Christian Bible

I've started reading the Bible recently, I'm going to read the whole thing chronologically from Genesis to revelations. So far I'm a little over half way through Genesis but I'm confused. Is the old testament the exact same as the tanakh, or is it a modified version to make Jews look retarded compared to Christians? Or do Christians believe in Genesis too? I'm up to the part where Jacob returns to Canaan to reunite with Esau.

So far every story revolves around lying and cheating, buying everyone's favour with gold and belongings instead of just being a good person, betraying your own family, being unfaithful to your wife and taking as many concubines as you can. Abraham literally cucks himself to the king Abimelech by pretending his wife was his sister and giving her to the king because he thought people would kill him to get to his wife if he didn't lie, which the king then tells him is retarded and gives his wife back, only for Ishmael to do almost the exact same thing a few decades later. Also, God is portrayed as a manipulative liar and is constantly picking favourites and fucking over everyone else. It promotes the idea of not working towards improving yourself in any way and just praying to god to do all your work for you and then following his ridiculous commands without question even if they make no sense. What the fuck am I reading? Does it get better? Does the new testament exist to contradict all of this or do Christians believe in the old testament too?

Also, I'm reading pic related. Is this version OK or does the it butcher the story?

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Read Genesis and Exodus, and then skip to the New Testament temporarily. You're going to get bogged down to shit in the old testament and miss the most important parts later on.

>Good News Bible
Please consider a Living Bible for reading and a King James for study.

>Is the old testament the exact same as the tanakh, or is it a modified version to make Jews look retarded compared to Christians?
No, yeah, even in their own myths jews and their high mythical heroes are total scumbags. Whiners and liars and betrayers. Wait till you get Exodus, as soon as they're out of Egypt they start all "OY, Moshe, you brought us out of Egypt just to starve us" and "Moshe, there's too many snakes" and "Moshe the sand is murder on my sinuses".
Reading this shit you realize just how true stereotypes are.
>pretending his wife was his sister
No, no, you read it wrong. She is his sister, he told him only part of their relationship. Did you not read the one later where he does it again but explains "no, bro, she is my sister but we have different mothers and she is also my wife, yeah"?
>What the fuck am I reading?
Jew myths. Nonsense stories from a trash people.
>Does it get better?
There is exactly one good story in the whole book and it is the story of Samson.

> Is this version OK
No, you are reading garbage. Get a King James Version, the true bible.

be me
> be french jew
> defined by nothing but himself
> atheist edgelord
> start reading the holy books
> notimpressed.jpeg
> realise that everything in the bible is allegoric
> Abraham being and allegory for the first men who found God
> Abraham=brahmin=(linked to the) sacred
> finds God, thought it impossible
> Christian morality and 7 deadly sins are better than the rest, modern and
> realise there is nothing less Christian than Capitalism
> realise people are given false notions of agency
> take the goypill, the hardest to date
> concerned by ecological causes
> werefucked.rar
> realise only gommunism can save us
Help me...
I though this place would make me an ultranationalist, not a gommie deist.

>I'm going to read the whole thing chronologically from Genesis to revelations.
Don't. Read the New Testament first.

Protestant OT contains the same books as the tanakh but the order of the books differs and Catholics add a couple of books to the canon.
I'd say the most common view is that the 10 commandments still hold, but apart from that, the New Testament supersedes the Old Testament.

Christianity starts at the new testament

Make sure you do the following:
> Read the King James Versions
Don't skimp out on this one. No NIV, New King James Version, etc. They are all fakes and change meanings to verses.
> Don't fall for the "Let's support Israel meme". It's completely un-biblical and goes against what Christ taught.
> Remember that Christians follow the New Testament.
Jews follow the Old Testament (along with the satanic Talmud), Christians follow the New Testament. Jews don't like that because Jesus guaranteed everyone salvation, not just the Jews. That's why they HATE Christianity soooo much.
> Remember that 95% of "Christians" you see on TV are full of crap and are spreading false doctrine.
There's no 'pre-trib' rapture, Christians, not Jews are gods chosen people, Jesus did not tell us to be 'tolerant' of others, he taught us to root our degeneracy and take a clear stance against it, etc. The bible, when followed correctly, is very based. There's a reason why the ONLY consistently growing white populations in the world are religious (Christian, specifically.)

Do not read it 'chronologically' - it's sixty odd different books and they don't even run chronologically.
If you get bored you can read the book of Enoch too. It's a bit of a Stephen king edition but it was never meant to be on the list of books banned from the bible (apocryphal or psuedopigraphal or whatever) it was meant only to be banned to laymen and be reserved for the priesthood.

I can't really help you honestly but 'good news bible' doesn't sound trust worthy. Sounds like someone is trying to scam hopeless people. Butthere are people who would say that about every version/religion.

> Jews don't like that because Jesus guaranteed everyone salvation
I don't understand, what happened to all of the shaming? "If you don't believe in Him, our savior you will bur in hell for eternity."
When it comes to the after life there is the purgatory, and the soul can only ascend in judaism, christians hate it because they can't shame people into religion with such a model.
>consistently growing white populations in the world are religious (Christian, specifically.)
That has nothing to do with religion but with religiocity.

Start meditating and other spiritual exercises like chanting mantras. Start with this: "Om - Mani - Padme - Hum". You can use any repetition of words if you want. In Judaism they often chant the names of God over and over again. Or you can chant the Lord's Prayer. Alternatively just sit or lie in silent contemplation. Limit your distractions like TV, Music and computer.

I'll probably do this if it works contextually, I can't stand reading 1000 pages of this just to get the part I actually want to read which is the new testament. I'm only really reading the old testament out of curiosity and to add context to the new testament.

Is it so bad that I'm wasting my time or is it just not as good as the other versions? Am I missing out on anything reading the Good News version?

>Did you not read the one later where he does it again but explains "no, bro, she is my sister but we have different mothers and she is also my wife, yeah"?
Oh yeah, I do remember him mentioning that she was his half sister. Still, he let another man have his wife to save his own life, which wasn't even necessary anyway.

I also have another question. Where do churches and people get their interpretations from? Like how this guy says Abraham is symbolic for multiple people. How do you come to that conclusion? Is it just logic, conjecture, guessing? So far the Bible hasn't made any claim that any of it is or isn't supposed to be taken literally.

>King James Version
implying God spoke English

>Using protestant Bibles

Get out, heretics. You're missing like 7 books

Truth is OP, get a Contemporary English Version Bible, its alot easier to read

> how do you come to that conclusion?
I do not believe in magic and fairy tals, but I trust these story were put here for a reason. Occultism is a real thing and everything is hidden behind words.
> taking anything litteraly
Be a good goy.

Tell me if you want me to give you my take on Jesus.

Any book to recommend? Seem like a sane thing to do.

>Am I missing out on anything reading the Good News version?
NAh, it's all the same shit.If you want to read it other ways you can, online.
>I can't stand reading 1000 pages of this just to get the part I actually want to read which is the new testament.
Dude, no, there is so many cool dumb stories you can't skip them. After Exodus there's a bunch of laws and genealogies and repeating laws and genealogies so skip that shit but then go to Judges because it has good shit(like Samson's story) then read the prophets because they have a bunch of dumb shit(like the prophet who God had marry an actual whore to illustrate how terrible his people are). Don't skip straight to the NT.

>Any book to recommend?
The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, The Dhammapada, The Bhagavad Gita, Various parts of the Old Testament, The Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, and if you're feeling open minded, find a book containing introductory segments of the Quran.

Try to see the similarities between all of them.

Read the four gospels, it's like 100 pages

I have read all 3 monotheist books, that is why I believe in God now and don't trust litteralism/fondamentalism.
I have saved that message, thank you. I will do some comparative reading with the other ones too.
Any book on Egyptian mythology? I have heard the similarities with Christianity are astounding.

I won't skip it completely, but I'll probably skip after exodus and go straight to the book of Matthew, but then come back to the old testament later and read it more casually.

You should try reading the African American Jubilee Edition of the bible

Its the catholic bible. You Americans are in your own bubble. You have no fuking clue about your own religion. Keep reading your exclusive Americuck bible/

>Jesus guaranteed everyone salvation, not just the Jews. That's why they HATE Christianity soooo much.

Also, good post.

You're right at the part where Jacob wrestles with God and is given his new name, "Israel." This has to do with how Jacob had been using deception and his own craftiness to get ahead, but from that point on he had to get his shit together and trust God instead of relying on his own ways.
>Consider reading the Amplified Bible instead
>Consider reading portions of the New Testament in parallel with the Old Testament

No no, get the NIV, it's an updated version. It's more for reading, less for preaching as well as updated for modern word usage. There's a reason fornication isn't in the NIV.

The kjb is the most literal english translation from the origional greek and aramaic text and was one of/ maybe even the most strenuous and extensive translation processes in human history. If you are and english speaker, the kjb is the be all end all

God speaks English better than you, leaf.
King James Bible is God's words exactly as he wants them said in English, no other translation or any "original" is necessary. Just quote the KJV with absolute plenary authority and laugh at any moron who claims ability to make "corrections" or offer "better translation".

Welcome to the Beautiful Mystery OP. I trust Jesus, after long search, discussion, and debate. What is the truth? "I am the Way, Truth, and The Light."

I haven't looked into Egyptian religion properly yet. I know of the Book of the Dead, and some Hermetic stuff that's from later, like the Emerald Tablet, and even later stuff like The Kybalion, which is Greek-Egyptian (Published by freemasons in the early 20th century).

I would also recommend the Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley, because he compiles and explains various texts across several religions.

>Good bread
The most important part of the Bible is Jesus. Everything in the Old Testament points towards him and the need for the salvation he offers. This is why you should really consider reading the gospel first, or at the very least not trying to plow through the entire Old Testament before you even read any of the New.

>Is it so bad that I'm wasting my time or is it just not as good as the other versions?
"Soy milk" is not milk.

God isn't real you fucking retard

>friendly reminder that KJV is the only version that makes Lucifer the son of the morning, and not the morning star himself. This is important because at the end of Revelations Jesus says he's the bright and morning star. KJV is the only version that doesn't make Jesus take the same title as Lucifer.

well, you see, in Isaiah 66;24 it mention the wicked die in gehenna and this is in reference to revalation, and to those who do not come to the sound of the prophets, it is their choice, as seen in luke 16:31.

>God is real you fucking retard*

Fixed that for you.

If you kill yourself right now, you'll go to heaven

>God speaks English better than you, leaf
I hope so, otherwise He wouldn't be worthy of worship.

>committing murder and breaking a commandment
>somehow a good thing

You're self evidently too stupid to be a Christian.

Greek interlinear is better for greater depth. I know from experience that there are quite a bit of mistranslations in KJV, sadly.

>Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

It is true the church lies user, why are you fighting god on that though?
you may want to start with Hinduism...but pray first.

It sounds to me as if coming to the sound of the prophets means ascending, and to not come is to stay, not descend.
To know what is after the purgatory is unknown and tales to scare the believer into believing.
Ask a muslim about how he views hell anf if he knows his Quran he will give you a very graphic depiction.

>Read Genesis and Exodus, and then skip to the New Testament temporarily.
Can you explain the purpose of this?
I don't mean to be a nuisance but I've never been very religious and I just got an International Bible, but the whole thing is pretty intimidating and I don't know how to approach it.

Jew here. The Torah, or old testament as Christians call it, has many mistranslations from Hebrew to English (or whatever language it gets translated to). If you want a full understanding of the OT I would recommend studying it alongside a Hebrew speaker.

An example of a mistranslation is with the ten commandments. The 6th commandment is well known in modern society as "thou shalt not kill" when in fact the original Hebrew says "thou shalt not MURDER."

That's just some advice I can give. Best of luck!

Not really committing murder though right? That whole self determination thing? But then you morons don't do a whole lot of thinking.

1. The Tanakh is in a different order.
2. The events RECORDED in the Bible differ from what is commanded by the Bible. Just because Jacob acted like a bastard doesn't mean it condones or approves of his behavior.
3. I hope your BIble version is nor NIV positive. Westcott and Hort's false assumption that "older" - but corrupted Gnostic manuscripts were more accurate has led to numerous Bible versions - all of which are defective. Use a King James.

Brother. I gave up on all of that. The only thing is the here and now. I know that bothers some. Hell, it bothered me (fuck it still bothers me) but it is the truth. There is no god. There is only us. Isn't that the point of politics? For man to bear up and take responsibility?

Steven Anderson on race-mixing
"Interracial Marriage" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV sermon)
"Races" are a Fraud





Wow, this is getting embarrassing already. Yes, it's murder. There is also a distinction in terms of violence, but suicide easily falls into that commandment and it's the principle reason why Orthodox and Catholics find it to be sin. What does self determination have to do with it? Obviously there are consequences to doing bad things. That's kind of the whole point of what to avoid and how to get to Heaven. Admit it, you made a really stupid argument that's easily refutable to anyone with a basic understanding of Christianity, then you compounded it by trying to find a way to back pedal out of it. They say it's my duty to save everyone's soul as best I can, but you are just too stupid to save. Not ignorant, just too stupid.





Have you got to the part where there are no other people but then cane is exiled and finds a bunch of other people? Exquisite.
>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.

His own people aka Jews.
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Samaritans aka Gentiles.


Nah man. There's no such thing as god.

>All Christians Are Cucks

>All Christians are Cucks #2

>All Christians are Cucks #3

>All Christians are Cucks #4

>All Christians are Cucks #5

>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant

>Cuck Identity

>Cuck Identity #2


Synagogue of Satan debunked

So let's start from the beginning. I say there is a God, he can be rationalized as the prime mover and the initial creator of what we perceive as the material universe. From this point, what's your main objection?

>coming to sound of prophets means to ascend...
meh... not really, I mean it's more saying in context of lazereth seeing the sinner in hell, and the sinner saying send someone from the dead so they will see him and repent, and he's saying if they see moses and the prophets, and not hear their voice, then basically it's their choice to suffer is what I get from it. you can bring a horse to water but can't make him drink.

I want to start before that. Why do you care so much?

It's because Jesus is the most important figure in Christianity, and everything in the Old Testament points to him. It's important to have the proper context of Christ when you're reading the Old Testament, otherwise you'll get to Leviticus and give up and gain (virtually) nothing from it.
>Read the gospel of John first
>Consider reading from an Amplified Bible

Because if it's truth, I'd want to know. Why would you argue FOR ignorance? I care because if there's a way to improve the human situation through the divine, it should be done. If there is a divine, it's our duty to understand it. There's no negative to attempting an understanding of it.

t. shill

>le gadsden flag
>le "there is no god"

neckbeard fedora alert

t. retarded christcuck

Are you even white?

What's your alternative?

>Christian Bible
Abandon all Abrahamic religions. The y are all cancers upon humanity.

That's a pretty good argument but Christianity has always been a tool to be used on the weak minded. Constantine knew it. And every faggot who has worn the mantle of Christianity so he could diddle little boys knew it. Look man. I feel bad for you. You've spent a lot of time and effort on this. But there is no god. There is no Odin. There is no Baal. There is no Hermes. It's just you. Handle that. Grow up. Be a man.

Come home white man.

What's that an appeal to? I know there is a prime mover. I know that the original deities were largely either aspects of nature or deification of long passed ancestors. You can tell that the Romans and Greeks were talking about nature in their gods, because each god is an aspect of nature. When you look at the Theogony of the gods, the "original" divine powers aren't formal gods or even titans-they're primordial forces. Things like "chaos" and "darkness". Same in the Egyptian Ogdoad, which is even featured to some extent in Genesis. When you think of a God, you have this childlike view of man in the clouds. That's not what anyone's arguing for. This isn't about feelings, it's about knowing.

This is the only viable alternative. Rodnovery, the Greek swing to traditionalism, Heathenry, etc.

It's an appeal to you, user. You individually. You are better than this. You can rise above the make believe. You can be better, if you actually try.

>be French
There is your problem.

As for you, first of all you need some scholarship to aid in your reading. Much of the repitiveness is due to heir being 4 distinct authors to the early books, Yahwist, Elohist, Deuteronomist, and Priestly.

As for model humans, that perspective is distinctly Greek(Plato’s Republic). Mythology, which to an extent should be the view of Genesis, is not a whitewashing of morality, it is meant to depict the messiness of the human experience. God is seen as a wild force that can be hard to grasp, he is a mystery. Therefore, his motivations can appear bizarre.

Imagine Abraham—and most of the Old Testament characters—as more anti-hero than hero, you need to not read literally but rather look for the meaning behind the words.

No it is exactly that actualy.
I though it was impossible and here I was.

Amplified bible? Is that basically the bible in its entirety?

I can repeat this same to you.

Yeah, but it wouldn't make a lot of sense. I mean, I didn't make up some all powerful being to make myself feel all hunky dorey in the midst of the chaotic universe around me. I'm not that pathetic.

Cringe as shit.

I can quote to you a ton Nietzsche for you to understand that this:

>It's just you. Handle that. Grow up. Be a man.

Anti-philosophic thought is a ridiculous way to operate in the world. A denial of desire to know leads to nihilism. Either aim for the Ubermensch or a life of virtue with faith in God. Do not condescendingly discount the contemplative experience.

You gay, bro?

I just pity you.

You act as though the death of God is something to celebrate; as though his death does not leave us adrift in a world of meaninglessness. You need to construct a new order if you are to behave this way otherwise you are the source of Western Civilization’s destruction.

God is not dead, man is dying.

kek. There was never such a thing as god you ridiculous faggot

Here have some thoughts and a laugh

You'll want a properly annotated nrsv or nasb translation

I mean, I guess it's kind of funny someone took the time to put that together?

Don't get so caught up in mythology, Morty

The Amplified Bible aims to express ideas as they were originally written but lost due to translation issues, and helps with clarity.

Here's an example of Romans 5:1-5 in the NIV and the AMP:

Romans 5:1-5 [NIV]
>1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we* have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
>2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we* boast in the hope of the glory of God.
>3 Not only so, but we* also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;
>4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
>5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
>* Or "let us"

Romans 5:1-5 [AMP]
>1 Therefore, since we have been justified [that is, acquitted of sin, declared blameless before God] by faith, [let us grasp the fact that] we have peace with God [and the joy of reconciliation with Him] through our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed).
>2 Through Him we also have access by faith into this [remarkable state of] grace in which we [firmly and safely and securely] stand. Let us rejoice in our hope* and the confident assurance of [experiencing and enjoying] the glory of [our great] God [the manifestation of His excellence and power].
>3 And not only this, but [with joy] let us exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships, knowing that hardship (distress, pressure, trouble) produces patient endurance;
>4 and endurance, proven character (spiritual maturity); and proven character, hope and confident assurance [of eternal salvation].
>5 Such hope [in God’s promises] never disappoints us, because God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
>* In the NT the word “hope” expresses a cherished desire along with the confident assurance of obtaining that which is longed for.

This, confirmed it. Alternatively, a Hebrew interlinear bible can work pretty well.

I don't have any religion, but the stories about lying, cheating, wonky behavior, good behavior, poems about how to be a man instead of a pussy, etc. all strike me as a lot of solid cultural knowledge packaged as fables.

We have similar things in our legends here in Japan, and there are parallels in Greek mythology. I imagine most mythology is like this. Not a book of laws, but a book of examples of how you don't want to fuck things up in your life.

In this sense, I think the Bible is quite valuable as a source of inspirations.

But I have a hard time imagining ANYONE actually believes, for real, that there is an invisible man in the sky who is watching you all the time. Well, except for Muslims. I think Islam is literally a disease of the mind, so everything is off the table for those poor fucks. But seriously, nobody REALLY thinks that an invisible man is in the sky and made every crazy story get written some particular way in an old book. That's just silly.

Social fables: quite an invaluable cultural resource.

>an invisible man in the sky who is watching you all the time
This is a retard-tier understanding of God that atheists always use as a strawman.
>The programmer isn't in the program!
>The artist isn't in the artwork!
>The writer isn't in the book!
>Guess he doesn't exist

Knowing how to interpret the bible is more important than reading the bible

>Is the old testament the exact same as the tanakh

The what? The Old Testament is the jewish Torah. Modern jews don't follow it. Jews follow the Talmud. Christians believe in the Old Testament, except for Sup Forums christians. All christians claim to follow the New Testament, even though most never even read it.

>modified version to make Jews look retarded compared to Christians?

No. It was just written by desert primitives, thousands of years ago.

>Or do Christians believe in Genesis too?

Many still do.

>just praying to god to do all your work for you and then following his ridiculous commands without question even if they make no sense

Welcome to religion.

>Is this version OK or does the it butcher the story?

Never heard of it. The two most popular versions are the Catholic Bible and the Protestant King James Bible.