卍 Aryan Women 卐

Aryan Women Just Won The Miss World 2017.

Manushi Chillar from Haryana, India a true beauty from the over 12.000 year old Indus-Sarasvati civilization.

Can Sup Forums ever really recover with streetshitter memes?

Other urls found in this thread:


She may shit in streets but I'd still put it in her hershey highway

I’d gladly let her shit on my dick

> implying I care about beauty pageants
Get this trash off my fuckin' board, bitch. Indians are pieces of fucking filth.


are americans always this stupid?


poo in loo

> Indian making fun of any other culture's shitting habits

hello racemixed amerimutt living in Canada.







>Triggered SHART IN MARTER posting obvious LARP posts lmao.


>Thumbnail picture
>Who'd be stupid enough to save a thumbna-

Some of the old aryan genes atavistically erupt from time to time.

Pic related was better in my humble opinion

She doesn't look indian, 0.0001% of indians look like that.

There are more than you might think, but the exact ratio is unknown to me. India is a vast nation. The facts are that Indian women even bleach their skin to look lighter. They remember, even if it's only in the deepest part of their unconscious the glory of the invaders from the north, Indra, and ancient somatic conquests which still are remembered in their oldest book, the Rg Veda

captcha: heritage street

lil peep was talentless cretin. glad the degenerate subhuman scumbag died

only wish it was more painful and prolonged

t. memeflaggot

Hear Hear

But she's got shit looks
How did she win

Texas is part of america dipshit

Eyedea was actually a friend of mine, and this is less than twelve in comparison.

I'll spell it out for you- Eyedea was a real rapper that had something to say who died from opiates and lil sneech was an attention whore faggot who died like a degenerate. Any questions?

wtf? Does she have a lazy eye?

Why is your taste so bad? lmao.

You only think that because you 12 and what is this

Learn English, fag.

Someone MakeApp this thing

lrn2meme fanboy

Not an argument.

you have to go back

I doubt some tard on Sup Forums knows much about India's genetic makeup

does she poo in the loo?



No I don't, nigger.

what a dimepiece

Meanwhile in china as well

>It seems like the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show — which is set to be held in Shanghai, China, on November 20 — was doomed from the start.

>Katy Perry was said to perform at the show, but now she is reportedly "banned from China indefinitely."

>Top model Gigi Hadid backed out of the show following allegations that she "discriminated" against Chinese people.

>Angel Adriana Lima's visa has been reportedly delayed and four other models were reportedly denied visas to travel to China.

>Based on the history of cultural appropriation in the fashion show and China's political climate, it's unclear why Victoria's Secret ever thought this would be a good idea.