Why do millennials want to live under socialism?

Why do millennials want to live under socialism?

Do they not know it's bound to fail?

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Because they haven't experienced it, it's just naive ignorance. They are unhappy in the most prosperous system humans have managed, yet they still blame the system.

because they are living in poverty and they want everyone else to join them

no lie that is a 0/10 soe

teachers push communism from preschool through university

Millennial reporting.
I want a system that will violently fail and I hope to be among the lives lost during it's failure.

tl;dr: I want to die

Go kill Somalian pirates.

Failure loves company.

Because the current " capitalist " system offers them crumbs. Shit. Nothing.
So they want something, anything else, that might give them some kind of quality of life.
The boomers have destroyed everything, ironically with their left wing socialist bullshit.
But the kids don't know this.
They think we live in a pure capitalist society and this is just how capitalism should look.
And it sucks ass.

That's too much effort. I want my death to come to me quickly and also ruin millions of lives

Are you retarded?

i'm a millennial and i want socialism because it works for poor people. privatization only works for the rich and fucks the poor see: health care, education, retirement, etc. i could go on. america is behind in social services to literally every other advanced nation in the world. what everyone sees on reality TV like the kardashians or trumps is enjoyed by a handful of people while everyone else is going bankrupt to a preexisting condition or a $5,000 payday loan.

in short, Sup Forums is against socialism because it will help women and brown people, despite it helping poor white people, too. /pol is social darwinist and willing to die and cause chaos for the continued concentration of power into white, male hands.

It's just the cycle of societies, the generation born during the next great crisis caused by their parents will be wiser again.

>They think we live in a pure capitalist society and this is just how capitalism should look.

isn't capitalism letting money do what it wants? you're naive if you think free market competition is at all possible without government regulation and intervention. you think multi billion dollar corporations want to compete with each other for profits rather than merge into monopolies to maximize them to as few hands as possible?

commie fuck

Are you fucking retarded?

Ultraliberalism ruined out planet.
There is no post-scarcity since the Earth is finite.
Anyone with any concerns about ecology would know that if we don't do something quick, we are fucked.

We already live in that system user; It's called capitalism

SPBP. You get raked last leaf.

It's not doing it fast enough. Obvi. I'm still alive.

Holy shit a sane response. Congrats user, you aren't a fucking halfwit like the rest of these edgy faggots LARPing as dimwitted free marketeers

Capitalism will inevitably fall. Just need a few more banking crises for the neoliberal class to exploit and you'll be in the shitter along with every other person as the middle and working class is dying.

>not tomorrow
Well can someone come murder me then? I'd an hero but I don't love myself enough to do that.

Are you stupid? Getting taxed 55% is not funny. Imagine working half a year for the gibs of Niggers, while getting a 10% reduction on your next hospital visit. Work for yourself or bite a bullet failure

nothing wrong with helping another fellow countrymen. wats wrong with socialism combined with natioanlism? if ur not a little bit socialist ur a a globalist/neocon

Bitch, Paris Hilton just built a multimillion dollar house for her fucking dogs. Guillotines.

Because they sense their imminent demise at the hands of automation, but naively believe that something can be done to prevent the impending purge of humanity in the coming decades. As though the "humans" in charge have any control any longer.

One last Hurrah of pretending that human lives actually matter before the systematic elimination proceeds.


it's the boomers/gen x trying to implement it. millennials aren't in any positions of political power yet.

slave morality

Most millennials are a bunch of worthless political science graduates with absolutely no real world skills apart from being triggered

Of course they'd jump to a system where the state pays you for existing and you get jobs based on a lottery rather than on merit

So she's a stupid ditz that deserves neither money or security, obviously.

Are you stupid? Why don't you go start a business in Somalia where they don't tax you for shit. Then try to open that same business up in Sweden where they tax you 50%. Chances are your business will do a lot better in Sweden then Somalia.

>Are you stupid? Getting taxed 55% is not funny.
hmm get taxed 55% for no hospital bills or live in constant fear of an unforeseeable accident or not yet diagnosed preexisting condition bankrupting me and my family into homelessness. nah i'm not stupid or a nazi willing to die for the rich, i'd rather get taxed 55% tax because i make peanuts anyway.

the only people whining about tax are dumb republican voters and millionaires who stand to lose more than i do from high taxes. your days are numbered, you materialistic, useful idiot. millennials are not as stupid as you are and are overwhelmingly in favor of redistributing wealth from the top down

>Most millennials are a bunch of worthless political science graduates
More likely Gender Studies or similar nonsense but yeah

>Chances are your business will do a lot better in Sweden then Somalia.
Doubt it - either way you're serving niggers

Stop posting her everyday, you faggot asshole

>get taxed 55% for no hospital bills
oh you seppo leftards are so naive

you're still going to be paying out of pocket for lots of shit, if they don't just leave you to die on the waiting room floor

Millennials don't have the idea that they can control their economic success.
Their parents handed them a system where there aren't enough decent jobs to even give one to every white person (even though there are hundreds of thousands of immigrants pouring in every year), these decent jobs aren't stable anymore because companies restructure every 14 months, and you can't even afford to imitate your parents' lifestyle when you do have a job.
Without the belief that they can control whether they succeed or not the only way to remove that uncertainty from your life is to have a guarantee that it will be given to you.

Even if you don't like their conclusion, claiming they're reaching it because they're stupid or brainwashed is dodging the actual issue.

People are self interested. If you are well off you generally are conservative, poorer are generally more liberal. In both cases resources, money and power is shifted towards a class of people. If it benefits them, they support it.

They have no concept of anything. You can take any subject and see that. 60% of millennials should be gassed. We need WWIII to get rid of them.

because growing up with memorized behaviors and trained aspirations as your only source of value creates hell'a complacency.

>Of course they'd jump to a system where the state pays you for existing and you get jobs based on a lottery rather than on merit
yeah that's why we hired the most stupid, unqualified white man baby literally in charge of the world rather than the most qualified, intelligent and manipulative woman that has ever existed.

>no hospital bills
You wish faggot. You get reductions, like I said around 10% if it matters. Your braces will still cost around 25K, but now you work double the time for it. Admit it, you have no idea what socialism is

2008 crash

they haven't lived under it
worst case they will soon
problem will solve itself

We pay almost 18% of the GDP in healthcare services in the United States, yet our healthcare system is fucking shitty. France pays 8% of the GDP yet you don't see people dying on the streets because they can't afford it. Wonder what Republicans don't tell you? It's that most of the 8% France uses for GDP is used for actually taking care of people while most of the 18% of GDP in the United States is used to pay the administrative costs of the private sector. Taxing isn't even the problem, its the fact that the taxes have always gone to the elites rather than the middle and working class

But most of them are rich white and upper middle class and still live at home

Because they've been taught not to think and to just accept what they're told by people in positions of authority who are just as "anti-establishment" as they are. Thanks to them not being able to think they don't understand that they're useful idiots of the establishment they think they can overthrow. It's embarrassing.

Cause they don't work and pay taxes and own nothing. Why not have government steel some from hard working people it's easier

they had shit parents who let them do whatever and now they crave someone controlling their lives. prove me wrong, you can't.

i was raised with an iron fist and no desire for people telling what to thing and interfering in every aspect of my life.

Parents who grew up in the 80s who's parents grew up in the 60s. Metal heads raised by pot heads. What could go wrong.

News for you college boy, France hospitals are shit. Austrias the same. You wait up to 10 hours to see a doc in the ER while Niggers on welfare are blocking paying member of society. What you seem to argue for is closing loopholes, for that da rich would pay their 18% instead of 3% and getting tax backs for donating to an (((NGO))) handing grants to their rich business asociates

National Socialism led to an economic miracle in the 1930s

>What could go wrong.
literally my life
thank fuck i noticed from a young age and distanced my self from all those people. makes it hard to have a social life though since 9/10 times i cant keep my mouth shut and people cant handle my opinions.

Here in America hospital near me 20mi from Detroit of all places emergency waiting room is always empty. You go straight to triage. You usually get a room to your self and have a menu to chose from for a meal for extended stay. Your own tv with cable wifi connections. We pay $900/mo in insurance.

damn. even if you're trolling, i always envisioned a future kind of like that.

Comedy Central told them to like it. It's that simple.

They think socialism means govt services that help people out, not seizing the means of production, distribution and exchanging.

They grew up getting everything they wanted from their parents, simply for existing. Now that they are adults they want the same to continue, except now they want the government to take the place of their adoring parents.

They've never been exposed to hardship of niggerdom and nigger governments.

Most of them live in white hipster communities in the far-northern US.

Typical Catalonian. Franco didn't kill enough.

>Why do millennials want to live under socialism?
24/7 jew media brainwashing.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

In many cases the poor are poor because they're a bunch of stupid niggers who get their paycheck and waste it the next day on 200 dollar sneakers or rims for their broken down 1997 chevy caprice. You know why we're "behind" in social services? Because other western nations don't have a massive nigger problem sucking money out of the system.

What do you think we're helping by tossing money at a problem? Its the teach a man to fish vs. give a man a fish axiom, and lazy or low IQ niggers will do just about anything to get a free handout. They don't have high standards for their standard of living. As long as they have a free government smart phone, a big screen TV to watch their niggerball games, and some extra money for weed they're happy. Food stamps and subsidized housing covers the rest of their pathetic existence and we bilk money from productive and hard working members of society to pay these lazy fat niggers to sit around being retarded.

you're assuming they were educated by people with brains rather than people who sucked so hard at life they could only make a living by teaching teenagers instead of using their knowledge/skills in their profession

it's not entirely millenials fault they weren't taught critical thinking or proper history, and were surrounded by decades of mind numbing entertainment

but it is their fault that they're dumber than rabbits when they have all the knowledge of humanity a mere click or swipe away and reject anything trying to talk some sense into them

so we'll have to put them in concentration camps

Are you retarded

Hillary was the one of worst possible candidates in the history of American politics
That's pretty much the only reason Trump won

Also from your second statement it seems your one of those snowflakes that confuses skill, worth and intelligence with something as arbitrary as qualification or being a corrupt politician for your entire life

Because something like 3 million people produce enough food for 1 billion. And there's more vacant homes than homeless people. Apart from energy production everyone else is mostly just doing busy work.
We really live in a different technological era than even just 50 years ago. The biggest problem facing developed economies is making up new bullshit jobs for people to do because dumbasses doing busy work don't want anyone else to get away with getting anything for "free" from the massive production we have.

Because we were educated by marxists that okd faggots like yourself allowed to poison our young minds. Only a few like myself managed to avoid this by dropping out of the education system.

Now the retarded millennials who couldnt finish high school are the only ones worth half a shit.

you are going to be physically removed. you can go eat your soy products in your faggot collective and die off as nature intended

this is true, I cannot even remember hearing any pro capitalist ideas or arguments in all my time in "education"

milton friedman should be taught to every 1st grader

no, you are

normies are so ungrateful.
they don't know history, technology, or entrepreneurship.

It barely works in a country full of white people.

Socialism attracts niggers like food attracts insects. The niggers it attracts will break it down.

Look at how many Latin American countries have tried it just because socialism sounds nice or cool.

Socialism has failed in Latin America because there are simply too many niggers and not enough whites.

Fidel Castro implements socialism in Cuba but ends up scaring all the "white" Cubans to Miami. All he has left as niggers. Fidel then puts his son in charge of modernizing the country and his son fails for the fact that the country just has too high of a nigger population.

For socialism to work you need a carefully bred white/eurasian population that has had all the nigger bred out of them. They must genetically close to each other.

All those socialist "dream states" in Scandinavia and Western Europe on the verge of collapse. They're gonna break soon. They're getting less white every day. The system was designed for whites but it ended up being inherited by niggers.

hurry up and move to venezeula, see how wonderful your utopia is

as long as there's two people that need to exchange goods or services, capitalism will always exist

the rent seekers and current banking system will fall however

free helicopter rides for you parasites

I don't know if they do.
But those that do are like small children (like all lefties) who stamp their little feet and squeal "it's not faaaaiiiir" when the world doesn't match their childish expectations.
Being utter fuck wits they believe the left wing totalitarians when they promise to be fair and equal to all little piggies, they don't guess that some little piggies will have it a lot fairer than others.

why would I want to start a business in a country where it would be looted by low iq thugs the next day?

somalia would be shit to be in with or without taxes

I'd rather set up shop on the moon and trade with ayy lmaos

Does my bum look big in this?
No dear (would you just get a move on you fat cow)

wow, work for half a year for free to enjoy the "benefits" of a subpar congested medical system that you may use once in your life and is likely to be your direct cause of death, how wonderful!

why not take extra precautions to take care of yourself, get health insurance and see the doctor of your choice?

forgot your picture of steve o

Math is RACIST. They can not count.

Socialism may fail. But capitalism has already failed us.

probably because they see capitalism all crony and shit

and they think somehow the government is going to provide better service with no competitors than the private sector competing to provide the best service

the post office can't even deliver a parcel on weekends

>the most prosperous system humans have managed

Yeah, it's so great everybody fucking hates it and wants to switch to socialism. Awesome!

>Why do millennials want to live under socialism?

1: They don't understand economic.
2: They don't know history.
3: They're oblivious to the state of Venezuela.
4: They're desperate because the economy has been fucked by the boomers and they don't think there's any way they'll be able to support themselves without the government taking care of them as though they were an invalid.

I wish there was a way to send all you cunts to live in the USSR

I am a millenial and the high school social studies teacher used to show john stossel. This was 2007

That's communism. We want democratic socialism. Like Norway.

We live in the purest capitalist society that has ever existed and it's shit, because capitalism is shit.

1) this system doesn't "work" for them.
2) they were raised on video games.
3) They think that life has a reset button or a "do over" feature.
4) they want to try something else
4) socialism is that something else.

>you are going to be physically removed
Funny thing, if socialism does come, I would imagine capitalists would get the icepick first.


Norway is capitalist

I'm sorry to tell you but your education system and your country has failed you.

Early post-revolution America was pretty seriously libertarian, and medieval Iceland was full-on ancap.

But yeah, we're going pretty well with the whole capitalism thing overall. We're in the most prosperous time in all of human history.

ok, so you want to be an unproductive country that creates nothing like norway

how is that different from canada?
land of the frozen retard

or you know, the current system doesn't fucking work for them.

Every country is a mix of capitalist and socialist.

Why because I forgot to put an S on the end of economics?

Or is this what suffices for trolling in this day and age?

Why should the system "work" for people who don't want to work in the first place?