Boomer Hate Thread

It's come to my attention that this board has been flooded recently with many old age faggots.

This is a thread dedicated to the niggers that have ruined so much in such a short amount of time by being complete sheeple and buying into the NWO marxist bullshit fed to them 100% then having the nerve to blame it on the younger generation trying to fix their massive fuck-ups.

These disgusting old piece of shit are newfagging up this board RIGHT NOW.

Other urls found in this thread:

boomers gave us "millies", the first gen. completely immersed by boomer(hippie) doctrination from cradle to fuckin grave.

Gen z is truly the last hope for humanity. As a bonus, by the time they come of age the disgusting useless boomer niggers should finally all be dead.

you can't despise the boomer(read:hippie) w/o despising their awful spawn, the millie.

>Gen z
if such salvation ever occurs, then I believe you are correct

Gen Z is being taught by boomers and millennials, they're fucked unless they apply critical thinking to their teachings, something 99% of people don't do.

Gen x wagecucks should keep their mouths shut like they did their whole lives. Mules don't talk they just chase the carrot. Only millennial mgtows are worth anything.

Inb4 muh hard work is manly

I am Gen-Z
I was born 1999
I hope my generation realy brings a new order to this world. A more fair one.
I guess only time will tell.

keep redpilling your friends and don't fall for the civic nationalism meme and you'll be good.

This. They won't be ready to swallow the redpill till they've voted in 2 or 3 (((progressive))) politicians and ny then it'll be too late

I gumshoed and found Carmen when you turds were in diapers drinking Soy Milk.
I died on the binary Oregon Trail.
Z has a long way to go to catch up with X.
But you fags never experienced Pantera or a good mosh pit at Ozzfest.
So you will always be weak, sorry.

i'm a gen-x elder and have millie kids through z and only the z is based one b/c she was homeschooled. you have tpo get them out of their clutches in the imnpressionable stage.

that's fucking important too.

boomer/hippies had the most advantages in the history of mankind.(segregated communities/schools/no affirmative action, etc.) and in their insolence and privilege, burned all the bridges behind them, forever fucking the white, civilized world in the US.

Moshing circa 1995
Moshing on The Phil Donahue Show (1995):


>"But we seem to be losing everything that made us great. Back in the day, we crushed uppity Russian empires, no thanks to commie-hugging liberals who told us that the Reds loved their children too."

>"You had a chance to fix all of this and instead you’ve chosen to never move out of your parents’ houses and to just sit around and invent new pronouns for genders that don’t exist."

1999 is millenial bud, sorry to tell you
2000 and on is gen z

That's true. We do. That's also why we are the last generation to actually own anything we've worked for.

Eh, I consider myself Gen Z but I'm an old fogey from 95

Fixed that for you

If you hate boomers so much, you'll have your chance in the next market correction. They have to retire but they don't have enough money.

They're drunk on the prospect of 16% growth on mutual funds right now. They have to sell if it crashes. They have no choice. They no longer can wait to recover as their age catches up to them.

See you guys later. I've got profit to make.

I wasn't sure if the hippies were the same in destroying Europe as our burger boomer/hippies, but their effects are surely similar.

I have a 22 y/o and a 12 and they can't relate to each other at all.

Yes, the boomers are problematic, Comrade. Cultural revolution is just what the Commissar ordered. Soon...

wow, what a bitter dumb-fuck.


Soy Intensifies!!!

Oh god that stupid fucking beard

Facial hair under 40 is degenerate

>make money from boomer tears


>gen z
>Generation Z is the demographic cohort after the Millennials. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends, but demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to mid-2000s as starting birth years.
why are Southerners so dumb

>I consider myself Gen Z
What a perfectly Millennial thing to say.

>facial hair under 40 is degenerate

t. beardless soy goy manlet

those are far too white, needs more 56% mongloid nigger face.