Chile is no longer based! They have cucked themselves for whatever reason. This leaves Argentina as the best and brightest South America, and possibly to a greater extent Latin America, has to offer. What happens now?!

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally the darkest people in all Latin America


uragay seems to be ok as well

What happened to Chile?

what did chile do?

They may elect a leftist/commie. /ourguy/ didn't even come close to victory

Apparently annexed a shit ton of your territory.

Inner patagonia. Rio Negro.
Argentina = Natural resources - oil, water, cattle ranching. Celebrities like Ted Turner are buying up land.
When pollution catches up, this area will be the new frontier. If you can, buy land with natural resources on it for your progeny. In 200 years, they will be the elite.


Chile's got the most stable economy in south america and the lowest homicide rate -- lower than here in FL where I'm at. If this whole college thing doesn't work out, my plan B is to herd llamas and play in a post-rock band in Santiago by the atacama.
Not true user, Pinera is up +17% over the commie as of today

Don't worry, (((she)))'ll be in jail, proper jail, by next year.

thread theme:

every argentine politician is a kike puppet

so no

It was good enough for Hitler and the nazis when Germany went kaput.

>every argentine politician is a kike puppet
you can remove "argentine" from that sentence and it still true

patagonia will rise again and we're taking bariloche with us

rate my border

How is life for an American expat living in Patagonia while working for a foreign company or being self employed?

Even if Piñera manages to win this year next elections will be destined to Frente Amplio, they got a 20% of president votes, and also senators and deputies, they just started this year as a party, Lord Kast got only 8%.

Socialism is going to destroy our country... a second time.
We had presidential and congress elections yesterday. /ourguy/ got 8%, but soyboy college leftists (AKA Frente Amplio) got 20%.

MSM shilled two candidates and we followed suit. Piñera is local Hillary Clinton and Guillier is B rate Bernie Sanders after drinking a glass of rum with Raúl Castro.

We haven't learned anything with Allende, with Maduro and after how ungrateful we were with our Armed Forces we cannot count this time with them taking over.

Peru is the only hope for Latin America. Just mercy nuke us already, we deserve it.

Why are they so freaken arrogant?, they have nothing to be arrogant about.

Like the US, Argentina has a very large jew population. High corruption, economic collapses and so forth. Food is good from what I hear.

Sorry to hear that.

How are you going to MCGA?

Do you guys know Eli Roth, the actor/director? He loves Chile! I think he's married to a girl from Chile.

Listen to his interview on the Bret Easton Ellis podcast -- based (even tho he's probably a lefty. but he's not cucked. he thinks SJWs are trash)

Don't kid yourself, Argentina is a shithole. And we have large egos while living like niggers. Hell even Brazil's economy is better than ours. Our music is shit, sounds like Mexican bachata garbage, we have no culture and most cling to their heritage without doing anything to change this godforsaken land. It's quite funny when argentines go to Europe thinking they'll be accepted as one of them just to be ridiculed and mocked. That's the truth about this place, also, Jews.

Bump , also, no culture and shitty food

Come here only if you hate commies and you are not a stormfaggot , if you hate statecucks you are welcome to join the fight,
But the forces of entropy never sleep , they are always working to destroy civilization.

I had a friend who was so PROUD to be Argentine. It was bizarre to watch.
I am wondering to know why you say it has no culture. Please red pill me on this

why would this fat tranny be in jail? What is going on?

lemme be in your band m8


Thank you Uncle Hitler

have we figured out where his home in argentina is?

>shitty food
post ur fav argentine food

>How are you going to MCGA?
We can only act like some fringe opposition force while we see our liberties gradually diminished and classified as hate speech, and having our streets flooded with extremely violent Colombian niggers and incompetent Haitians as we advance more into a police state, like they are doing right now with the UK.

At least with Kast many people lost their fear to be called "facho" (insult similar to be called "racist" in Burgerland), but I don't know, it'll be difficult to recover the faith in my countrymen again, they just love free shit too much to see ahead when State funds run out and taxes become too expensive to pay.

Just promise free shit and people will spread their legs for you here. Add feminism and cultural marxism to the mix and you got Beatriz Sanchez's campaign, which went popular because of giving free college education.

As long as people don't believe in themselves here, nothing will change. And people don't want to believe in themselves.



Argentina stronk!

Cities filled with bluepilled niggers and inflation over the roofs is a good place? I refuse to accept that a place full of brainlet cucks is a decent place to be.

Come and take it, faggot.

final result from yesterday's elections

as you can see, europe is full of absolute cuckolds, while russia, australia, japan, canada, argentina and so on are full of pleb cucks

latin america and africa, the middle east and most of asia get the ok chileans

and malaysia with based people

>We have large egos while living like niggers.
We were for decades the leading country with best quality of life, only beated recently Uruguay. Do you think we would have this invasion of latinamerican and african people If we were a shithole?

>Hell even Brazil's economy is better than ours.
That is debatable. And you don't know shit. It is a well common known fact in economy that Brazil and Argentina's economies are tied regionally. If Brazil goes up, Argentina goes up. If Argentina goes down, Brazil goes down.

>Our music is shit.
We always had the most diverse, creative and more devolped music of all of Latinamerica. We also have a unique kind of dance/music that is highly complex musically.

>We have no culture.
At this point to just nailed the flag on the ground saying "I'm a retard" or "I'm a paraguayan immigrant shill." We have one of the most distinctive and intellectual cultures of all the Americas (yes, including North America).

>It's quite funny when argentines go to Europe thinking they'll be accepted as one of them just to be ridiculed and mocked.
"I went to Europe and they mocked me, despite me havin 40% european genes and 60% amerindian; europeans are bad bad booga booga." You need to go back Braian. I've been to Western and Central Europe and people thought I was a native, same with a lot of my friends including one from Eastern Europe.

>Also, Jews.
This is true, though.

I just hate this self-hating mentality. Highly common among our people, also.

>no culture
Thoughts like this is why countries die from the inside.

Who made that map lol

Brazil has Bolsonaro. Thank god. True right wing.

I want to kill communists

I'm so fucking mad

I can feel your pain very well.

Don't you look at the news, McRedneck Nigger Jew?
You hamburger are clueless, what the heck...

Would you be ok if we got the CIA to install Pinochet 2.0 into power?

Yes. I voted for the dude that said "Pinochet would vote for me"

Kill every commie and feminist, torture all fags, exile all niggers.

I'm afraid America is too pussy out nowadays to help us though. Which is why I'm so angry, there is no one to help us from ourselves.

CIA is commie now just like US

Wasn't it always?

Argentina is a shithole what the fuck are you talking about?


José Antonio Chad was the guy we needed, but he was literally too good and we dont deserve him after literally voting for commies in 6 periods after Allende

They hate the fact of us having the best territory of Latinamerica, geopolitically and resource-wise.

I'm just so fucking baffled that we have tons of Venezuelans coming here and telling us just how AWFUL leftism is and these tards still crave it.

I'll eagerly waiting for the next coup if Guiller wins it, but I'm still preparing a plan just in case the military is too cucked.: operation "run the fuck away to Siberia"

Knowing how is CIA nowadays we would get just anarchy like Libya or Iraq instead of another Pinochet and as a result we would fragment in Easter Island republic, Mapuche republic, Magellan republic, and the Old Chile. Besides Bolivia would have access to the sea.

What would you Americans do if you have to choose between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders?

How commie is Frente Amplio? Maduro/Lula/Dilma/Evo/Cristina tier?

Corrupt as fuck. Even more than his retarded party.
All hail PSRO

Chile-Argentina-Uruguay masterrace Cono Sur alliance when? We would put a big wall on the North.

Yup. But also licks usa ass all day

My body is ready, i would include paraguay too tho

>wanting UCSSR to exist

More like UCSNSR to exist

Nah, chile is cool. Trump has to do a good thing about him because trump is going trump is a good trump and he doesn’t know how trump is going trump is trump trump is going trump is trump trump is the reason he said that it wasn’t the most retarded ever and it is literally the most important reason I don’t want trump and I want it and I want to do it because trump is going trump is a lot trump is a good idea and then he said that it wasn’t the most likely reason trump was a woman and I was like that I don’t see him in that kind or what I said because I was just because I wasn’t able I don’t see what I said

Stay away from our Island, we will happily fight for it

I've known paraguayans and they are the larger group, along with bolivians, that are triggering the genocide down here. I would much rather have them relocated in some island in the Pacific Ocean.


Frente Amplio's idea was born in the wake of the 2011 Student Protests, with the demand of free college as a central idea. Since then, it got very popular because they see in it a tool of social mobility. However, as you would expect on any millenial-suported movement, they have no regards for external debt, they just want to charge taxes to support an ever growing state, and supports cultural marxist bullshit throughly. Numales, feminists, and every specimen Americans know fit here. Think of Bernie Sanders if he was 30 years younger, 80 lbs heavier, and imbued in hatred for anybody minimally more successful than him, and you got Beatriz Sánchez.

Libertarian Republic of San Martin would be great if we help ourselves mutually in purging Allendists and Kirchnerists altogether.


We could form a sort of confederation with restricted borders. Those paraguas earned my respect after they tore the bolitas a new asshole

>Stay away from our Island
>Our island

Mate, at this rate, sooner that later the dispute over the islands won't be between you or we, but of amerindian shitskins or arabs that both gives cero fucks about territory or patriotism. So we better focus on the problems back home, remove them and then proceed to fight over them. Wouldn't you agree?

Here, relocate all the muslims there, bloody total war ensures, islands are left deserted. We take them as payment for solving england shitskin problem

As Long as you dont take advantage of us not looking then sure

Magellan Republic sounds comfy.

I think it's too late for the wall. You already have too many Bolivians kek

what the fuck, chile really got fat in that pic.

Sounds like a win/win, promise them a Sharia paradise there with comfy English welfare and the Argentinians do the rest.

you should take la pampa several europeans have farms there very rich land for those willing to work it

Argentina is no what used to be in the early XX century. Is a shit county with the worse Spanish accent.
Still, I reckon that Patagonia should be a very cool place to live.

>Implying we can't remove them.
>Implying we haven't already done it back in the 70's.
>Implying ALL of argentinians -except of leftists- aren't "racist" and "xenophobic" that want to either kill immigrants or deport them.

But I agree, there are too many of them. But whites always won their wars against other races even when outnumbered.

lol, you're cucked as fuck.

There is no dispute about the islands. It obviously belongs to the UK.

Lurk more and roleplay less, faggot.

>y algunos asumo, son buenas personas

we have an irrational sense of being the best of the best for no reason.
we have the best everything and everybody who talks bad about us is probably a nigger who envy us and our perfect race

So you're fucked. Alejandro Guillier and Beatriz are both journalists.

Fuck you, entreguista. Can't wait for the day of the rope.

>Worse Spanish accent.
Kek, there are 5 spanish accents in Argentina, but I bet you are talking about the porteño... and it's literally the masterrace of all spanish accents: sexy, strong, wide-variety of idioms from catalán and italian... the best one.

Why? Just why?

A fucking journalist. Are you crazy? Journalists in Latin America are commie as fuck. Cuba tier. Expect everything bad for your country, Chile.

Sure. And If there are good people, they are much more needed in their countries, where bad people abound.

I was greentexting trump

Aren't all white places?

I'm already dreading it, you don't have to tell me twice.

And on that topic, Christ, journalism and education faculties are the msot cancerous areas in my college, is it like that everywhere else?

>Fuck you, entreguista
>impliying selling the land to people who can work it, its a bad thing
i detected a fucking pinko

All the high ranking nazis took u-boats to Argentina including Adolph at the end of WWII and have lived there ever since. At least that’s the secret lore I’ve heard. The deepest lore is that they planned a 4th Reich that’s currently underway and Merkels current planned destabilization of Europe through the EU is creating the correct conditions for Hitler 2.0 to rise I. The future. The eternal Kraut is poised to strike again.

>It obviously belongs to the UK.
How does if feel, at the end of the day, to have shitposted something you evidently know nothing about, eh? Leave the dispute to Englishmen and Argentineans or people who actually know facts.

Worst of all, Guillier is just a Nueva Mayoría placeholder. Communist party supports him, and pretty much every Sanchez would do as well to not have Piñera elected; as Kast supporters would support Piñera only to not have Guillier on charge of the country.

We deserve everything bad that happens to us from now on. Our craving for free shit will be our ruin.

I went from socialism to another a possible government of the same, I guess scandinavians countries aren't based either.

Good lord right wingers are dumb.

>selling your land to forgeiners
>not renting it while keeping it state/argentinian owned

Peru is alright though

Go fuck yourself.

t. Brit on holiday

>selling the land to people who can work it
>who can work it
>work it


they arent good people, good people who wants to become argentinians give something in return to the country not take take take until you have enough to go. who let the worst scum enter this country, we accept the problem of other countries its not our responsability taking care of Juanita and his 8 children because Evo wont give his husband a job

>Chile is no longer based! They have cucked themselves for whatever reason.
Please nuke us.

This commie shithole doesn't deserve to live.