will we ever see this goddess skate?
Will we ever see this goddess skate?
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Sadly, no. It's fujo anime.
That's a man, baby.
who knows. Maybe if we get an ova.
no, THIS is a man
I want to see Mila, Yuko and Sara skating.
>forgetting about Anya
>yuri on ice OVA
>it's het
At least the show woud keep its promises when it comes to surprising us
How did I forget the goddess that gave birth to our best boy?
When we get the Yaoi on Ice spin off.
>yaoi on ice spinoff
More like Yuri on ice, eh, amirght
Sara on ice?
Who's Sara's love interest?
Meh, boring
Yuuri and Mila. Emil wants her Italian pussy tho.
I think you will actually. She had focus, and it looks like she and Michele are being set up for a character arc.
I think she's intrigued by how Viktor and Yuuri pull each other up instead of using one another as clutches, like she's doing with Michele.
If YoI had 24 episodes, sure. But I don't think there's enough time for that.
It's not her legs, they're skin colored pants or something.
It's already set up, Kubo has no choice but to follow this up now. She won't just drop her like a hot potato.
Now sure she's not as important as Baldfat but then again no one is.
Do you actually think female skaters are naked on the ice? They're all wearing leggings, retard.
I mean, I think she'll have some focus but she won't be skating.
Maybe not the entire performance, but Kubo has to show us whether or not she lands that signature jump of hers Michele did.
Is that an ass wrinkle?
You just did. And you won't get any more.
No, you retard.
Imagine that cg traced awkward dancing, just like Korea-kun.
I want so see Mila skate.
What is his song for his free program? I am tired of Agape.
We're like 99% positive it's this youtube.com
An original allegro apassionato piece
It's set up to parallel Yuuri and Victor, that doesn't necessitate much screen time.
More awkward than Leo's skating.
Wasted designs.
Fujo anime - where women look like men and men look like women.
Just how I like it
It'll be Yuri's cousin: Yaoi.
She's very feminine to me.
The female skater Yayoi.
The women in this show looks prettier than 90% of the other female characters on this season.
>he's mad that fujo anime has got even prettier females than his male otaku anime
She's hot and you're gay.
Narration: It was a kiss full of love
Y: Don't cry, Victor
V: ... I'm not crying
Y: You are crying -- so am I
V: Yuuri, you're always saying such absurd things
bottom text: It must be like this to experience an instant where the pain of crossing over the boundary between coach and student combines with the overflowing feelings of cherishing someone
I'm drunk sorry
so drunk I referenced the wrong post, forgive me
Why do fujo shows have such god-tier girls?