What ARE her political ideologies?

What ARE her political ideologies?

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feminism, opportunism

i can promise you since she refuses to bash trump that she voted for him. if she didn't vote for trump she would have gone ape-shit by now.


Saving the white race.

Assume xer gender???

Being my wife.

drinking coco and cuddlings
>your image contains an embedded file

Depends on her values, do you see her holding conservative values?

no one has any idea
it's a mystery

What are they NOT?
Not man-hating feminism.
Not liberal.
Not taking stupid "drumpf impeach" pics.

Takes heat from other stars for NOT jumping on the feminazi bandwagon. Has appeared in Sup Forums before and probably browses Sup Forums.

She's a slut so no.

This. Add greed.

I need a picture of an anime Taylor Swift in a Nazi uniform

She's a Trump gal who voted Trump. Sorry normies.


Thers your answer, at best shes just stupid

I think this shows she is a great business woman.

She knows if she takes a stand that she will lose half of her sales/

She knows that even godless liberals buy concert tickets.

oh look, how cute, her grandmama came 88. What an age.

Back in 5 senpai, need to fap to this.

Self promotion, attention seeking

She tried to pander to the sjw’s a couple of years ago and they turned on her viciously over something relatively small (her feud with Kim K) or somethig like that.

She’s definitely redpilled. Gotta sell those records, though, so she can’t exactly reveal her power level.

sorry this is the closest I got brah

Taylor Swift is a mentally retarded woman. She must be accompanied at all times.

she used to go on Sup Forums

White supremacist, nationalist, ultra conservative, Christian and Minarchist.

Exactly! She would've definitely bashed Trump by now or at least taken jabs at him.

Closet conservative most likely

Who cares, I'm glad she keeps her mouth shut on politics but Blank Space is an awful hymn to female degeneracy.

>makes Requiem for Rhodesia
>not a white nationalist
pick one

delete this

You're fucking retarded. She is a virgin still. Envious assholes are just trying to slander her. She has dated many men, that's true, but she has kept her purity. None of the men have been worthy of her.

She was probably a moderate, but given that she's being attacked on all sides by the left now, she's probably gotten red-pilled. Basically, the same thing that happened to PewDiePie. Also, she posts on Sup Forums, so it's pretty safe to rule out leftist.

She's a woman, she has no political ideology. Certainly, she has a vague system of belief based on feelings left through the interactions with her closest male authority figure.

t. Delusional white knight

>Taylor Swift is a mentally retarded woman

Well she posts on Sup Forums back then


over 9000 hours in MS Paint


Her power level is hidden from normies. But she's on Sup Forums now and then

Currently leftists are attacking her and calling her an alt-right Nazi for not stating her political beliefs. And conservatives are giving her praise and respect for not revealing her political beliefs. If she wasn't red-pilled before, I can pretty much guarantee she is now.

Fingolian knight really likes white blondes

A sampling of Taylor Swift lyrics:

“Nights where you made me your own”
“I’ll do anything you say if you say it with your hands”
“Scratches down your back now”
“Only bought this dress so you could take it off”

Yeah, she’s totally a virgin

>implying she writes any of her songs by herself

I get testosterone kicks over 9,000 looking tay

>Sup Forumsfags cling on to her when she hasn't stated ANY support of them or anything they're about.

She's quite eloquent for a woman

Probably. I think Pewds should get with her. She's immature, he's good at acting like a spaz and entertaining immature people.

This. She's being smart. She has a lot of fans on both sides of the isle, she knows not to alienate anyone in her audience. She knows that she's an artist and that people like her for her music, not her political ideologies.

Who wouldn't? And thanks to Makeapp, we now know that if you remove everyone's makeup she is the most beautiful celebrity on Earth.

Those lyrics could mean anything. You're just too stupid to understand their deeper meaning.
You're right. She doesn't need to write anything down. Her Aryan Übermensch genetics have blessed her with brains that remember everything.
My man.


I want to kiss her feets >_

you have to wonder if this even occurs to the left, that she likely held a default-left outlook and perhaps even wanted a woman president, but wasn't about to put herself out there for hillary fucking clinton and transgendered somalians

If shes smart she doesnt care about politics all

So this is it, huh Sup Forums?

This is your goddess? This is the best you could do?


I wonder if she's on here on a regular basis now, reading the topics about her. We know PewDiePie comes on Sup Forums on a regular basis since he takes memes straight from Sup Forums topics. Sargon of Akkad and Shoeonhead do too. I like to think she does come here. There are probably a lot of other celebrities who come here, but they've never revealed themselves.

It looks like she’s being funny

Hi Sup Forums

spartans were faggots
and unironically the women in their society had more rights that anywhere else in the greek world

Hi Taylor.


ComaDiet boys > Soy Boys

post more taylor swift in nazi uniforms.

In the dictionary under "based" is that exact photo.

She's a blonde woman. She is too stupid to have an ideology.

only a shill would post this
"white knighting" for taytay can only be looked at in a positive light

I grew up in the south we did not eat with chopsticks. Not really a big deal. Stop making fun of me.

>spartans were faggots

Ahahahaha, good stuff. Viva la raza faggot. Now go back to being hanged on overpasses from gang wars.

she leans right (pic related)

Her legs are 10/10 tier.

14 88




>a greek
of course a greek with overpride in their christian orthodoxy would unironically reject characteristics of the only time in which he was actually great




The only two celebrities Sup Forums likes. Lots of generation Zykloners are getting red-pilled thanks to the fact that their two favorite celebrities are being called Nazis by the left.

She's lesbian or at least bi because she dated a woman before. So my guess is probably left-wing but keeps it private so as not to lose any shekels being poltical and having beta-orbiters on Sup Forums to buy her records.


Look at their flags...a leaf and a shit stain.


What a profound waste of digits.

Do not presume to know anything about me, my race, my history and my heritage. Go back to being a Spanish reject. Viva la raza!


i touched a fiber ehh ... cristcuck
how is that 60% profaggot going for your feelings

are you feeling better now? shall i pretend for a minut that christianity is a source of truth or at least of good morality?

because i wont



she was a country/pop singer who sang about getting her heart broken with an acoustic guitar who makes a point not to dye her hair colors or show her belly button....Im sure shes only for nigger rights and ending the white race.

We will honestly never know.
She's too smart to reveal her power level,
and I love it because it just further enrages liberal lunatics.

Taylor is obviously perfect in every metric. Just imagine how lonely she must feel. I think the only way for her to feel happy would be for her to have a bunch of pure white children. They'd be as pure, as intelligent and as beautiful as she is. Obviously the father would have to be genetically of superior stock as well. I'm not saying she should necessarily have those kids with me, but she should probably have her children with me.

thats because chopsticks are a fucking retarded gook non-invention that is borderline neanderthal tier

>"hurr durr lets eat our food with two long sticks"

>my heritage
golden dawn we wuz aryan and shit!
>probably you

unlike you i wouldnt reject such glorious past

may i tell you about the dionisiacas? because its literally Sup Forums antitesis but at the same time it was your golden age

i find sad how most greeks are actual cucks rejecting the golden notch of their history while embracing their literal milenial downfall under the guise of christianity

>constatinople is greek and shit!

she's based for keeping her political views private.

she is also a provocateur

Flirting with cute boys tee hee

>La raza la raza!

Dont let The Dalai Lama see this, he's a swiftie...


I wonder if this really was somebody famous. They just disappeared. We'll have to see if any YouTubers end up using stuff from this thread.