Has woman finally surpassed man?

Has woman finally surpassed man?

If pic is related, then quite literally no. In any strength based sport. Anywhere.

lol no

What sort of retard wears that shirt?

If that was a guy I'd grab her and give her a wedgie or something ...just to put some sense into her.

Of course, since its a female, I'd be doing a life senate for abusing women.

And she's at the fucking GYM...can't she see every guy there lifting 5x what she does?...stoopid bitch.

that's an insecure roastie who is trying to be "cute"

seeing as how there are transexuals that look better than women id say they lost the race a long time ago no homo though

>Has woman finally surpassed man?

Yes, they have surpassed men in cringeyness.

She probably is stronger than boys.
I bet she could kick any 5 year olds ass for sure.

>Skinny arms.

So how much weight is on that barbell?

Not with those noodle arms unless this is what she meant by "the boys"

Man has even surpassed woman at being woman.

Is that Caitlyn Jenner?

Stronger than 10 y/o boys but not stronger than men

Her shit is bragging about being stronger than children, so no.

>doing a life senate

Ignorance is strength

>stronger than boys
boys aren't mens, how is that an accomplishment?

Extremely underrated

She's probably stronger than prepubescent boys, yes.

Daddy issues...eh?

>the boys
I notice it doesn't say "the men"

Would wrestle until penetration-win

Ummkay lil texas


I don't know if she's stronger than the boys but she's definitely better to look at in the gym.

specially those transgender "female" athlete

Never go full coyote.

>doing a life senate


they're earning more money, doing better at school and making the transition into adulthood faster and better
so in a way yes
but at the same time, the top dogs are always men, still today, they make more discoveries, more bussines etc etc
so it's a mixed bag
women in general have surpassed man, but man in particular still surpass women

>doing a life senate

I remember when the "strongest woman in the world" was beaten in arm wrestling by random chads in a bar.
Cool stuff.

Read: Women mature faster, Men mature better.

>doing a life senate for abusing women
It's true abusive men tend to obtain powerful positions

Let's see...
>More fit
>More educated
>More proactive
>Bigger income
>Less degenerate
>Less likely to racemix
Yeah, I believe bois are fucked. The era of patriarchy is finally over.

I always wanted to be a powerful man but then I realized all of the sexual, physical and psychological abuse I'd have to practice on women with some degree of regularity and it's all just kind of "meh" now. Maybe if I was Jewish it would all make more sense. Weinstein for example gave zero fucks and the shitskas were compliant, all thots submitted. Bill Clinton isn't Jewish but he is a ruralite. Maybe that would suffice.

>life senate

If I ever saw her, I'd beat the shit out of her.

>doing a life senate