Sup Forums humor thread

Sup Forums humor thread

“The Nigcredibles Edition”

>not "The Incarcerables"

You suck.

It's nice to see a black family where the father is still around and the wife and the children don't look physically abused.

This picture made me feel good inside. The amount of broken black families I see compared to intact ones is about 10:1, its nice to know some kids are getting raised properly.

Nigger father that sticks around. That is incredible.


long but great

This is a nice family

In all honestly, that's a nuclear family and they seem to have fun.
Waaaay better than your average nog.
this made me laff though.


tfw dumb phoneposter

yeah same here honestly, if the nigs around the world we all just like this we would be able to destroy the kike in America

captcha: stein kiln lane

>black family

Now THAT's incredible.

hey back off user it not everyday you see a nigger father with his offspring

Superpower: They are all really fast


shut up drumpftard xddddddddd

>Black man dating his own kind
>raising his kids
>doing family fun outing

No hate here. We will never get rid of the jews if we are fighting among each other.

>father, mother, 3 kids

We need more black people like this


The left cannot meme


Is that a black family doing something together? Why would I make fun of that? This is a good thing.


looks like a family of Hoteps
I'd welcome them to my neighborhood


Based photo actually.

Complete family having fun together.

Wish there were more families like these days, mine included.

This is fucking cancer

they seem like a nice decent healthy happy family..?

yea but instead of being super heroes, theyre super thugs. stealing everything in sight and never getting caught


>functioning black family together

So, not niggers then. You've lost the plot friend.

black father sticking around. wife is not a hambeast. this seems fine.

Why can't niggers ever smile?

dey 2 tuff fo dat, homie smilin be dat wypipo shizzz


im with you, this is what matters.


This. They need to go back to their own country and start doing it there though.

new meme, fresh off the presses






bored so i'm just gonna keep dumping until i get bored of that








Exactly this.








>not taking the US and 30 African countries









>black family
>father still present
>no racemixing
Nothing wrong with this.






The only reason he's still with his "baby momma" is because she's high-yellow. He'll leave her for a white girl if he gets the chance.



fun fact the area of Pluto is only slightly larger than Russia


>black father

the NiGRETables. What are you even doing OP?

Am I the only one who thinks that this photo is not funny at all, but is in fact wholesome?
Dad is around, and participating in stuff with his kids. They all obviously like the Incredibles, and instead of getting on twitter to complain about them all being white, they went out and got costumes and dressed up to have fun instead. Wife is not morbidly obese, and none of them are wearing wigs. Looks like a nice family.
Aside from them all being niggers.





I'm honestly not going to hate on them being a family unit. I hate degenerate activity and recognise differences between races but I don't HATE anyone solely for their race. If it was a "Tyrone" doing "shiiiieeet" type stuff I would laugh though




and it's not even subtle

>tfw a literal nigger is a better father than my father






Then they would be all just African countries
