

"YouTube terminates exploitive ‘kids’ channel ToyFreaks, says it’s tightening its child endangerment policies"

YouTube has banned a channel that produced live-action elsagate-like content, it said it'll start tightening it policies

“We take child safety extremely seriously and have clear policies against child endangerment. We recently tightened the enforcement of these policies to tackle content featuring minors where we receive signals that cause concern. It’s not always clear that the uploader of the content intends to break our rules, but we may still remove their videos to help protect viewers, uploaders and children. We’ve terminated the Toy Freaks channel for violation of our policies. We will be conducting a broader review of associated content in conjunction with expert Trusted Flaggers.”

Do not get me wrong, those disgusting animals getting banned is a good thing, BUT, do you really think that, YouTube, the one who pushes transgenderism, promotes SJW propaganda and child exploitation in every single opportunity it has, really cares about children in any way? Mty theory is that they let this shit go to the scale it is now, just to make this so called "tightening of policies" to censor ANYTHING they want without giving and any explanation, and here more: PEOPLE WILL PRAISE THEM FOR IT.

There's something real complex going on here, discuss

Other urls found in this thread:

How do I make onio.... oh shit

>a bunch of larpers stumble upon creepy videos designed to grab attention of children and make easy money.
>producers of the videos use comment bots to make it so that their videos are high priority in search results, recommended videos and "play next".
>larpers see imaginary encoded pedo ring communication in gibberish spam bot messages
>larpers think these videos serve an agenda therefore any theories related to the motive ascribed are also real
ITT will be bunch of delusional wannabes trying to solve an internet mystery how blackhat morally corrupt scrubs earn money.


Shut up finroth

I think D i s n e y is behind it
These channels are making bank from copyrighted D characters
D could be pushing these channels as a way to make parents lose trust in YT and bring them back to good old

((Youtube)) is not going to do anything about something that ranks in money. They will just slap the channel on the wrist and start moving the content under another name.

Spiderman Gets Elsa Pregnant Stab Baby with Needle
Probably one of the tamer titles I could come up with

Might as well rename Sup Forums to /x2/ with all the dumbshit conspiracy theories floating around.

Have you watched more then 5 of the elsa videos?

Just watch 5 videos without skipping



The dad looks like a predator, I get a legit danger vibe just looking at him

faggots i need you to post links for some of these videos so i can try to decipher the cryptic comments. i think i have a bit of a theory here thats going to need some time to work out.

or post screengrabs so i can try to decipher. i promise if its true it will be big.

also, reminder that the normies now know. spoke to one this morning. this is our time to strike. all memeflags are literal shills. i didnt used to believe in shills but im starting to come around. work as a team and dont get discouraged.

>words what kids would totally understand that adults can interpret and totally be like oh wew dis is bad.
Yes, just videos being made by idiots and honing their craft to cater the viewers who hit their fat fingers on such thumbnails.
>Muh objective perspective is much better than yours and totally right and you must be a pedo to have different opinion
Yeah, fuck off faggot.


what is this shit? why do you have a meme flaag?

>Your theory
>Bought comments from Asia
>Bunch of kids as a spice thrown in
>Bunch of channels cross-posting themselves for more visibility to get them clicks from them keeeeds
There you go

Well fuck
Whatever you need, Kekisatva

cunt shut the fuck up nobody cares. i am seriously questioning why a person would spend time out of their day to try to discredit and undermine an investigation into child abuse. tell me why you made that comment? tell me why youre here trying to stop people investigating child exploitation material.


why would someone do that? even if it is wrong, what difference does it make to you? why come here and try to demoralize people who could potentially, even if its such a longshot, stop children from being hurt? help me make sense of it.

is it because youre a trannie? or do you belong to a certain tribe? help me to understand what youre doing here, why are you spending the time in this thread if all youre going to do is say "its literally nothing". if its literally nothing then go do something else with your time cunt.

Pedophile shill


>t. sicko

Good read

hes right

it's mostly just money hungry chinks making shit to maximize $$$ from youtubes algorithm

they live action ones are creepy af though

This fucking "nothing to see here guys" Finn is in every one of these fucking threads.


also they alread ymade their money and will just remake the channel in a minute

There is one Rothschild that lives in Finland, I bet it's him


Finger Family

Channels (a few to start)

Banana Cartoon
Ceres Kids TV

I noticed this too

>investigation into child abuse
Because it has nothing to do with child abuse, literally just your own interpretation due to thumbnails and titles made to attract viewers. I'm not trying to stop anyone, you can waste as much time as you want, it won't change anything in the end because you will just see what you want to see.

>stop children from being hurt
Yeah, these kids are getting so hurt in the videos. You should dig your head up from your ass and travel north to the countries what make these videos seem so 'PEDOPHILE'. It's merely an act to get more views and ad-revenue. Or... shit, is it a pedophile conspiracy perpetrated through coded comments and subliminal messaging in the videos????

Go to any kids channel in youtube what is even slightly popular without the connection to Elsas and what not, they are as much filled with gibberish comments and weird people commenting shit and if you went down the 'rabbit hole' to the profiles of these people, you would find as much weird content as before on the other topics.

This is like vegan studies, you just know what you want to see and learn before you even finish your study. Boom, confirmation biases for everyone bois.

>some spam
Are you that triggered? To wonder what I might do.. on Sup Forums? Specifically, on this thread? Obviously I'm shilling because why else would I be here commenting with differentiating comments. Fucking idiot.

>says a faggot from US who probably sees pedophiles everywhere

The vids were all demonetized months ago.

But yes, it's about click money.

The Finn will start yammering the comments are kids typing nonese, yet it has clear deliberate spacing.

He's not even smart enough to use a meme flag. It's the same fucking Finn. Every time.

>t. retardo
Hi again faggot.
No they weren't, which is clear sign that you and your friends again, don't know what you talk about. Maybe go to reddit, you'll find some good source material there.

An intelligent finnish to see the truth. This is s
Shat happens when trailer trash ha e a voice on the internet

>Yeah, these kids are getting so hurt in the videos.
you're either an autist or a pedophile yourself for not seeing it

Not my fault you retards keep making these echo-chamber retardation circle-jerk threads.

Beware the electric Finn.

Clearly the latter then, because what else could I be.


Ignore him
I want to hear your thory

>lhahlgheghh jhouhuhuyoi kgagkgkwfgug ahje jhkjehk kejgkg jhkhkhkh lh99923911

I wonder if they didn't let it stay up so authorities could use it to track the perpetrators down


quite sad how this board has fallen

look at the kids you retard. if you can't see that they're obviously traumatized you're autistic.

god bless user

Kill yourself pedo scum

Come here to back up your relative I see

This is a canned response, I've seen it before.

What the fuck are you covering up, pedophile?

these threads are fucking weird...why the focus on them now? (((h3h3))) did a meme video on them once, but shit.

What's going on here? You really think this is about making kids more "docile?" That's a fucking stupid thing to think, but it is weird.

Help me user. This doesn't make sense.

My bad. I agree, there's something going on
Maybe not pedo
But definitely something maleficent

>all these insults make me weak, oh no

Obviously a hidden pedophile ring from Malay speakers who operate with hidden and coded messages on youtube children channels.

It is all so obvious. And I am just one of their agents defending them on a board on Sup Forums where all the most important investigators of the world relay their information.

What dirt have we dug up on the sick fucks who make this shit?

Are you and the other pedophiles like those eastern European thugs from the movie Taken?

Pieces of shit. I will kill you.

Please ignore the Finn shill, he's succesfully derailing the thread


Because reddit has a deticated sub-reddit for the autists to commence together. It's all about money, nothing weirder than that.

>Reeeeeeeeee, shill.

>words what kids would totally understand that adults can interpret and totally be like oh wew dis is bad.
Are you a pedo? It was theorized it was a way for pedophiles to get connected

The videos weren't for kids, they were kid-videos but intended for grown ups.

Literally videos with grown adults injecting small kids with whatever right in the bum with the child crying, incredibly disturbing, with people fapping in the comments.

If you're not calling for the shut down of these channels you're not right in the head.

YouTube shutting them down was the right move.

>It was theorized it was a way for pedophiles to get connected

>they were kid-videos but intended for grown ups.
This might seem so but the videos are made up by grown up's, thus the distinctive feel to it.

Give a child anything bright in colour from TV or youtube and they will be docile as fuck for hours.

Links on articles:


Their car license plates are often not covered. Because they are normal people making videos because of the 'work from home' meme.

Put on your investigating foil hat and go to the other language forums to find out exactly how much fun they are having while making these, because to them, it is fun.


It's a list of my absolute FAVORITE videos and channels
This is a Spiderman and Elsa appreciation thread, disguised as an Elsagate hate thread

It's creepy shit on the internet that we think has a purpose behind it help us figure it out

Any particular reason you'd give that kid Mickey Mouse getting dominated and Minnie Mouse becoming a stripper?

Why aren't you sharing a link?

>do they really care about kids?
no they care about bad publicity and their bottom line

>Characters for kids
>Themes by adults
>Made by creepy shit-skinned people
How2profit_on_youtube 101.

My argument is that these are just people abusing youtube algorithm to make money, the level of degeneracy they have is highly dependent on where the content creator comes from. That being, South-East Asia.

Compare to most of the EU/US based ones, they are rarely as creepy but as usual, competition is a thing on youtube so they want to rake up that same ad-revenue by similar thumbnails etc.

We know it was a grooming channel user.

I got the code

If you like wasting your time, you can find it yourself, that stuff is all around the popular blackhat sites on English language and Malay/other SE sites.

Entertaining your argument, aren't they shooting themselves in the foot ordering degenerate content, rather than just normal content so as to not risk compromising their business or have their videos removed?

It's a stupid business decision to post abusive content when it's unnecessary.

Kill yourself.

What are these sites? Give me a lead. There's no shortage in malay blackhat sites I wouldn't be able to find it.

Cute little girls

Not reading this autism just post more

Posting response to someone from last thread in comments (character limits)

Possibly connected *dons conspicuously shiny hat* a buddy of mind brought up the idea of hyper-advanced breakaway civilizations, which I shat on as alien apologetics in a quarantined universe.

But I when I really thought about it, if you shed the advanced tech, a breakaway civilization is a trivial matter to achieve.
Consider bluepilled America, they live in a false reality of sorts, but are with red pulled people and other countries to supply alternate information.
How trivial would it really be to raise a generation or two somewhere with no access to media? If you think about it, breakaway civs like this not only exist today in the mainstream (primitive tribesmen and such), for the most of human history *thats all there ever was*. A good analogy would be Europeans and American Indians before colonization.
*puts on highly reflective pants*
These could exist in all sorts of forms, from an "Amish"style sect to act as Luddite terrorists to people who, without close appraisal, live a life just like us but are geographically isolated and perhaps on a separate internet.
*dons a weather and style inappropriate coat*
This could explain many difficult to understand phenomena: such as seeing you tubers attempting to interview protesters and having those protestors shielded by handlers, or handlers approaching the discussion and explaining "they are bad men" and the participant goes back to chanting.
Or, as you suggested, crisis actors.

i think I have better (but perhaps almost as crazy) explanations for crisis actors, but they do fit into my considerations of a technologically parallel breakaway civilization which goes so snugly a great many conspiracies.

*wraps self in several space-blankets*
They may be trying to expand this break with increased dependency on electronic media and content filters that put you ina pre-designed or post-organized subset of the population that they expect to behave a certain. Way when exposed to certain stimuli.

You did it guys against every faggot mods wishes. Good job.

Of actual importance:
(OP) #
There are factions on Reddit [notably topminds, a handful of shills and an army of blue pulled normies] that are commenting on these videos with easily breakable codes. Some seemed content with codes that would call code breakers retarded, but be assured there are some hoping their comment gets outed as "a smoking gun"

I don't know what you should do with this information, but it is information. I am having trouble deciding what exactly is going on with these videos beyond one thing: fuckery is afoot

I don't believe in bots that can create even the human-less content, and I can't imagine this level of dedication from trolls.

My best advice is to focus on the weirdest videos containing live actors and try to spread them until someone is recognized. However, I have some theories older than this mess that tell me you won't find these people.

Thanks to everyone more dedicated than me.

Particularly revealing are those containing reports by children who were recently abused by cults, since they contain details often missing from memories of cult abuse by adults. A statement that cults are “preoccupied with the eating and drinking of excreta” comes to life as you read dozens of children saying such things as “Daddy eats poo … and he drinks wee”(13) or “We ate poo.. Mom put it outside to get cold, to get ice on it.. It’s worse when it’s hot…Mom puts jelly on her bum, or in her pee-hole, and I get to suck it off.”(14) These children have lust been through the abuse; they don’t have to depend upon memories which might he distorted. Questions about whether memories of drinking blood are real or not are soon settled after hearing children tell recent events like the one this eight-year-old reported: “When Miss Ellis put the knife in and the blood came out. ..she caught it in a cup. We had to drink it.. It was; warm. It was.. sort of oily tasting, kind of like if you take a sip of salad oil or something.”

Can someone confirm if this is real?

As for this OP, is this a win or a loss?
They claim to be targeting only live-action, and imply it is only when a child is used.

Did we tip our hand? The live action ones were are best leads to figuring this out, and the animated ones (of the very few I watched) seemed more sinister AND easier/safer to produce.

We already kinda established that this shit was okay by YouTube and Disney, by comparing their usual moderation/litigation... is this a bad thing or a good thing?

I saw some of those videos, and must say, they were fucking creepy as fuck. Anyone who says that shit is normal, is either a pedo, or has no contact with children.

Hooray Sup Forums. Censorship is awesome.

I cannot, many have exhibited that google translate prefers a bad answer to no answer, and so it will produce sensible quotes out of nonsense rather than admit defeat.

use the site QUIPQIUP to break the codes

a real life pedophile ITT

I hate to burst your bathtub water balloons faggot but
>elsa pregnant spiderman pee birth
>poop touch elsa spiderman fun
>insertion baby spiderman bathtub
>naked elsa surprise fun

kill yourself

>using MK ULTRA mind control on kids is awesome

I already showed how to read your faggot gibberish:

This is some of the most bizarre shit on the internet.



have a (You) for bringing some sanity here

cuz kids cannot type, but they can sign in to comment what they cannot type by signing in so they can comment what they don't know how to type, but they can type to sign in just not to comment after they signed in to comment by not commenting because they can't type. I hope you choke on a ham sandwich.

You, continuing to pop up in *every one* of these threads with the same casual, unconvincing dismissals. The inference is clear: you're either an enthusiast or producer of this sort of content

brb have to puke again

I feel partly responsible for exposing you to this cancer
Sorry anons

There are some anons discussing this on r*ddit, just search elsagate

"As a thai speaker, let me debunk the thai translation theory. The reason random letters seemingly can be translated to thai (using virtual keyboard), and then to english (using google translate), is that Google translate will translate any nonsense thai letters to actual english words and phrases!
Try it yourselves. I give you an example: "วววววววววววว" (obviously meaningless) translates to "I do not know what to say."
I find it very unlikely you will find anything with this theory, every thai to english translation I've seen so far on this subreddit is wholly nonsensical.
No, I think the vast majority of random comments are simply bots, designed to fool youtube algorithms to raise the videos rating. If you look at the profiles of those posting gibberish comments, many follow the same patterns: for example many have a one or a few playlists contain elsagate videos named with just a random letter or word. Others seems to be hijacked youtube accounts now spreading elsagate videos/playlists and these comments.
That said, it may very well be something else going on under the surface, but clearly there are thousands upon thousands of viewbots promoting these kinds of videos."