It's me or the civnat and skeptic ranks are quickly getting smaller and smaller and the far right ranks are getting...

It's me or the civnat and skeptic ranks are quickly getting smaller and smaller and the far right ranks are getting bigger and bigger?
Am I imagining this because I spend too much time here or is it true?

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Just read a post where Faith Goldy talks about how she can no longer morally support civic nationalism.

You are correct.


The fire rises.

its just 1 person and since she moves to our side we notice her. i dont know if that means a significant shift

1 bump

i guess i shouldve added faith goldy in the title to bait the bots

The fire is rising

Yup it's true. As the Jewish gets arrogant and pushes so quickly there is lots of backlash

This, when the result of policies is ethnocide or genocide then it is essentially those things.

Would Stalin still have been evil had he only castrated the Ukrainians? Of course. The result is the same.

This is a natural progression. We will continue to slide further and further into extremes until something happens.

As long as the status quo is maintained we won't be satisfied with our current positions and will seek out more extreme positions, even from a perspective of negotiating to a half-way point.

If feminists want a 100% victory and mras are willing to settle for an egalitarian 50%, then where will they meet?
At 75% of course.

If Mgtow want a 0% feminist victory. Where will they meet?

>its just 1 person
Well yeah, Faith Goldy is just one person. But she's part of a larger trend. That Lauren Rose girl recently made the same move. Most of the rest of the people haven’t made an official “announcement” like Faith did here, but they’ve nonetheless made a noticeably drift to the right over the last year. Even people like Molymeux and Lauren Southern have begun overtly expressing sympathies towards ethno-nationalism. I realize that’s mostly women I just listed, but that’s because most of the men had already made the shift. Sure, there’s some stragglers like PJW and Gavin McInnes, but overall the civnat/alt-light movement is dwindling.

feels good. when pretty women join in, its sign a movement is taking steam.

seeing Trump get demonized for talking about border security made a lot of people say fuck it, might as well go all the way with it

It's just you. Get off this satirical site once in a while before your family abandons you.

Damn, I hadn't seen that tweet before. Feels good indeed.

I wonder how much of the shilling on this board is really done by /ourguys/ as a psyop because they realize that when most people see this kind of shilling it only motivates them (under the assumption that this level of shilling would only occur if (((they))) were starting to get worried)

I want to sex her.


I believe in the ideals of Civnat but the continued anti-white prejudice isn't making it easy. I always feel like I take a defensive stance whenever a SJW tries to demonize white people and that makes it difficult to maintain a more neutral CivNat perspective

The situation is radicalized to the point that we may not be able to contain it. Cucks will not survive.

That's because civ nat only works in a racially homogenous nation (ironic right?). Race cannot be on public consciousness for civ nat to work. It's a self adefeating system.

anybody has some data or some sort on the topic of that growth?

No, civnat works in a population with stable demographics - for example 80% whites, 20% others, staying like that over centuries.
It cannot work when whites are dying out (but still in power) and the amount of nonwhites is rapidly increasing.

of some sort*

i thought she was an e-celeb attention whore but after seeing this tweet im signing up for her patreon. we need more BASED women

Civic nationalism and empire at home are two of the dumbest ideas in history and it won't be long until they are in the dustbin of history or only feature in the colonies of nations with real empires.

That's becoming more and more evident and I blame the Tumblr crowd a few years back for normalizing identity politics. It was hard enough being civ nat with shit like quotas and affirmative action beforehand.

Identity Politics -> Black Live Matter -> Lefty Gay Shit -> Demonization of Straights/Whites ->Inevitable blowback

Identity Politics started this shit and it wasn't Sup Forums that popularized it in the public consciousness

A lot of good Civ Nats have reluctantly slided towards the alt lite even if they won't admit it. Shit

I've known a lot of civnat and just generally conservative people for a while. They're absolutely starting to wake up, not necessarily to the JQ, but at least to the demographic problem. But the way we're doing it now is working IMO. The second everyone starts burning crosses or dylan roofing, we start to lose these people again. Red pill the world slowly, and support the Raise Act for now is, IMO, the best route

Identity politics were played by Jews from the start. That's the only kind of politics they know - Shtadtlanut, ethnic lobbying. (((They))) taught identity politics to shitskins and started a war against whites.

Identity politics is inevitable when your nation is home to a race with the strongest collective identity in the world.

hell my GF who went to the uni is naturally getting more and more to the right. She said to me she wants to move to an all white area and more recently she said 'I hope the far right does some kind of putsch'

The scariest part is I haven't at all tried to influence her, she learned this on her own

I just wish we had data on that growth i love stats

Ask her where she learned it so we know what works on women best.

I try to interact with normies regularly on politics to make sure I'm still sane, to 'keep my finger on the pulse' so to speak, and maybe edge them further right. I generally keep my power level hidden (I never go 100% at all except with other people I know are similar). Despite these faggots virtue signalling on normiebook and stuff about muh drumpfph, in private they talk about how immigration is a problem and they form their own communities to exclude us white folk. How immigrants drive down wages and make it so Canadians can't find jobs.
I'm not talking about this happening every now and then and me being surprised, but actually almost the majority of people my age (mid 20s) have expressed these opinions to me.
You could argue that most of the friends I make would already be somewhat right leaning, and that may be fair, but probably have more lefty friends than right but they still express these opinions.

I'm almost convinced at this point it's because they're retarded and are misled by the media. They seem to think all right-wingers are literal rural and suburban retarded christfags, while liberals are the good guys who are a little bit too PC and don't want to be called racist when dealing with the immigration problem. That and they think marijuana and gay marriage should be human rights.
They are literally only lefties for weed and gay marriage and stupid trivial bullshit like that. I'm starting to think that as soon as those issues are pushed through and conservatives aren't rallying around that anymore, and only fight immigration, they will jump hard right.

when the subject occurs sure I'll ask but i dont want to put too much politics in my couple. thats why i never tried to influence her in the first place. I already spend enough time obsessing over this it's a relief to talk about other stuff with her

The right wing has a bad image, and a lot of people struggle to seperate the right from what people like john stewart told them was "the right." Honestly, if we ran people in swing districts (or whatever you canucks use as an equivelent) that were pro-weed and pro-gay marriage, but anti-immigration, they'd win in land slides.

People are afraid of the far-right cuz they don't want Maria the Mexican from work getting put in a van and executed. At the same time they live in all white neighborhoods and make tacit jokes about how they'd never go to "that side of town." If we're trying to seriously take control of this situation we need to use this to our advantage, not find ridiculous hills to die on

those next 15 years are going to be interesting

True Conservatism and/or Cuckservatism are killing the Right.

Do you know how many gays are disgusted at the LGBT movement and are basically right wing in all but a few social issues? How do not care for those transgender demons in California?

Same with African Americans and Latinos. These people can and do shift to the right on various issues and have fewer loyalties to the Left than some might think

Honestly I just want to do butt stuff with my white husband in an all white country. Is that too much to ask for?

It's true, the problems are becoming to big to ignore. The more sensible and courageous of the bunch are seeing the light and making the change

At the very least it's a vindication of our ideas, maybe our irreverent shitposting had no effect but the most compelling views were hardened here

Fuck off fag

civic nationalism always leads to ethno nationalism


If you kept it to yourself and acted as a bachelor in public life people wouldn't care. Nobody wants to see two men marrying though, marriage exists both as a contract between families and as a legal incentive to procreate. Gay marriage accomplishes neither

We National Socialists know that in holding these views we take up a revolutionary stand in the world of today and that we are branded as revolutionaries. But our views and our conduct will not be determined by the approbation or disapprobation of our contemporaries, but only by our duty to follow a truth which we have acknowledged. In doing this we have reason to believe that posterity will have a clearer insight, and will not only understand the work we are doing today, but will also ratify it as the right work and will exalt it accordingly.

>we have reason to believe that posterity will have a clearer insight, and will not only understand the work we are doing today, but will also ratify it as the right work and will exalt it accordingly.

The only way they held onto power is that from 1945 until now they controlled the transfer of knowledge. The internet is fucking up the kikes plan.
We'll be victorious soon.
ctrl+f civic nationalism