US debt at 20.53 trillion $

>go to sleep
>6h later it grew by 30 billion$

I love these big jumps. Hopefully, it will hit 21 trillion by New Years

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good thread

Trump is doing Putin's bidding and trying to bankrupt America.

He's bringing back annual trillion dollar budget deficits within 2 years.

Definitely a genius plan to blow up the deficit by trillions to give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations

that curve looks suspiciously the same as the value of bitcoin

Who owns the debt?


This is a lie tbqh senpai

holy fucking shit

ok you just went to far with the correlation

> to blow up the deficit by trillions to give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations

yea i agree

Ya ya we know we’re fucked, we stopped caring years ago.

How about stop fucking spending money they don't have? Typical leaf post.

its chinese jews

thats the true red pill

Only 5 trillion $ is owned by foreigners and China is 1.1 trillion, same as Japan.

>Trump is doing putin's bidding
Stop right there lead the hillary dossier got debunked and that was the CRUX of the left's russia/trump conspiracy theory. So you can go hang yourself from your financed wife's son's house ceiling.

A nice fantasy.


you know thats what history books will teach
the winning side writes the history

The debt doesn't mean anything for our economy it's totally moot with how most of it foreign owned and they're not going to get us to pay up considering our military power.

Oh boy, wait til you see this...

>The debt doesn't mean anything for our economy


This is why u can't trust Republicans with money

This. I can't make myself get worked over about it anymore. I mean seriously, is 20 trillion really that much worse than 10 trillion? They're both numbers that are so huge they're literally incomprehensible.

Wait till later this week when Net Neutrality beheaded. Surely even the magapedes should have a problem with this..

>he thinks I'm a conservanigger
A conservative would whine about the debt as if it were a real problem like you are.

Lol nah I have for these fucking retards I've seen them buying into all the shill propaganda on here regarding net neutrality. They think ajit poo is their "based indian". These fuckers are going to destroy the internet. Wheres that German fatass Kim now?

I have *no hope*

>These fuckers are going to destroy the internet.
we are a minority here leaf
most of Sup Forums will not get this
based trump is against NN, so they too

i personally welcome it
i am a Sup Forums addict an i need to recover my freedom

To add, all money issues are red herrings. All world currencies are fiat and the traditional understand of economics only applies to shit like gold standard. The "Nixon Shock" freed the US from this in 1971. They don't want you knowing about that because money is a key tool in keeping people anxious and afraid and scared people are easy to manipulate.
>join the military and die for Israel if you're poor!!

Aside from right wing retards ability to vote, the budget deficit is America's greatest vulnerability. One that China and Russia seek to exploit in order to one day remove the USD as the global reserve currency, thus tremendously damaging America's economic dominance

Who cares
Reroll the global economy and cut out the Jews

Every government inevitably defaults on its debt

EVERY GOVERNMENT, the only exception in the entirety of human history was communist Romania in the 1980's