"I get muh news from Sup Forums."

But seriously, is Sup Forums really all that representative of the contemporary political milieu, or is it just another echo chamber?

More like a cancer chamber

Is that really what he looks like now? What happened?

To be honest, so do it. Sup Forums does satirize shit that is happening, but the undeniable truth is that Sup Forums is the best place to find out what's happening and dive into the details of the event. I know liberals are stupid and need their news dictated to them, but fortunately, I am able to extrapolate enough details from facts and make my own conclusion. Banter/shit posting/shillers aside. It actually is a good place for happenings.


it's a retard chamber with delusions of grandeur

it's just a place to vent and shitpost

Who is this guy?

What is reverse image search

Sup Forums gets its news from /ALLSOURCE/ Sup Forums is basically the biggest ISR fusion cell in existance


am i the only one that thinks styx is a glow in the dark nigger?

It's how he has always looked like, he got a new webcam so now we can see the man, the beast, the stuxflexemflammer in all his glory.

All new englanders look like that.

It's the most competitive propaganda network on the planet, where memes live and die by their own merits. Any political bias is just the logical end result of that process.

Anyone can post stuff on Sup Forums. It's a free market of ideas, and what you see is simply winning.

It's true, I moved to Boston from Wisconsin. It was surprising at first but I got used to it.

Styx loves onions.


This, and
yes, it's become a hyper echo chamber since some time during Trump's election campaign

Even I got caught up in it for a while, then a few months ago I realised he was just another globalist stooge (this opinion isn't permitted in the Sup Forums echo chamber)

stfu achmed

Case in point

An anonymous board where posts can't get upvoted or hidden can hardly be an echochamber

It's obviously an echo chamber by any reasonable definition of the term, but I'm not sure what you thought you'd accomplish by asking that question here.


The image is standard character assassination of him however.
< Here's what he really looks like
His biggest positive is his sheer accuracy when talking about political events, and this makes him a big target for character assassination.

Big fan of styx! They hate us cause they ain't us. Picture is just for fun

you are sooooooo gay

first genuine kek of the day

>representative of the contemporary political milieu, or is it just another echo chamber
the contemporary political mliieu IS an echo chamber

He stopped wearing makeup. Makeup is magic, you know.

>Paid to d&c
>posts utter tripe all day
>Ruins board with retarded shit
>Points out how shit it is

Oh vey he learns from the best


I don't know but Styx owns politics on YouTube. I'm proud to show his rye, expert commentary on in my break room. Just doing my part to help break hlthe chains that the mainstream dying legacy media has on the lower classes.

your fault for being a brainlet and falling for jewish tricks

The latter