Baki Dou 135 translation - Roast of Reagan, ft. Donny Trejo

whatado fuckers
I'm back, and I'm probably sober


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Can the Trumby out-Warhol the Yuujy?










Quotes within quotes; please pay notice.





Character of the week: Gary!

No poetry this week; end of chapter.

How lazy is Itagaki nowadays, seriously?

I just wonder if there's a reason he's doing exactly what Yujiro did with Motobe

If it happens with a third character then shit, Itagaki is just plain lazy at times

itagaki full retard :^)

Why is Baki purposely drawing Trump ugly, is he a Hillary shill?

Have you seen literally everyone else in the manga?

Hanayama is supposed to be canon hot. HANAYAMA.

Umm, everyone looks ugly in Itagaki's art style. Are you honestly saying that's flattering depiction of Obama?

Itagaki you are not getting away with this.
Your timeline shit is broken.

How many more years will we have to put up with this?

X? O? Triangle?


Remind the Maxim tournament happened in 199X Where Baki was 1st/2nd Year
Even if you ignore every president before Bush and say Bush was on his last year you have Obama with 8 years.
Baki should be fucking 26 right now.

Baki does not care for such trivialities

Itagaki's worked on some weeeeird shit that nobody knows about. This is an actual page from a manga he did called 'Dogesen'.


other lines on that page include:

>What a huge dick...
>This isn't funny at all!
>It's not going to happen!
>Should I give in? Should I refuse?
>Should I make it, Kaa-chan?
>Am I an evil person?
>These 30 years of history...

Context: guy goes into a restaurant; asks for curry rice. It's not on the menu. Guy asks if he can be given an exception; full-bows to the chef. Chef flips his shit, and has a sudden existential crisis about his 30 years of never breaking his rule of changing the menu.

So did he get the curry rice?



>>no curry rice
Well at least the chef stayed true to his convictions

Sorry, my bad. It was curry ramen that he initially asked for.

The chef learned the true meaning of Christmas or something.

This is a fair depiction of Trump, props.

It just looks like someone took way too many steroids.

That'd be Jack.

Yujiro always appeared in the 80s and you can't prove that presidencies are the same as in the Bakiverse when Yujiro is the impetus for the arms race and Muhammed Ali has a son Ali. Jr

I'm gonna have to do this the next time I go dining with my friends


More like


Am i right?

Strong is beautiful

>has less than a decade left to live thanks to roids
>baki shunned his name out in memetobe's important people list

Finally this hack will die soon, he will take a super dangerous injection or something to powerup 100x then die by baki, yujiro or musashi, calling it.

Jack is in no condition to be fighting; he's still walking around with crutches.

As if injuries actually matter in Baki.

>implying next arc won't be trump making a super soldier pretty much because of the fact he wants a counter to fucking yuujiro.

Can someone post the nothing personnel Yujiro?

Jesus Christ, those are some fucked anatomy

Not talking about towers, walls, or recommissioning the iowa.
Shit, it's as if he didn't even google who Trump was.
atleast trump tower makes a cameo.

The hand gestures are spot on at least

>CNN: Trump gives Yujiro the Nazi salute!

This was hilarious chapter, and I've never read anything of this shit before.


It's dumb, but he actually does take the time to redraw the face in every panel, it's not just copy paste

>and most importantly my building trump tower plays a role

literally seaking

Never read this manga.
What is the deal of this superbuff guy? Rothschild on steroid?

>so that must be when our country stop being great!
Holy shit ahahaha I love how he treats trump like he is serious

He is almost Goku tier

>purposely drawing Trump ugly
Because he is morbidly ugly? Look at him. Look at him. Really look at him.

Are you retarded?

It might be my old man fetish flaring up but Trump is damn handsome.

Fictional martial artist who's fought and defeated armed soldiers, assassins, and even feral animals. He's fought as a one-man army in the vietnam war. He's so physically lethal in this universe that USA declares an oath of mutual non-aggression with each new president.

His favourite past-time is to bully US presidents. His record includes making Dubya his personal chauffeur, shit-talking Obama, and now making Trump pee his pants.

Next charter, Trump convoque WWE champions to defeat Yujiro

But he's still got to awaken his Hanma blood before his arc's done.



Didn't know this bitch was a Baki fan.

More like Cucktagaki, am I rite.

Fucking nazi salute, author knows

The only thing this chapter gets right, is shitting on amnesty loving Regan and Trump's massive hands.

He's a dude so strong that he killed a Super Elephant that even tanks couldn't damage using just his bare hands and when struck by lightning the electricity just gave up before grounding.

Could Yujiro survive a nuke?

of Yujiro were a DBZ character what would his PL be?

>trumps massive hands

haha lmao

>Inb4 fags don't remember yujiro's father was the first one the USA signed a treaty with

I think he could beat kid Goku if you banned ki blasts.

Nah even if you don't Yujiro can punch air at the speed of sound.

Was Trump's appearance a one shot thing? Because it looks like one of those abrupt chapter ends where Itagaki goes into more detail at the start of the next one.

Also, will this tie in somehow with Musashi being on TV?

You're underestimating how fast early DB characters are.

I'm so happy Trump is in so soon.

Itagaki made Trump piss his pants, nice.

The Bakiians are faster than that; especially Musashi, Yuujiro and Baki himself.

Trump is sjw jew

I feel the urge to use that soundclip for something. I don't know what yet, but maybe the OAD will give me an opportunity...

He has been spending his time calling for safe spaces and advocating for censorship of mean, true things said about him, so he's pretty much an sjw in all the important ways.

Make a Baki AMV

>true things
I have my doubts.

why the fuck mods banned me for off topic? I'm pretty sure this chapter is about him. Did I just buttblasted a trump lover mod?

fuck those newfag mods. Literally cancer

Enjoy your ban faggot

surely there is 100% freedom, trump dickrider

Maybe he's just introducing trump now and waiting for what he will do in real life then include it.