That's it, it's over!

They screwed up. They finally said something so ridiculous that they blew their cover. of these dirty mother fuckers is getting a big fat fucking bi-weekly paycheck from the CIA or the deep state

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The only thing talcum x is wrong about is that being ungrateful has always been nigger behavior. Good to see he is finally calling out such poor behavior though.

yo holup

>So, niggumz get caught niggering in china
>China jails em
>Trump releases em
And then what?


woah this is p o w e r f u l

> why is that white guy allowed to say nigger?

>Very nigger!

so if I call him an ungrateful nigger does that make him a...

I've with held from hating niggers for a while but I think I can finally say I'm sick and tired of niggers.

Also, the more words that get to mean nigger, the better!
#okay #milk #frog

Trump be's racist obviously

Well, you've definitely convinced me.

Please, tweet this to mr X.

Racist blacks (including the perp's father) look a gift horse straight in the mouth and get uppity when it bites them
Trump just further indicates that there is no pleasing liberals and anti-white racists, thus there's no point in trying

good post ty

The audacity of Shaun king. Saying nigger in public. Its like he thinks hes black or something.

Trump was trying to get diplomacy working again but nigs destroyed it like they do everything.

Talcum x is an ungrateful nigger

So what does "very ungrateful" mean then? Talcum is stupid.

That white guy just tweeted out the word nigger. Pretty brave in this day and age.

Talcum crossed the line this time. He’s going to piss off real blacks.

That doesn't even make sense in the context of him overblowing everything Trump does.

Shaun King is a surbuban white boy. He has his professional position as a voice for blacks. His pretending to be black means he's a white boy stealing a job from the black folk. Are you even trying Sup Forums?

Very nigger! Sad!

They need a white person like Shaun to speak for them because any nigger would chimp out and go on an anti-white tirade after a week of reading the shit people tweet at him.

Shaun King is appropriating black culture by saying nigger.
Apparently being a nigger is a state of mind

I don't give half a shit about this. Trump should have already known that niggers are worthless and don't appreciate a fucking thing, so it's his fault for expecting anything more than that.

Next time, let the little niggers rot to death. It would be better for America if all of them did the same. Much less burden on our welfare state and police forces trying to corral their savage, retarded asses.

Is Talcum X really allowed to say "their" word like that?

Do lefties really think he's black?
How has this guy managed to get this far under such a flimsy vanilla-colored guise?

>Apparently being a nigger is a state of mind
what matters is self-identity. how one sees oneself is reality, not how others see you.

>Trump just further indicates that there is no pleasing liberals and anti-white racists, thus there's no point in trying
if this becomes pretext to turn into policy that would be fucking awesome.

I really hope that he gets called out on this, preferably by a black person. Aren't they pissed off by now at this (obviously) white guy who's made a career out pretending to be a victimized nigger?

Well he’s retarded but he’s never seemed violent. Still 50% disguise plus a bad haircut is pretty solid cover

then you can always claim to be a crippled black transgender lesbian muslim trans-midget trans-scytso and win the opresdion olimpics and have the authority over them due to being more opressed

how the fuck is king still walking after this white manlet just used the N word like its in his blood.

imagine being such a peice of shit the president of your country gets your son out of foreign jail and you complain he didnt do enough

kek great

Talcum X is all the proof we need that there are, indeed, white niggers.

How's this guy daring to say nigger?
Any based black men can tell me it's permissible now?

larp as a nigger and complain hes too white to say it i would but im lazy

>president does thing presidents expected to do as part of the job
>expects a gold star and extra juice at snack time
>throws a fit about it on twitter when he doesn't get them

Holup but de dindu so he dindu en to dindus don ekwall uh summin

the left can't meme.
more proof.

I fucking hate ungratefuls

We should all start calling Shaun King ungrateful on Twitter. It's basically calling him a nigger without getting banned(for now).

>he admits niggers are ungrateful
Dumb racist shit

God bless.

Wow!! That's one big doggo!!!

So has Shaun king ever on record to have said nigger publicly before? Because if he hasn't...

King Saltine is the worst. I yearn for the day that his window-licking base turns on him.

He needs some more shoepolish on his face

>get Americans released from jail
>get accused of calling them niggers

The sheer dedication to finding fault is mind-boggling.

Why can't you keep a club open longer than a week? Ungratefuls

I like it


>that fucking gif
my fucking sides

I’m doing this from now on
Shaun ‘the ungrateful’ King

I wasn't aware getting shop lifters off the hook was part of the presidents duties.

Grateful deplorable checking in

>I don't think white guys are allowed to say this

To us it's obvious it's a ridiculous statement that doesn't really compute, but to the concerned and increasingly neurotic resistance it passes as profundity.

Ungrateful X


Pretty good idea Senpai.

I was all for leaving their nigger asses in chink jail. Hopefully, Trump learned his lesson here.

Ungratefuls commit over 50% of all crime despite making up 12% of the population

Shaun King is literally proving that white is the new nigger.

Because niggers are too dumb to do anything so CIA hired white guy to speak for niggers

He's done.


Seriously, did Trump just redpill the whole word on niggers?

Was he playing 67-D chess again?

the utter state of affirmative action


I fucking hate all of you ungratefully baboon brained ungratefuls. Ungratefuls back to Africa now

The damn thing of it is, he's said even if his dad was white his biological father might not be.

He literally called his mom a whore for his larp.

there is nothing new about niggers being ungrateful.

After some point you should call him grateful once he picks up that "ungrateful" is a proxy slur for nigger. Hit him where it hurts, twice: once because he pretends to be black, another for pretending to be black. He won't know what hit him.

>ungrateful is the 'new' nigger
Nothing new about ungrateful nignogs. They've been ungrateful since the first gib and will be until the last.




A white guy said nigger on twitter! BAN SHAUN KING!

Imagine Trump replying to him something like
>was your mouth young white man, raysism is not only impolite, it is very bad

>Ungrateful is a synonym for nigger
Sounds about right.

Genius idea sambanigger.

>Young man, racisim is not nice, totally unacceptable.
>I think you own all afro americans an appology

Imagine how desperate leftists must be if they need to redefine N I G G E R

New words that also mean nigger:
not the fathers

Hmmmm. So "very nigger"?

>very nigger!

wigh pepo finna tak us bak to the slave age!

He pulled down the tweet.


have a (you) for the chuckle

i thought whitey wasn't allowed to say nigger? why is it okay if this white boi says it?

holy shit you outjewed the jews on this one my lad
top tier logic

youth is another one

I guess I just found out what a double nigger is.

Post-modernism everyone!

did his dad shave his moustache to look like his son to help try to prove to his son that he's his dad?

I say good job

Petition to get him purged from Twitter on December 18th
hate speech should never be allowed on that platform

The NIHC will do wonders to your nationality/ethnicity.

Sheriff Clarke is 100% our guy