
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>TrumpTV Weekly Update #17 (Lara) 11/17/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump congratulates NCAA champs 11/17/17
>Pres Trump welcomes NCAA champ teams to WH 11/17/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Chair Econ Adv Hassett) 11/17/17
>SecDef C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @Peterson AFB 11/17/17
>AG Sessions @Federalist Society Lawyers Conv 11/17/17
>SoS T-Rex @Ministerial in Africa 11/17/17
>SoS T-Rex family pic with AU leaders 11/17/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC against Russia 11/17/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 11/17/17
>This Week @State 11/17/17
>Women for Judge Moore event 11/17/17
>WH Video: VP Pence @Tax Foundation 11/17/17
>Pres Trump @Capitol Hill 11/16/17
>VP Pence keynote @Tax Foundation 80th annual awards 11/16/17
>SoS T-Rex meets AU Chair Moussa Faki 11/16/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC Joint Investigative Mechanism 11/16/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC meet on Venezuela 11/16/17
>House GOP celebrates Tax Reform Bill passing house 11/16/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



I love Kellyanne.

nn homos

>”You fucking wicked kike whore,” Andrew Auernheimer, The Daily Stormer’s webmaster, said in a voicemail for Gersh. “This is Trump’s America now.”

>she heard a man’s voice: “This is how we can keep the Holocaust alive,” he said. “We can bury you without touching you.”

>When Gersh put down the phone, her hands were shaking. She was one of only about 100 Jews in Whitefish and the surrounding Flathead Valley, and she knew there were white nationalists and “sovereign citizens” in the area. But Gersh had lived in Whitefish for more than 20 years, since just after college, and had always considered the scenic ski town an idyllic place. She didn’t even have a key to her house—she’d never felt the need to lock her door. Now that sense of security was about to be shattered.

>he gained international notoriety just after the 2016 election for giving a speech in Washington, D.C., in which he declared “Hail Trump!,” prompting Nazi salutes from his audience.

>Anglin “doxed” Gersh and her husband, Judah, as well as other Jews in Whitefish, by publishing their contact information and other personal details on his website. He plastered their photographs with yellow stars emblazoned with jude and posted a picture of the Gershes’ 12-year-old son superimposed on the gates at Auschwitz.

“All of you deserve a bullet through your skull,” one Stormer said in an email.

“Put your uppity slut wife Tanya back in her cage, you rat-faced kike,” another wrote to Judah.

>“I have never been so scared in my entire life,” she later told me.

Oh. My. God.
CONFIRMED: This is Trump’s America. I’m literally shaking, and I’ve never been so scared in my entire life!!! DEFEND THIS!!!!!

How'd you guys spend your weekend?

i tried watching blend-s, pic related

did you.
user come a little closer.
user did you start a small business and make america great again?
we've been working for a year to help you make it possible.


broke as hell so I stayed at home

I love Obamacare.
I have integrity.
I respect women.

I am a Collins Conservative.

It is considerably causing me to reflect.



Playing WoW and doing home stuff.


Do any of you have voter regret? All memes aside of course. I do

Fuck this

Fucking CIAnigger Nazis

carley shimkus is very hot

>“sovereign citizens”
I like it.

>hating Blend S
What a fucking fag. I bet you aren't enjoying Konohana either.

>Black male white woman

Who could be behind this?

isn't that the bitch that threw spenser's mother into this nonsense and wanted shekels for it?

>The Daily Stormer
We used to make fun of people that would post them unironically

Everyone in this thread has #Trumpgret.
Of course. This is actually Hilldawg territory.

No I’m a hurockur mang

I forgot all about this guy, along with everything I ever read about him. A "fucking who", is what I'd call him.

America's domestic enemies are more of a threat then its foreign ones.


I could see that

Treating animals, family, barbecue, booze, cleaning, so forth.
Also shitposting now since I have internet here.

You know they do this shit just to rile people up and "prove" ebil Trump supporters are muh Nazi racists.

Write faggotry and reading.

what's bundo's place in this industry?

Based playing people n SHEEEEIITTTTT

Guys, I thought I hated niggers already to a respectable degree but somehow I hate them even more now. I don't want this feel.

Why would you make mixed people that will never be accepted as black or white, also, the woman looks like a kike.

>Aussiebaker is happier without us

Ads and commercials are infested. I hit mute.

Tucker gave a speech on DC back in march 6

>Mick Mulvaney says Trump is 'open' to dropping healthcare provision in Senate tax bill
>Trump tweets: "Now that the three basketball players are out of China and saved from years in jail, LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, is unaccepting of what I did for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal. I should have left them in jail!"
>Franken spokesman says Senator won’t resign, doing a lot of ‘reflecting' (Probably reflecting on those sweet, sweet tiddies)
>Turkeys arrive in Washington for White House pardon
>Trump tweets: "Sen. Jeff Flake(y), who is unelectable in the Great State of Arizona (quit race, anemic polls) was caught (purposely) on “mike” saying bad things about your favorite President. He’ll be a NO on tax cuts because his political career anyway is “toast.”"
>"Shoplifting is a very big deal in China, as it should be (5-10 years in jail), but not to father LaVar. Should have gotten his son out during my next trip to China instead. China told them why they were released. Very ungrateful!"
>"Big-game trophy decision will be announced next week but will be very hard pressed to change my mind that this horror show in any way helps conservation of Elephants or any other animal."
>"Border Patrol Officer killed at Southern Border, another badly hurt. We will seek out and bring to justice those responsible. We will, and must, build the Wall!"
>"Republican Senators are working very hard to get Tax Cuts and Tax Reform approved. Hopefully it will not be long and they do not want to disappoint the American public!"
>"""Sources""" say Mexico and Canada shun NAFTA autos counteroffers
>WH says economic cost of opioid crisis about $504B


I miss the election shilling, nowadays is so low energy.

*dusts hands off*
problem solved

communists are fucking human trash goddamn this image makes me so fucking mad

The pajamas have to match because the family doesn't.

>Brace yourselves: It's a peak year for race mixed families

replace "elites" with jews and there you have it


Let me guess, I've arrived just as master thread chef was about to head out for the night? Also vintage/Americana delivery.


thanks nntnn

Research, yard work, cleaning, and browsing books. Among other things. And of course posting here.

>>Mick Mulvaney says Trump is 'open' to dropping healthcare provision in Senate tax bill
ah shit i didn't know mick was on tv today

G-guys. How old is Bundo?
>bundo could very realistically die during the Trump presidency

I have no love for the Dali Lama, but he shouldn't have been treated like that; King Nigger gonna nig, I guess.

minn left, ya boy just took over

What? Your using green text wrong

The wall is very necessary.


This is disgraceful.

>Let me guess, I've arrived just as master thread chef was about to head out for the night?
We've got matching schedules, finally m8. Rotten luck before kek. Thank you very much! What are you up to for the holidays? Did I already asked? I'm a birdbrain so I apologize if I did.

America is based.
That’s what you Aussies get for all that shitposting.
No doubt punishing their descendants for their big mouths. Kek

>communists are fucking human

got drunk and now im in vegas for a function.

>>bundo could very realistically die during the Trump presidency


Naming the Jew helps us, even though they're tryhard attention whores.

I know I'm late but are you people fucking retarded? How about reading the actual article. WaPo isn't backtracking at all, they're just adding a qualifier. Jesus

yes, but he is #1 bun in the world. lives with the comfiest family to ever live in the Observatory.

I regret voting for Cruz in the primaries.

1965 killed us.

don't do this to me

you know what i meant
communists are fucking trash*


>clicking on tripe

>"... we told the goyim hoping they forget that the very next president could remove all border protections in an instant"

What are you guys doing for the Thanksgiving week? Fun American holiday.

>Racists exist

>Anglo Australians
We had to protect the Germans here. Our forestniggers needed the safety.

lol he voted for Cruz.

Look at him.

Look at him and laugh.

No I didn't because fuck the kike-owned capitalist system that only allows us to enrich Jews' banks.

>Mick Mulvaney says Trump is 'open' to dropping healthcare provision in Senate tax bill
i get confused by this. does that mean trump is ok with not removing the individual mandate?

Wall is needed so when future cuck presidents fuck things up at least the wall is there

archive pls


>Trump is 'open' to dropping healthcare provision in Senate tax bill

we're never getting rid of ACA. fuck you, john roberts.

Status of Almonds: Activated

No it just means Trump understand pragmatism and prioritization.

Laws can change. Walls don't

>engaging in false jubilation just from the headlines
That's what the left does. /ptg/ should know better.

well the alternative is having retards here based their opinions off clickbait headlines (quite literally plibbit tier)
i'd rather have him unironically click than be one of those faggots

Yes I regret that I voted for Bush in 04, McCain 08, and Romney in 12. Dems always talk a lot of shit about Repubs are the party of Wall Street yada yada. Let's say that is true, now picture yourself as a W St Powerbroker, why would you not buy Democrats too? Are liberals like Pelosi and Shumer just too fucking pure of intentions to avoid being paid for? WTFU CTR/shareblue you're being played by the dems just I was by the repubs.

It means he heard threats of voting against the bill, so he is signaling it's ok

Yeah the economy will collapse if we don't take in 162,000 immigrants and 494 of them get jobs.


>th-the wall was metaphorical guys, we don't really need it

Trump Curse!

Lower than trash. And certainly not human. If I had it my way, their skulls and bodies would be skewered on spikes along the border.

I believe so. Probably because the Senate will only drop the mandate in exchange for reinstating the subsidies to insurance companies that Trump stopped. The proposal was poisoned to begin with.

I regret voting for Obummer in 08 and not voting in 12.

well I guess I learned a lesson. ILL NEVER TRUST WONKEY EYE BEZOS' BLOG OF PROPAGANDA AGAIN. ok are you happy?