

hold me Sup Forums i dont want to get hurt with this



I can't wait for the normies

No studio yet

Get the fuck out.


If they manage to not go overboard with the censoring it might be halfway decent.

Designs look pretty meh

>not go overboard with the censoring
dead before arriving

Could have been worse. At least it's close to the manga's style.
If everything else is good I'd be more than willing to buy the uncensored BDs.

No new information in the registry, it was registered on the 8th of this month by "GMO Internet, Inc." which appears to be associated with Onamae.com, a low cost webhosting company.
There is a blurb on there from the mangaka, Hamada Yoshikadzu. It roughly says, "Congrats to everyone who is working on the anime, I've been working on the series for about 9 years and didn't really expect to see such a huge development. We really appreciate the people who stood up for us and I will continue to work hard [on the manga] so as not to be surpassed by the anime."

Looks nice enough. It'll never look as good as the manga, but still.

Months before it airs, I am telling you fuckers not to ruin this with a god damn 24/7 thread that sucks out discussion

Manga author already made jokes about light beams, so make it whatever you want

Sounds like it's going to air in 2017 Spring season.

Did we know it was airing in April before?

too late

By the looks of it, they're going with art direction that's meant to be simpler. Best case scenario it's because it makes fights easier to animate, worst case that it's just because they're cheap fucks. It's probably the latter, hope gone.

i.e. nothing to see here

>you fuckers
Somehow I doubt we'll still be the only posters in the threads while its airing.

It will be shit if it doesnt have mob pyscho or OPM tier fighting animation

> litterally just traced over the last cover of Yoshikazu

So lazy.

At the very least, it should be interesting to see all this old content with the artstyle resembling the more recent chapters.

For comparison

rest in peace highlights
you were killed in the name of money

looks like Arms, david, or Silver Link
aka, it's gonna be bad

No staff and not even studio revealed ? Houkai soon lol.

And it looks like shit.
At least I hope this boost the manga sales, for the sake of based Yoshikadu.

looks bad

It's going to be Silver Link isn't it?

I just hope it won't be too popular that yoshikadu is gonna be forced to prolong it.

this looks like traced fan art

>wont even make it past some of the more boring early chapters

Kiriha's generic face makes me think it's gonna be Arms.

If its Arms you can guarantee that they'll go all out.

it'll also look like shit

Oh user, I don't think you'll have to worry about that.

When was the last good looking they've produced?

Let's see...
>Censored/Omitted content with good animation
>Uncensored/Faithful content with bad animation

If you retards can fap to DxD despite how fucking shitty it looks you shouldn't be complaining.

Valkyrie Drive

Wizard Barristers' first episode


This just in: the anime's keyframes will literally just be traced manga panels.

You said their last best looking show not best looking as a whole. Also that shit was lewd as fuck.

Nah, I don't see how bad animation is acceptable just so that you can masturbate to ecchi like a nerd

It was absolute garbage on every front

>Needing good animation to fap

Your options are very limited

Meanwhile at KyoAni adapting another Montly Action property.

looks like another generic sameface

Are we going to get to see animated labias?

Just imagine the threads on Sup Forums if KyoAni adapted Tsugumomo.

I don't watch anime to fap

Not like the source is any better.



Are we going to see animated pillow girl?

it's not generic k-on face

It's still generic.

Chapter 94 and 95 are still not translated. I mean chapter 95 just came out but what happened to 94?

the manga is generic but now that is done by kyoani will be called masterpiece

raws guy got his montly action magazine fucked up and cant scan it

I expected nothing and yet i am still dissapointed, the only way to save this is if they faithfully follow the fanservice, because you can already tell it wont be good to look at or will have the budget for good action scenes, nor the staff or guts for a visually interesting style/storyboards, but rather something simple and bland that will at best use manga panels for the key art, so fanservice is the only thing that can save it.


Well I'm disappointed because they look bad, but at the same time they could have looked worse and I was expecting them to be shit anyway.
I hope you're all looking forward to the death of the threads because we're on a way trip to shitpost city.

Good thing I never read them

My only questions are: what studio and will there be nipples?

>what studio
We don't know.
>will there be nipples
Yoshi hints/jokes that there will be lightbeam censors.

With ARMS, nudity is at least 100% guaranteed.

Lightbeams means the BD could uncensored.

Why are you here there?

I just wanted a new chapter.

Not him but I don't really fap to Tsugumomo anymore, I just admire the artwork. It honestly inspires me.

Of course I'm still interested in the current story as well.

Am I the only one that thinks the manga is better without the fanservice?

Plz be real

will there be nipples?

94 and 95 are out now, but no raws

Nope, it's fake. Everyone in this thread just got rused hard.

just 3dcg this shit.

no rush, as scanlators keep the good job, there's no need to hurry

Yea, because that worked for Beserk.

Studio Satellite.

No anime deserves that fate

Fuck you


Looks good

Seems like Production IMS
>Masou Gakuen H x H
>Testament of new devil sister
>Date A Live

What kind of fucking retard translates a title?

Oh god please no.

This is an important question:

Is Kiriha taller than Kazuya?

They can do good action when they try. Seen on Active Raid, and a very limited amount of times in Hundred and Masou Gakuen
Nothing on the level of Flip Flappers, MP100 or other shows with great action animation, but nor bad either
Of course, keyword here is when they try.
They often don't even bother

>It will forever be remembered as waifu pandering garbage

>Active Raid
That's all Orange you god damn fucboi. And if Hundred and HxH is anything to go by then this shit is dead on arrival.

> still managed to fuck up the expressions

Are you fucking kidding me. Kiriha's expression is QUALITY tier.

So no way it's gonna be xebec then?

>the manga is generic
Yeah, because there is plenty of manga with dragons being maids.



The girls in this get their pussies spread wide open every couple of chapters. it's safe to say this will be a much less lewd adaptation.

It's pretty much a redraw with less detail. Why are you complaining so much?

>eyebrows under bangs in manga
>eyebrows over bangs in anime

Explain this shit.

> Why are you complaining so much?
Because they've obsessed over and idolized Hamada so much that even the slightest differences from his artwork is a sin against God. Expect anime threads to be full of inane nitpicking over any and all drawings that aren't literally perfect, zooming in on background characters, framestepping to get smears during action scenes, etc.