel your service if you haven't already

that shit was shoehorned in the first episode
>maybe to deter anons from watching it
its /ourshow/

I work for netflix, ask me anything.

I'm bored of capeshit.

show was pretty good, only bad characters were the cop and her cuck partner

Bernthal did a really good job

She was a homeland security agent that was investigating some deep state shit. She was initially recruited because she could translate and because she filled specific diversity marks as Wolf mentioned. Her partner in the Middle East, Zubair Ahmed, was killed by some shady military operation because they found out he was a police officer. She received a video of Zubair's torture and death from Micro. Deep state really wants that whole shitshow to go away.

The topic of gun control and terrorism comes up around the second half of the season. It makes a lot of solid points about the hypocrisy of gun control. The show's depiction of killings/pro-gun points is what delayed the release of the show by about a month because they didn't want to release that in the wake of the Vegas shooting. A pro-gun Senator tries to remove his opponent's claim that "guns help people feel safe" by saying that society should provide that feeling. He immediately gets called out for having armed guards. One of the characters defends the Punisher by saying he only kills criminals and no one tries to claim "dey dindu nuffin".

There is an "anti-gun control/NRA/anti-liberal/jews censor the internet/vietnam vet" that gets outed as having never seen combat and is a stolen valor fuck. The show is still pretty redpilled about gun control, killing criminals, deep state/CIA, and terrorism.

>redpilled script
Are you fucking retarde----


When will Sup Forumsacks ever learn?

I am sick of capeshit and all these stupid ass marvel movies. I havent liked a superhero movie since watchmen which butchered the fucking book. Is this show actually good?

>There is an "anti-gun control/NRA/anti-liberal/jews censor the internet/vietnam vet" that gets outed as having never seen combat and is a stolen valor fuck.
Accidentally deleted the rest of my comment. That's one of the few points that bluepilled. The rest of the show has no hesitation about showing brutal deaths and torture, zero remorse of dead criminals, and corrupt fucks taking advantage of people that want to serve their country. Punisher encourages a bomber to kill himself by telling him, "you can do it."

This thread is the very definition of "astroturf". Fuck off Netflix.

I watched through episode 11 and stopped at 12.
This show sucks. The general consensus of me and the rest of Sup Forums is that the Netflix Punisher goes into th garbage

>tfw wont watch it because the guy they picked is ugly as sin

He's also really tiny. It's weird seeing every soyboy tower over Frank Castle.

Daredevil Season 1 is good. Everything else Marvel is awful.

>casting a jew as castle
>expects him to be a beast
Goldberg is an anomaly friend

Wait, for real?
They selected a manlet to be motherfucking frank castle?

Outside of Frank Castle there isn't ONE white male shown in a positive light. His allies are all women and minorites. He kills the anti-establishment angry white guy who idolizes him. This show is a fucking disgrace.

That's not true. There is the Gunner character.
The woman scenes are only when she's fucking the guy from Westworld. The Jew character Micro is fine, just too cucky for me. I hated the veteran scenes. I am a vet, and I always cringe when Hollywood tries to explain PTSD.
It's a solid 3/10

Only good when**

>Sup Forums
They're arguing that he isn't killing gangbangers throughout the entire season, which is missing the entire point. He's trying to hunt down the deep state spooks that ruined his life. Next season is when he goes after street crime.

>anti-establishment angry white guy
The kid had serious PTSD and became a fucking bomber that killed civilians. He didn't even kill the kid, he cornered him and encouraged him to blow himself up. Meanwhile Gunner was a bible-loving Southern guy that lived in the woods. Ended up being one of the purely good guys.

Gunner, the guy was on the show for a total of 10 minutes. I'm on episode 9, and I plan on hate watching the rest of the season and then never watching Marvel again.

God shes hot. I have a sudden hankering for Mid East pussy now.

Episode three 26:30, Nra guy I mentioned in give this white kid with ptsd after a vet circle talk group a pamphlet that literally says guns and that there are a lot of guys like him. Watch earlier for his story its pretty good

o goy the propaganda is so blatant

You're pathetic.


you're saying it like it's hard to get top tier semite cunt or something. It's not.

More power to you. I streamed it (not from Netflix) and I couldn't bring myself to finish it. It sucks.
They also called the Corpsman a Marine. I swear, it's not hard to look shit up online

that show is fucking boring

Almost all kikes are manlets.

Thomas Jane was the best punisher

Its making fun of her character

Nope, just said I've got a sudden hankering for it, and will make sure I get some the next time I go out

This. I think in the first three episodes that guy appears twice, each time speaking government hate while wearing NRA apparel.

Also it is made by netflix, who seem to be leaning more and more to the sjw side of things as time goes on.

It is antigun. Pro woman. WTF are you talking about? I gave it one episode. Never again. Never bothering with another comic show or movie. They all have sucked for like 5 years straight.

I was watching a pretty good show, and then suddenly about 3/4 the way through a ridiculous liberal fantasy started out of fucking nowhere and pulled me back to 'fuck hollywood' land.

>I was watching The Punisher

>redpilled script
>punisher almost hits his kid for calling terrorists "hajis"

Punisher's got some great art.

I know Jon Benthal through my brother and he's actually a pretty cool guy. I don't know him super well or anything but he's not typical Hollywood.

I've been pretty confused about that show. There's a whole segment with an antigun senator who ends up looking like a liar and a hypocrite.