How do you feel about girls with thick eyebrows?
How do you feel about girls with thick eyebrows?
>Aren't girls with thick eyebrows just boys
>From Mom
They're cute.
hnnnng THICCCCer eyebrows
They interest me.
I swear, I've seen a regular manga with this OL design.
Objectively superior to regular eyebrows.
Should be a tag on sadpanda.
I love thick eyebrows!
They're great.
I'd shampoo their brows with my cum.
where's this from?
Going by the filename, a mobile phone.
i mean the source
cant find it anywhere because its cropped
do what thou wilt
They're the sexiest and deserve the most love.
got it, thanks
Love em
thick eyebrows usually belong to generally hairy arabic guys
its not extremely hot.
I will accept no substitutes
I don't remember this, is TL much behind raws?
The only thicc for me
it reminded me of this one
source? google gives nothing
It's Fakku. The raws are on Sadpanda. X-Eros 46
thanks, man
They're the best.
They make me harder than diamonds
Seriously, they make me so hard that I could kill a man with my hyper weapon and the death cause would be: Killed using a blunt weapon
I approve.
Those hoops are really earritating.
man, I adore this manga so much
why does kami-sama hate me?
They have to be done right.
Until Satsuki came along, I shut my heart off to thick eyebrows.
Ah my Buddha is too blame for me hating eyebrows as long as I did.
Don't worry
Some kind soul releases big torrents of Fakku doujins, maybe the one your looking for will be in one of them someday
The last archive was released in August
poast moar brows pls
I!! love them!!
I!!! Love!!!!!!! Chaika!!!!!
>I've got a request, sempai
They're quite nice.
Looks really good in 2d, ugly in 3d
It doesn't matter
Why do you care about 3D? Why do you guys always bring 3D garbage in fetishes threads?
Welcome to post 2015 Sup Forums.
Some were able to pull it off
Yeah I can see that.
What a sad place now.
Hepburn could pull off just about any 'look' though.