Why do I find minorities so repulsive?

This is actually something I feel pretty bad about, I never wanted to consider myself a racist person. And yet, the older I get and the more I have to travel around (got a new place/job etc) the more I just can't stand a lot of minorities. For some reason they often just seem to bring a sense of dirty filth with them wherever they go. They seem to take the cleanliness and innocence out of everything, from city streets, to holidays, to schoolroom learning. Its like I get this weird sense of visceral disgust.



All minorities?

Feather or streetshitting?

they arent human its only natural. we'd be killing them most eras in our history. and future

haha what the fuck? how did it go airborne?

What you dislike is poverty, and the rate of poverty is higher among minorities. Plus, when you see impoverished white people, you have the comfy buffer of "people like me who aren't like that," which allows you to distinguish between "these white people" and "those white people." You have no such experience with, say, black people, so they're all "those black people."

The reasons that are higher rates of poverty among minorities are pretty varied. With blacks, what you won't find out from Sup Forums is that a buttload of it has to do with housing discrimination from the 40s to late seventies. There are other reasons, but that one has had a generational impact that only started to dissipate in the 90s.

But the simple fact is: want to be less racist? You'll have to learn things. It takes work and thought and learning. And resorting to being a reactionary is easy. So, if you don't want to put the work in, it's easy to resort to reactionary-ism to justify your lack of working. So the lazy and stupid tend to default to racism. It's entirely up to you whether you want to join that crowd, but it also explains why more people getting more racist as they get older. We stop trying to learn. We stop reaching for it. We accept the easy view and don't work as hard to better ourselves broadly, because we have shitloads of narrow ways that we need to better ourselves on a daily basis.

And why dont you want to consider yourself “racist”? Don’t you understand that racist has become an amorphous term for: something bad, something you don’t want to be. Because of this it has you literally ready to deny a reality you can objectively prove. You’re ready to do that so to not be labeled a subjective term that has no intrinsic a priori meaning.
Think about that. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> dur dur redlining, Jim Crow.
>> other minorities overcome genocide and surpass blacks within a generation of coming

nigger detected. gas yourself before we come for you monkey

What you're experiencing is reality poking its head through the veil of brainwashing you've been raised with. You find them disgusting because they behave in disgusting ways. You find them filthy because they're filthy. Just accept reality instead of trying to rationalize away your feelings due to some silly guilt.

Nah, that's not a reason, that's an excuse. If they were going to commit less crime, they would do so.

Reminds me of the trope about how European invasion stopped Africa's development at just the exact time that resulted in them still being in the stone age. These conclusions are the result of someone *wanting* to believe something other than what's plainly obvious.

Whites are the minority

You need to learn history to learn why things happen the way that they do. You're intellectually lazy, so you'd prefer to believe that you can learn everything important by guess-work a comparing one thing to another as if just picking two random things and saying "this one is better" provides you any information about why it is better.

I know that feel

Whiteys ass whooping future.

You sound like a person who knows a few token minorities from college and has never lived near a ghetto. How very ignorant/liberal you are

What is obvious is that technology has has robbed people of the simple tasks that make them human. Its not just about starting a fire or chopping wood or hunting its about exceling at those activities and there used to be so many to choose from. Now you are a useless white man who only has his big brain to keep him busy. Meanwhile you are rotting inside from not living at your potential. It leads to giving a fuck about what other people are doing. Nigs have and always will nog. It didnt matter when then and it doesnt matter now. We are just bored and this is a satire site.

Only South Central Los Angeles. But enjoy your mindless narrative. I know that it makes it easier for you if you can stick to regurgitating talking points.

Son, you don’t know history, you know how to confirm your bias. You held the opinion that blacks just COULDN’T POSSIBLY be the agents of their own misery, though occams razor would dictate that. So you looked and found anecdotal evidence that confirmed it- period.
There is no amount if cognitive dissonance you wouldnt use to reject evidence to the contrary of your bias. We both know it. Sorry, but redlining doesnt keep you in poverty and make you abandon your empathy towards your children. It doesnt lower IQ or force you to ignore the internal monitor that would make you more easily integrate into society. Those are facts. You not dealing with them is your problem and why you are where you are.

This is all nonsense. And Occam's Razor doesn't function the way that you seem to think it does. Occam's Razor is about rhetorical models--not historical, causal relationships. What you've done is make a false analogy between rhetoric and facts. Those two things are not similar.

A lot of it has to with skin color. Minorities have a certain brownish, darkish hue that, when it hits the eye can cause feelings of tension. Much like when a bull sees red, we react with a fight or flight response. Crazy given the fact that all races are equal both intellectualy and behavior wise.

And you just said nothing. This,more than anything is where you are where you are.